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MRA History Lesson: Women have been getting a free-ride off the backs of men SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME


Here’s your Quote of the Day from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, not so much of THIS day as of a day four months ago, but, hey, I only discovered it today with the assistance of the AgainstMensRights subreddit. Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell a “public organ-orifice” is and/or how an AVALANCHE can “blare.”


Quite and excellent comment indeed!

And onward marches the World’s Greatest Guaranteed Top Quality Human Man Rights Man-Movement of the Twenty-First Century!

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Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“You are all disgusting monkey’s bananas, rotten I say, ROTTEN!”

You meant monkies.

Virgil, is that you?

On current topic — non-kinky instead of vanilla?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago


You know, it helps if I get my insults right.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

Also, as long as we’re in an avalanche of blaring Marxism, nobody is going to put up much of a fight if we seize the assets of the capitalists and place control of the means of production in the hands of the proletariat, right?

I mean, as long as we’re at it…

11 years ago

I envisioned tiny monks, so I was fine with “monkies”. 😀

11 years ago

We are the monks of Marzxsm, sitting on a lonely mountain peak meditating on ways to bring down the IMF.

11 years ago

Wow, that was the best typo in a while.

11 years ago

Someone ’round here pointed out that ‘vanilla’ works if you’re using it to talk about a baseline that’s both perfectly tasty on it’s own, AND good with lots of toppings and twists added in. If you mean ‘bland and uninteresting’, OTOH, then you’re doing vanilla wrong.

11 years ago

I like pointing out that vanilla is one of the most popular flavours of ice cream, that vanilla was a spice/flavour that people sailed the world over to find because it was so awesome, and finally that vanilla basically comes from the same root as vagina.

The use of “vanilla” as “boring and standard” is pretty much a North American/USian thing, isn’t it? I remember when “whitebread” was a thing for boring and basic, and I recall hearing “BOG-standard” from some Brits.

But yeah, I get annoyed whenever anyone breaks out “mundanes” or “muggles” too, because that stuff just annoys me no end.

11 years ago

@Freemage — I like that usage.

11 years ago

Oh, and troll disinfectant–another cat-pic from Greta Christina’s blog (this one’s named Houdini):

11 years ago

@cassandrasays “There are all kinds of problems with the BSDM community, and I’d love to talk about them. Not with a particularly dim troll, though.”

Exactly. (I have also been so busy at work so as not to be here that I have completely forgotten how to block quote.)

11 years ago

@Argenti, “non-kinky” is my preference because it doesn’t really have any judgment implied (at least to me). “Vanilla” is usually used in other contexts to mean “boring,” which I’m not cool with. If you’re doing it right, non-kinky sex doesn’t have to be boring. 😉

I also have big problems with the term “vanilla privilege.” I mean, there are legitimate issues that people who engage in heavy BDSM face (most notably in terms of medical care), but I really don’t feel comfortable with discussing those in a privilege/oppression framework. I think it’s because kink is a purely sexual thing…honestly, I don’t want to hear about it anymore than I want to hear about a non-kinky person’s favorite sexual position. I’m not asking you to hide your* relationship, just to not tell me about your sex life.

*In case it isn’t clear, this paragraph is general and that’s a general “your,” not directed at anyone.

11 years ago

RE: blaring avalanches, I think that’s what Inception is about?

LOL! +1 internet for Tulgey.

On kink, I think it’s a bit irksome that yeah, it seems like just about everything non-missionary could be considered to be on a sliding scale of varying degrees of kink. I recently watched “What’s Your Number?” (which is not a great “feel good” film, especially if you want to avoid something with a lot of slut shaming, but my sister REALLY wanted to watch it) and there was SO much implication in it about how “no one” “enjoys” doggy style sex or giving oral, etc, etc. I was like, “wait, what? Women are supposed to only enjoy missionary? OH wait, I get it, this is another ‘women only put up with sex in order to get the shiny ring and the big fancy wedding’ thing.”

So yeah, I think there’s obvious privilege tilted for non-kinky folk, since sex is supposedly bad, dirty, immoral stuff that women only pretend to enjoy to begin with.

Tulgey Logger
Tulgey Logger
11 years ago

We are the monkies of Marzxsm, disciples of Mister Mxyzptlk.

RE vanilla: I’ve always seen it as a fairly neutral term. Vanilla’s a perfectly good flavor and very common, but if it’s not to your taste then it’s just bland. The key word being “taste.”

11 years ago

And yet again I’m a bit slow…for what it’s worth, I do agree with everyone’s arguments about other interpretations of “vanilla,” and I’m also aware that the negative associations seem to be a USian thing, but I still feel that, in the US, those negative associations are strong enough that it’s not a great term. Of course I also don’t get all upset if someone uses it. 😉

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“I…honestly, I don’t want to hear about it anymore than I want to hear about a non-kinky person’s favorite sexual position. I’m not asking you to hide your* relationship, just to not tell me about your sex life.

*In case it isn’t clear, this paragraph is general and that’s a general “your,” not directed at anyone.”

The personal “you” is correct there, nobody here wants to hear about my sex life unless it’s actually relevant. Likewise, unless the topic is direct about sex, I don’t care to hear about your sexytimes! (General you, not you)

Having to hide would be if it was plain unacceptable, even when sexytimes were already under discussion. TMI is TMI though!

11 years ago

I have, some, problems with vanilla too:

A substance obtained from vanilla beans or produced artificially and used to flavor sweet foods or to impart a fragrant scent to…: “vanilla ice cream”
Having no special or extra features; ordinary: “vanilla sex”.

