Here’s your Quote of the Day from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, not so much of THIS day as of a day four months ago, but, hey, I only discovered it today with the assistance of the AgainstMensRights subreddit. Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell a “public organ-orifice” is and/or how an AVALANCHE can “blare.”
Quite and excellent comment indeed!
And onward marches the World’s Greatest Guaranteed Top Quality Human Man Rights Man-Movement of the Twenty-First Century!
” I think the goal is actually ‘consensually hurt people who want to be hurt because it makes me wet/ hard’, not to be empowered.”
The whole “kink” community is just an outlet for perverts and zoophiles. It’s the same kind of people involved in Abu Ghraib and the killing of Brittany Kilgore. It’s a gateway drug for serial killers. People that produce pornography that depicts BDSM or guys getting kicked in the bollocks should be arrested for indecency. These producers are modern day opium traders.
Beware! The Blockquote Monster is just softening you up. You’ll get confident and then WHAM! It will get you!
^ ^
Hmm… spaces don’t translate properly…
Though depending on where you live this happens to about everyone doing something differently than is considered normal there. Which is pretty much everyone.
Whenever one takes a step in a different direction people will question why one didn’t take the next, and the one after, getting all philosophical instead of asking what one actually wants. Is that an understandable sentence?
In the end, people don’t believe in your boundaries when they aren’t their own.
“How is he cheating? You’re poly!” “You would work as a nurse, then why not childcare?”
So I don’t know if that really would be privilege, I think it’s a much bigger problem in how we learn to react to our environment, how to handle conflict, and the fear of being lied to.
It hasn’t won yet! And it better not try and fight me, I am a fucking godlike egyptian grave cat!
@Cassandra re: cultural constructions of sexuality. The Trobriand Islanders, back when Malinowski was writing about them, found the idea of kissing really gross, as it was something parents only did to children. Instead, they nibbled each others’ eyelashes. So.
Also, all this talk of vanilla has made me crave sugar cookies. Dang it, Passover! Why must you thwart me? (shakes fist)
Almost forgot, @ Marie, your ramblings are still great! It’s encouraging that you’re so nice to me.
I’m pretty used to being laughed at or told to shut it. I wouldn’t dare to openly call myself a feminist, even though I don’t exactly live in an oppressive society, on the contrary.
Kitteh’s: Basically, the cops and courts are even less able to process and handle rape/assault cases involving kinks (such as a consensual BDSM session where the dom then decides to ignore the safeword being screamed at them, and continue for their own fun). Much like sex workers, kinksters reporting crimes have difficulty being treated the way victims should be treated–the cops just assume that if you like being, say, tied up with silk and spanked, well, you must be fine with being beaten until your abs are black-and-blue.
“Godlike cat” is redundant, isn’t it?
@ Freemage
I can imagine that even if the cops are understanding, it must be almost impossible to explain it in court, disregarding mustering up the courage to report it.
It’s difficult enough to even explain what one normally does…
That just doesn’t happen with “vanilla”/non-kinky sexuality.
Yeah, I have to run, but I agree that this is way too sweeping a statement. It erases a lot of people.
Awwwwww @TomBCat- It’s so important to have places to talk out your thoughts so that you are better able to express them. We welcome your ramblings!
can’t hurt to repeat the fact…
May I ask, are you a katz like the surname or like german?
huh. I did not know that.
I should check out more info on this. I always assumed it was not divided exactly along the gender roles, but never had any sources as to why, besides it felt like common sense. I should look up more, I’m just being embarrassed it never occurred to me to do that XD
That’s a good point. I guess my main nit pick was nopestories (think that was who I was responding to) was acting like the only reason women wanted to top was to be ’empowered’ and not actually for sexy times.
(side note: I feel weird using the word empowered b/c it seems like lots of times people throw it around as a word they think should satisfy feminists, and it just gets distorted so much I don’t always remember what it means. I know I feel much better when I’m able to fully clarify a feeling, or feel like things click in place in my brain, but idk about empowered, but that may just be my dislike of the word. I am rambling again but like I do that all the time, so I’m almost debating leaving out my rambling disclaimers. It may as well be replaced with ‘marie is posting again’ XD)
😀 *blushes*
Originally Katz as in German (the final E lost in the sands of time); increasingly also a pseudonymous surname.
@ m Dubz (I post far too much)
The people here are so nice(unbelievably nice compared to what is usually found on the net) that I suspect most trolls here can’t be mean, they come here for your entertainment because they secretly love this place 😉
@ katz
I wouldn’t say the e was lost, most bavarians probably haven’t heard a spoken e in years.
I’m surprised because I thought German is considered ugly to most english speakers.
You do not post to much. Imo, you don’t need to worry about posting too much, unless you’re one of the trolls and you just try to derail all the threads.
ramblingmarie is posting again, and you are just fine 🙂I don’t think German is ugly, imo, though I’m not sure how a language would be ugly XD I’ve heard my dad talk it, and he’s tried to get me to say some things in it but I cannot pronounce it to save my soul, it sounds like I’m trying to hack up a hairball.
Oh, I’m so sorry that you have to deal with that. I have internet hugs, coffee, donuts, and baby pictures if you want ’em.
By the way, what are your preferred pronouns? Have you said? And please feel free to decline to answer if you want, I’m just curious. I’m quite definitely male, so please, he/him/his suit me fine.
Marie and Fade, you’re twins, right? Did you know I have twins?
I’m still on shaky legs here. Always making sure if I’ve gone too far somewhere, if there are unwritten rules.
It’s like when you apologize for rambling, only with a lot more different things.
To Germans, I think the hairball thing is funny.If they can get an American to try and say Oachkatzlschwoaf or Streichholzschächtelchen, they are happy…
I took German in high school (back when the email was becoming A Thing). It’s silly that some people don’t like how it sounds. I don’t think there are “ugly” languages.
ooh, baby pictures 🙂
Wow, I’d like to answer that question, but it turns out I’m finding it more difficult than I’d have thought.Most of the time I don’t feel like any particular gender.I think I mentioned somewhere that I’m a woman, but now that you ask, the internalized stereotypes sort of carry over to what I write when people address me as she…I think I’d like to neutral for a while, if that’s okay.
Wow, ramble, but it is so much fun to put those thoughts into words!
I get that some languages and dialects sound better to people than others. I’m fascinated with language in general, so I just love when people talk about it…
I think it only gets a little silly when those personal preferences become a stereotype.
I like the name, I had a cat called katzi once.