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MRA History Lesson: Women have been getting a free-ride off the backs of men SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME


Here’s your Quote of the Day from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, not so much of THIS day as of a day four months ago, but, hey, I only discovered it today with the assistance of the AgainstMensRights subreddit. Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell a “public organ-orifice” is and/or how an AVALANCHE can “blare.”


Quite and excellent comment indeed!

And onward marches the World’s Greatest Guaranteed Top Quality Human Man Rights Man-Movement of the Twenty-First Century!

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11 years ago


Marie and Fade, youโ€™re twins, right? Did you know I have twins?

Yes! I’ve seen you posting the pictures of your twins, they are so cute! ๐Ÿ˜€

(and yes to that we are twins too.)


Iโ€™m still on shaky legs here. Always making sure if Iโ€™ve gone too far somewhere, if there are unwritten rules.

That makes sense. (I mean, I think people will be forgiving if you go too far and actually apologize later, but I get the feeling of being nervous that you’ll mess up.)

Wow, ramble, but it is so much fun to put those thoughts into words!

I know, right? XD

And I now will try to ingrain it in my head that you want neutral pronouns now.

re: language. I have a weird thing where I like *knowing* languages but I don’t care so much for learning them XD

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

Re: languages. There are languages that are better and worse to sing in, which is how I judge. French, Latin, Hebrew= Good. Spanish= Okay. German and English= Not so good.

Although Yiddish is the best of all languages; everything sounds like an insult.

11 years ago

To all who have criticized my “that just doesn’t happen with non-kinky sexuality” statement, you are absolutely right. I phrased that all wrong. I was trying to make a point about kink (and societal biases against it), and ended up also making a point about non-kink sexuality (and society’s treatment of it) that a) I didn’t even intend to make and that b) is quite clearly incorrect.

Gotta be more careful with how I phrase stuff. My apologies.

11 years ago


Babies! So cute babies! <3

Also, somewhat baby-related, but being a parent sounds hard. I've been babysitting the past two weeks (that was my new job) and just today I was hanging out with my dad's fiance's kids and the said dad and fiance and it was just such a different feeling having someone else to keep the kids in check than having to make them behave by yourself. Rambling, as always. XD

11 years ago

Mdubz: You feel my pain. At least my 72% dark chocolate is kosher for Passover.

And if you think everything in Yiddish sounds like an insult, you should hear some Yiddish insults – there some truly inspired ones. (And if you have, then by all means please share! I always love learning new ones.)

11 years ago

Tom, how does “zie” suit you? We’ve got a number of zies around here.

11 years ago

@Marie: It is a lot of work. For us so far, it’s a lot of diapers and a lot of soiled clothes and a lot of bottles and a lot of waking up in the middle of the night.

But at least they still stay where we put ’em.

11 years ago

I know what you mean. I can ask directions in 30 different languages because I start to learn one and give up when I don’t speak fluent after a month…
Pronouns don’t matter to me, so call me whatever comes to mind ๐Ÿ™‚ But since gender is important to some trolls, it’s more comfortable to be neutral…
@M Dubz
That’s why I love the Turkish language. They constantly yell at each other, and when you ask what it’s all about, it’s always like “Oh, he asked for directions…”
what’s the difference between zie and ze? I tried to learn the neutral ones, we don’t have any official ones here and the unofficial ones hardly anyone knows.I found out they exist, like, three weeks ago.
I think I’d like ze, because zie sounds like she in my language…

11 years ago

Falconer, they look so sweet! Is it a recent picture?

11 years ago

Those pics I took a couple of days ago.

These I snapped just now. The lighting is kind of harsh, it’s dark and we had the ceiling light on ๐Ÿ™

11 years ago


I actually think I’m getting semi ‘fluent’ in spanish (fluent as in able to listen/ talk regularly, not fluent as in sounding like I speak it very well) but I’ve been learning it on and off for seven years. I want to learn another language, either Japanese or Arabic (ideally both) but it took so long for me to get decent at spanish I feel overwhelmed. Other than that though, the only things I can say that aren’t in english are in greek. I can say my name, and that I speak spanish and english ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’m wondering how you keep the beginnings of 30 different languages separate in your mind…definitely not my forte.

I can ramble a lot about languages *blushes* they just interest me, but are so hard.

I don’t think there’s a technical difference between ze and zie, from what I’ve heard (which is mostly what people said here, so I’m not terribly reliable.) I think it’s just the spelling and maybe pronunciation.

11 years ago


d’awww cute babies! (again :P) And they have matching stuffed animals… <3

11 years ago

“Maybe a public organ-orifice is an alcove in a train station where a pipe organ is installed so that buskers can entertain the public with organ music.”