That’s what comes up on the google splash page.

The links are much the same.

1. Flavored with vanilla: vanilla pudding.
2. Lacking adornments or special features; basic or ordinary: “We went through a period of vanilla cars” (Charles Jordan).

1. (Cookery) flavoured with or as if with vanilla vanilla ice cream
2. Slang ordinary or conventional a vanilla kind of guy

Adj. 1. vanilla – flavored with vanilla extract; “he liked vanilla ice cream”
2. vanilla – plain and without any extras or adornments; “the most common type of bond is the straight or plain vanilla bond”; “the basic car is known as the vanilla version”
plain – not elaborate or elaborated; simple; “plain food”; “stuck to the plain facts”; “a plain blue suit”; “a plain rectangular brick building”

It does, however, have a connection.. the word is, etymologically, derived from the latin, Vagina (for “sheath” because of the way the pods look).

For all that I happen to think vanilla is subtle, and rich, and complex, that’s not the general connotation. I also don’t hear it being used much in that way, even with food, but more in the, “that’s too dull to be any good/any fun”.

There is also, often, the idea that one who likes “kink” therefore doesn’t enjoy, “vanilla”. Which is it’s own can of worms.

11 years ago

Medical care was exactly what I was thinking about. Though I guess getting treated to some privilege isn’t the same as overall privilege.Or, like, being abused by a Dom is a lot harder to report because “oh no, THAT bruise was consensual…”
It’s also really difficult regarding which terms to use for what, because there’s just always some asshole around that ruins it for everyone.
Someone starting to use vanilla as an insult, people complaining that non-kinky sounds like kink is the default setting, I end up describing everything as if I only know adjectives.
I had something a bit more coherent to say, but someone else did it better before me so, anyway, stuff is stupid because thingy.
I’m really sorry that I often say the most obvious things(not very eloquently), I only recently started to say these things out loud. I guess I’m testing out my thoughts a little in this environment where they are axxepted.

11 years ago

The whole comment is mixed up again (and contains more x than needed) but part of it sounds stupid anyway after what pecunium wrote. Sorry.

11 years ago

I’m still waiting for nopestories to finish that sentence. We are all monkey’s what? Monkey’s jesters?

Monkey’s jester’s fools!

11 years ago

I’m still waiting for nopestories to finish that sentence. We are all monkey’s what? Monkey’s jesters?

@Tulgey – Uncles? Mickey’s Monkeys? Hey hey we’re the Monkees?

11 years ago

I recently watched “What’s Your Number?” (which is not a great “feel good” film, especially if you want to avoid something with a lot of slut shaming, but my sister REALLY wanted to watch it) and there was SO much implication in it about how “no one” “enjoys” doggy style sex or giving oral, etc, etc. I was like, “wait, what? Women are supposed to only enjoy missionary? OH wait, I get it, this is another ‘women only put up with sex in order to get the shiny ring and the big fancy wedding’ thing.”

@ostara321 – hunh. I didn’t get that out of “What’s Your Number.” I mean, I got the point from all of the sister’s friends that they were thinking along those lines (although I thought it was way more “conform to our Cosmo understanding of the world” than sex-shaming) and there was some definite slut-shaming about the numbers, but to me the point seemed to be that that’s a bad way to live and people should embrace who they are, and be with someone who actually likes you for yourself rather than for what you pretend to be. I admit, I watched the movie because of how often Chris Evans was naked, but the plot sunk in there at some point. 😉

11 years ago


You just want to pretend you rule with your girl powar!1 “LOOK AT ME, I WANT TO HURT PEOPLE AND CALL IT SEX! IM SO EMPOWERED!” (but again, its almost always the opposite, saying its females that abuse the males is just to make bdsm look cute and harmless)

okay, even from my zero experience in kink, I think the goal is actually ‘consensually hurt people who want to be hurt because it makes me wet/ hard’, not to be empowered. I just kinda have to nit pick you because you’ve become, like, a black hole of wrongness and it’s kind of bothersome.


I feel like I’m posting everything I’m thinking today.

I see no problem with this 😀


My theory on this new wave of trolls is that their goal is to make commenting here so boring (because they think we have no other option than to patiently read all their babble) that everyone will give up and go home, thus no more mocking of misogyny.

You have discovered their vile plot! 😀


On current topic — non-kinky instead of vanilla?

I don’t mind vanilla, but I’m, like, 0% sexually active atm, so probably irrelevant.


Someone ’round here pointed out that ‘vanilla’ works if you’re using it to talk about a baseline that’s both perfectly tasty on it’s own, AND good with lots of toppings and twists added in.

Yes! 😀 On the note of actual ice cream, I looooovvveee vanilla from good icecream brands, but loathe it with bad ones. Maybe this is an analogy for sex partners.


finally that vanilla basically comes from the same root as vagina.

hmmmm well this is new info XD

I’m really sorry that I often say the most obvious things(not very eloquently), I only recently started to say these things out loud. I guess I’m testing out my thoughts a little in this environment where they are axxepted.

feel free to talk out loud here 🙂 Half the reason I took so long to delurk (from when I started lurking) was being afraid of just being repetitive. Um, rambling here, but your comments are appreciated from me, so if you want, keep them coming 🙂

11 years ago

I’m confused. Is oral supposed to be kinky now? You could certainly make it kinky if you wanted, but I tend to think of it as being part of the standard package rather than something that only certain people like.

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Well if you go back about fifty years oral was kinky. But then…. is time travel a fetish?