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MRA History Lesson: Women have been getting a free-ride off the backs of men SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME


Here’s your Quote of the Day from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, not so much of THIS day as of a day four months ago, but, hey, I only discovered it today with the assistance of the AgainstMensRights subreddit. Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell a “public organ-orifice” is and/or how an AVALANCHE can “blare.”


Quite and excellent comment indeed!

And onward marches the World’s Greatest Guaranteed Top Quality Human Man Rights Man-Movement of the Twenty-First Century!

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11 years ago

I don’t think anyone who is kinky sees the word “kinky” as negative or indicative of something wrong with them, which is a good example of the reasons why people outside a group don’t get to pick the terms that group uses to self-define.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cassandra – yeah, that’s what I was worried about in mentioning that the word almost seems to have a negative connotation the more I read it (I’m thinking of things like a kink in the spine, things being out of alignment and possibly painful). I didn’t think it would be seen that way by people choosing to use it.

Though I’d also say “don’t call me vanilla, kthks”. 😉


11 years ago

i was squeeing over their toes today because we usually have them in footie pjs.

11 years ago

we were squeeing, rather

11 years ago

Myself, I’d like to know what he means by “cognitive dissidence”. Is that when your brain rebels against itself? How come it is that these guys can go on and on about hunting mammoth while ignoring women’s work and roles. Oh, wait, I remember – the women were sitting around the fire “dull-eyed and lactating” while all this heroic stuff was going on. I wish I could remember who said that about the lactating… sigh.

11 years ago

Does anyone have a good alternative to “vanilla”? I don’t like “non-kinky” because a. it’s clunky and b. why define yourself by what you’re not in that explicit a way?

11 years ago

…I feel like I’m fangirling over the concept of learning languages right now XD

me too!
I also remember a post about your rambling from before I started commenting, I think everyone agreed you should keep it up…(I really tried to get some knowledge about the people here before posting, I mostly remembered Marie as sounding like a sweet person, pecunium as very intelligent, hellkell as a troll sniper, …hm…kitteh was intriguing and cloudiah made me choke with laughter(sorry to anyone I didn’t mention, you are all pretty interesting, but this is getting boring and I don’t know if it’s a good or a bad thing to write)
oh dear god, reading?!
I’m trying to speak it, the thought of trying to read it hasn’t even grossed my mind yet!
I’m happy I can greet my Ethiopian friends without sounding like a moron…

11 years ago

So what’s it sound like to non-kinksters?perverted is the closest equivalent here, so of course it is positive to kinksters, I’m just still not sure in what way people would use it other than that.
/vanilla …sex basics?
hopefully every ones style of sex suits them and they can just call it by their favorite flavor 🙂

11 years ago

We call vanilla flowery sex 🙂

11 years ago

I hate the use of “perverted” to mean “sexy sex which is really sexy”, because it sounds so adolescent.

11 years ago

Amharic/Ge’ez is a beautiful alphabet, and I would so love to be able to read it. That graduate student tried to teach me a bit. All I remember is that she was trying to point me to a particular character, and I wasn’t sure which one she meant, and she said, “It’s the one that looks like a woman swinging her purse around her head” and we both cracked up.

11 years ago

But TomBcat, how do you greet people in Ethiopian? I eat at Ethiopian restaurants all the time, and would love to know how to say things like hello, please, thank you, that was delicious, etc. 😀

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::scratches head::

I can’t think of a term that makes the least bit of sense for covering the huge range of Things People Like For Sexytimes, whether that includes anything that could be called kink or not. For that matter, what does get included in kink? I’m betting that definition would vary with who you asked.

Heh – nearly did M Dubz’s excellent typo from the other day and wrote “king” instead of “kink” then. Fingers on autopilot! 😀

11 years ago

How about “base-model” in place of vanilla? I don’t like vanilla as a sex term, so I was thinking more along the lines of cars–you add options you like. I dunno, it’s been a long, stressful week, and momma has dipped into her “medicine.”