This is an elegant explanation for an inelegant phrase. You win.

11 years ago

@Tom: Neutral’s fine with me. I’ll try to remember, but I have a horrible memory sometimes, so apologies in advance.

11 years ago

Wait, so Buttman wants to jail BDSM porn producers, but feminists are the anti-porn prudes?

11 years ago

@marie: Those rabbits are brand new, in celebration of Easter and spring and the equinox and whatnot.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

@Freemage – ah, I wasn’t thinking of the courts or police, I thought you meant within relationships, that’s what had me confused. Thanks for explaining.

I have no idea how kink is seen here in Oz, whether there’s much of a scene or anything. I don’t socialise with anyone who’d know about it, and it certainly doesn’t find its way into the newspapers. I would like to think there wasn’t the extremely conservative, probably religious-based negativity about it that chunks of the US seem to have, but I suspect that basic Australian narrow-mindedness would make up for that.

Re the whole terminology thing – yes, it’s the implication of “we’re better” and what sounds like a sweeping dismissal of anything not-kinky-enough that bugs me. I’m not even wild about the term kink, if it comes to that, though it’s obviously not for me to choose other people’s terms. Kink is starting to sound less like self-definition than self-othering, if that makes any sense. It sounds like it’s saying there is something wrong or out of line about having different tastes in sex. I have a nasty feeling I’m speaking from a position of privilege (or passing privilege) here, and if that’s the case, I apologise for it. I do not feel at all mainstream heterosexual-vanilla-standard-whatever-that-is – in my relationship situation, I’m not – but neither am I in a position that’s going to have any repercussions (well, unless I had a brainfart and ended up working for some sort of church organisation … ๐Ÿ˜› )

Marie – I never think you’re rambling, y’know. You always have something interesting or pointed or funny to say. So if that’s rambling, then ramble on!

TomBcat – “@kitteh It hasnโ€™t won yet! And it better not try and fight me, I am a fucking godlike egyptian grave cat! #megalomania”

LOL! Epic battle, Blockquote Monster vs Fucking Godlike Egyptian Grave Cat! See it in Cinemascope!

Also internet hugs for being told to shut up or not feeling free to speak. Wrong, all wrong! And ditto to what everyone else said on that subject.

11 years ago

I just asked because they look so young. I don’t know much about the people here yet. So you’ve become a dad just recently?
Japanese is fun! And great for naming cats!
It is sometimes difficult, to keep them apart, Serbian and Ukrainian for example are so similar.It is also useless, because being able to ask for directions isn’t the same as understanding the answer. But in my experience you can get a lot of what people mean even if you don’t get a word they are saying ๐Ÿ™‚
I think my English is alright, I also speak Latin, some French and some Italian. Right now I’m trying Amharic, but it’s a little difficult because there isn’t exactly an abundance on Amharic dictionaries here…
I totally get that, I can ramble about it too ๐Ÿ™‚

11 years ago

Falconer, your babies are beautiful in any light.

TomBcat, I have tried so hard to teach myself to read Amharic (or Ge’ez) but I’ve been defeated by the complicated alphabet. I remember once we had this little Ethiopian pamphlet that we convinced ourselves was something really valuable, and finally found a graduate student from Ethiopia to translate the title for us. Turned out it was a typewriter manual. 0_0

11 years ago

yep, feb 18.

sorry for lack of capitals, i’m feeding my daughter.

11 years ago


Well, your english sounds fine to me ๐Ÿ™‚ Sadly, even if you were speaking latin, french or italian here, I would not be able to tell how it sounded, since I think italian is the only one I’d have a chance of understanding.

…I feel like I’m fangirling over the concept of learning languages right now XD


Marie โ€“ I never think youโ€™re rambling, yโ€™know. You always have something interesting or pointed or funny to say. So if thatโ€™s rambling, then ramble on!

*blushes* Thanks ๐Ÿ˜€ I will keep up the rambling then ๐Ÿ˜‰

11 years ago

thank you very much, cloudiah.

11 years ago

Tiny baby hands are so cute.

11 years ago

I think I get what you mean.
By calling it kink it gets separated from “normal” sex. It’s like this with a lot of these terms.
It makes it into this other thing, when sometimes, the differences are actually very blurry…
Also on language, is kinky usually a neutral,positive or negative word? Because translated it would mean abnormal, disgusting even, which is why we don’t call it that.”kinky”sounds cute to me though…

And yeah, since you showed me the cat picture, my nickname got a whole new awesome context for me ๐Ÿ™‚

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