Here’s your Quote of the Day from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, not so much of THIS day as of a day four months ago, but, hey, I only discovered it today with the assistance of the AgainstMensRights subreddit. Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell a “public organ-orifice” is and/or how an AVALANCHE can “blare.”
Quite and excellent comment indeed!
And onward marches the World’s Greatest Guaranteed Top Quality Human Man Rights Man-Movement of the Twenty-First Century!
Bloop. Oh well thanks for answering. I’m just all ‘whyyyyy?*’ on the taking control w/o talking.
*not an actual question, but like a frustrated noise? idk I’m kinda tired and probably making no sense whatsoever.
Marie: you’re making sense. I think these dudes just take away the wrong ideas from porn. Nt talking might look kind of hot there, but not out here in the real world.
I wonder how long it will take for a troll to start whining about how we’re denigrating male sexuality OMG eleventy.
Anecdotal I know, but all the guys I encountered back in the day who seemed to have no sense at all of the normal flow of things and how to initiate stuff that you’d like to try were guys who watched more porn than average. Sex with them was just really awkward they seemed to have no idea how to respond when a woman doesn’t want to go along with their pre-set script, and no ability to improvise.
@lightcastle: “But lots of people really like believing that what they do is super awesome and special, and anyone who does different just isn’t as cool as they are.”
LOL true!
@Cassandra: “And then there’s the stuff that’s just confusing, like smacking your cock on things. I’m told this is a porn thing? ”
I thought it was an MRA rageboner troll trying to type thing.
@hellkell: makes sense that Biscuit would look at his most angelic when he’s just been Ebil Rampage Kitten. I think it’s one of the first things their mothers teach them.
Never figured out what it is with cats and dishracks. Mamie used to like sleeping in ours when it was put away on top of the fridge.
sadly, for many it isn’t that easy. I have a hard time vocalizing what I want if a guy just goes “hey, I’ll just do that, if she doesn’t like it she’ll say so”.
That’s why I usually talk about that issue beforehand, but it happens that they conveniently forget about it, or don’t take it seriously enough.
And then I just wonder “do I like this? Does it matter if I like it when I wasn’t asked? What If they’re mad if I stop?”
Many don’t say anything because they don’t want to ruin the mood for the other one, which doesn’t make sense, but it is hard to stop thinking a certain way once you’re used to.
TomBcat: I’m sorry it’s hard for you to vocalize what you want. But it’s definitely a skill worth developing. If the dudes or whoever can’t hang, they don’t need to be having sex.
TomBcat – internet hugs if you want them, that’s horrible.
@hellkell- Same with your kitteh
As for the whole “default is male dom” I’m a switch, and LORD YES it pisses me off. Especially because I’m very firm on the “this shit is for the bedroom and nowhere else” side of things, and some guys will try to take it outside the bedroom. Then I have to smack their asses down.
As for the “dick slapping” thing, I have been the recipient of that… *sheepish*
My boyfriend at the time was not-kinky, and trying to get into the spirit of the thing for my sake, and I guess he thought it would be… arousing? Dominating? The end result was me laughing for a good 15 minutes straight.
Actually I was told just yesterday that if you’re into being slapped, slapping with genitals can be extra sexy…it also has a humiliating component for people who are into that, but I guess both are reasons why some might like it but not why it is such a popular porn move. But the same goes for facials or about anything with a more psychological than physical effect.
@TomBCat- Jeez that is an awful place to be in, especially since you are trying to negotiate ways around it. Jedi Hugs if you’d like them.
TomBcat: where the hell did you hear that?
Well, at least I now have the rather entertaining mental image of what it would look like if you tried to slap someone with your vulva.
@m dubz
I feel guilty because I’m finding the description funny too *blushes*
And also, I have found that working on assertiveness in other areas of my life helped with my assertiveness in bed. Find an area where the stakes are low, and practice saying no that is not cool!
@Marie, you are totally allowed to laugh at that. Sex is hilarious and ridiculous and weeeeeiiiiird (also fun).
I could well believe it’d be popular in porn (not all, of course) if it’s seen as having a humiliating component, same as facials. But it just sounds corny, from the descriptions (I’d never heard of it until now).
M Dubz, that scene sounds so funny!
Thanks, that is so nice.
Usually I just take my time in a relationship, but now I’m finally thankfully single again I’m out of practice with people I’m just meeting, and I probably wouldn’t have told you, I’ve been only here a few days,but this basically just happened this morning and the guy became pushy so I basically fled. And he must’ve thought I was into it because get into survival-play-along-mode pretty quickly.
Jesus, rambling.
But I couldn’t talk to anyone yet.
Tried with my brother(he brought me to this site) but by the time he was home I didn’t feel like talking anymore, and besides, he would’ve been angry at the guy and that kinda makes it worse because that would’ve made me violated, when left alone it just is a case of bad communication and shyness.(And also me climbing out of his window(ground floor) for no apparent reason and saying: “Sorry, but I have to feed my bunny, like, now!”
Did anyone else ever do that thing as kids where you’d pretend to be fencing with, like, tennis raquets, hot dog buns, etc? That’s what it makes me think of. Not a very sexy mental association.
Remember that thread fairly recently where Sgt Grumbles was blathering about how sex had to be perfect (ie everyone groomed, waxed, buffed, whatever) or it was just a 30-second fumble in the dark? And how everyone jumped in with all the stuff that makes sex perfect, none of which included such performance-anxiety scenarios, but many of which included things like farting/getting the giggles, falling out of bed/getting the giggles (Pecunium’s description of the unfortunate consequences of satin sheets + lingerie + waterbed will live forever), being jumped on by critters/getting the giggles …
Cassandra; My cousins and I use to do that. Not sexy at all.
Every now and then for a laugh, Mr. Hk will do that leg-humping thing just to make me roll my eyes.
TomBcat, even more internet hugs!
M Dubz: I think French is harder to sing than English or German. (I speak the first two, not the last). Russian is good for singing in, Latin is fine (though the settings tend to be archaic, which might help).
I don’t care for Spanish so much, and Hebrew gives me fits (I mangle the stress something fierce).
@TomBCat- That sounds like the absolute worst thing. I am so sorry that you had to go through that.
Buttman: The whole “kink” community is just an outlet for perverts and zoophiles. It’s the same kind of people involved in Abu Ghraib
You have no idea what you are talking about. I know, personally, some of the people who were involved in that. It’s not about sex. It’s about power, and control, and being “The Man”.
There is a song on yt about someone trying to slap people with a 9inch clit. Sort of a rap battle thing…
A friend who apparently is into slapping with genitals, if that’s what you meant