Falconer: cute babbys. Very cute.

I’m making Mr. HK an Easter basket with all sorts of chocolate and fun little stuff because he grew up in a huge family with no money and he never had one.

11 years ago


All I remember is that she was trying to point me to a particular character, and I wasn’t sure which one she meant, and she said, “It’s the one that looks like a woman swinging her purse around her head” and we both cracked up.

I really should look at that alphabet sometime… XD

re: kink

Don’t know much, so I’m just reading and seeing what all of you lovely people say. 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Yeah, I don’t like “perverted” either – coming from someone not into whatever the kink is, it sounds condemnatory, and coming from someone who is into it, it sounds adolescent, like you said, with a touch of “I am the next Marquis de Sade, I am so out there!” ::eyeroll::

It also suggests a pretty narrow idea of what’s “normal” or acceptable or what sex “should” be about, and that anything different is done only from some desire to warp that, not because hey, perhaps the people involved are having fun for other reasons entirely.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Easter basket for Mr HK! Squee!

11 years ago

There’s also the fact that what our culture currently considers to be “vanilla” for straight people is actually leaning increasingly in a maledom direction, thanks to the cultural influence of porn.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Ewww, yes. 🙁

The only term I can think of for Mr K and me is lovemaking. Doesn’t matter what activities are involved, or the mood, or any other specifics, that’s what it’s about for us.

Mind you, as he’s pointed out, everything we do There is lovemaking (including wrestling-with-dog-who’s-trying-to-destroy-garden type stuff), so that term doesn’t help much either!

11 years ago

Well, we don’t have a good word for kinky. That’s the closest. But we don’t differentiate that much, kinksters define themselves mostly.Well, Europe (there’s some cliche here, I know that)
selam for hello is alright…I think I had a link somewhere with some basic words including sound…they are about right(though ciao is Italian), but it it’s not English, so I’ll just type it in the right order for you and apologize for derailing:
Good afternoon
ciao ^^
Thank you
Excuse me

Help me!
My name is…
I would like…
How much is…
Check please
I don’t speak Amharic
( ten)
Monday(etc. to sunday)

11 years ago

Aaand now the sarcasm of that question got through to me, I think….

11 years ago


There’s also the fact that what our culture currently considers to be “vanilla” for straight people is actually leaning increasingly in a maledom direction, thanks to the cultural influence of porn.

Yes yes yes yes yes!!!eleven! Sorry for the hyperness, but yeeeeeessssssssss. I frickin hate that. I mean, I don’t hate maledom perse (the idea, not porn, do not watch much porn) but the fact that it’s supposed to be default, nooooooooooooooooooo. Maybe this is just left over feelings from when I was bi, but (tmi, sex life speculations coming up) the idea of getting dominated by a man just sounded so much less appealing than the idea of getting dominated by a woman. Idk if this is cuz I turned out/ became a lesbian and it was just already seeping in there, or if it was just because maledom is just so treated as taken for granted/ obvious that it already skeeved me out. I’m rambling (as always) but that whole maledom as default thing is a pet peeve of mine.

11 years ago

“cognitive dissidence”? …

Ebil feminists and selfish women prevented this honest man from learning to write good.

11 years ago

I’d imagine that the idea that it’s obligatory would be annoying even if you naturally tended to lean submissive. For women who lean in the other direction it’s even more irritating. No, random dude, I would not think it was hot if you smacked my ass and called me insulting names.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

The idea of a dominating man in a loveless setting skeeves me out completely. I hate it. I’ve never watched porn, just seen stills, but so much of what I have seen looks like it’s just hateful. It doesn’t look like kink, either, I might add, just like women as a set of orifices. Is that mainstream porn? Is that typical? I know there’s plenty of porn that is not like that to be found if you want to see it, of course. But is this the sort of stuff that’s shaping people’s ideas of what ordinary sex is about?

(Throwing out a Rambling Challenge here.) 😉

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