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MRA History Lesson: Women have been getting a free-ride off the backs of men SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME


Here’s your Quote of the Day from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, not so much of THIS day as of a day four months ago, but, hey, I only discovered it today with the assistance of the AgainstMensRights subreddit. Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell a “public organ-orifice” is and/or how an AVALANCHE can “blare.”


Quite and excellent comment indeed!

And onward marches the World’s Greatest Guaranteed Top Quality Human Man Rights Man-Movement of the Twenty-First Century!

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11 years ago

Lightcastle: they have parts of their lives where the relationship doesn’t apply

I don’t know how one can have employment, and have a D/S relationship. If my boss tells me to do something I can’t say, “sorry, but I’ll have to clear that with my partner first”.

11 years ago

I can get petty with doms who’re power tripping too. It’s just so much fun to watch them get aggravated and spin their wheels.

Medium Dave
11 years ago

Mmm. I find it quite telling when right-wingers assume that less privileged = victimized.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Wall of text! I was watching Torchwood! Falconer, yes! Here’s hoping it isn’t all “say the magic word or I won’t come out of my treehouse”. But which Garou tribe? You’re resident Malkavian is displeased! (Actually, there’s been legit debate if I’d be Malk or Toreador…moving on…)

Brz, last I checked murder and rape were crimes regardless who the perpetrator and victim are.

Point out he’s lost his French grammar failures, watch him “blush” and drop an error.

11 years ago


Koosa that’s Lebanese, not Algerian. You’re not even able to tell the difference between north Africa and The Levant dumb-ass.

11 years ago

We’ve already accepted that a Muslim killing a white guy is not something to make a bing thing out of

Damn… dude you are wasting your talents here. You need to get a gig writing for Dennis Miller, or O’Reilly.

To elaborate on the hypocrisy in this: The solution is simple: treat everyone equally, consider that people are responsible for what they do, everyone is innocent before he do something wrong

The people you whine about “having a victim mentality” have been wronged. You think the harms they have done are immaterial. This isn’t, “innocent until proven guilty” (which isn’t a french concept… Code Napoleon, and all that), but rather, “harmless unless malicious”.

11 years ago

Koosa that’s Lebanese, not Algerian. You’re not even able to tell the difference between north Africa and The Levant dumb-ass.

Another piece of spot-perfect English idiom.

11 years ago

Oh, look, he remembered his own back-story all of a sudden. It would be more convincing if he’d dug deeper into his Google search, though.

11 years ago

Garou tribe doesn’t matter, if zie’s trying to leverage it into real-world social advantage it’s just … sad.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Falconer — oh, yeah, agreed then! (Now, I do wish I had Dementation, as the early levels could be a point-of-view gun…but that’s neither here nor there)

“‘We’ve already accepted that a Muslim killing a white guy is not something to make a bing thing out of’

Damn… dude you are wasting your talents here. You need to get a gig writing for Dennis Miller, or O’Reilly.”

Yeah I caught that too, and avoided “what about 9/11 and a couple of decade+ long wars sounds like not “a bing (sic) thing’?” but fuck it, there’s the pressing question.

11 years ago

argenti, i often wish i could cast “locate object,” myself.

11 years ago

I’m not caught up on the old Doctor Who episodes yet! How dare they start a new one!

11 years ago

Koosa that’s Lebanese, not Algerian. You’re not even able to tell the difference between north Africa and The Levant dumb-ass.

As if you wouldn’t be lost without the Google, dipshit. Your fictional universe is fraying, dumbass.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

lowquacks – oh hell. I never even thought of Rolf Harris when I read about that. I hope it’s not him.

Historophilia – envy, envy, envy, despite the crap weather! 🙂

Cassandra – “(I think he was a Gorean – he was dressed like a Manowar video)” I read that as Man o’ War and had a charming image of him dressed as a racehorse.

No, I didn’t read Brrzzz wall of text. He has nothing to contribute to any conversation.

opium4themasses – “I could swear the MRAs are the domly doms with their treatment of partners as commodities.” I can see them as wannabe fails even in that field.

Pecunium – I wonder if genius with his “I’m a predator” schtick stopped to think that a predator in human terms means an abuser, or stalker, or rapist, or other criminal type? Varmints indeed.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

hellkell – fart-like-noise boy is definitely of the “couldn’t find his arse with a map” variety.

11 years ago


11 years ago

I was hoping that he’d trip himself up trying to decide whether or not Egypt was the Levant (answer – depends which part, but koosa is served everywhere), but alas, he was too lazy to dig that far into the search results.

@ Kittehs

Like this. I advise turning the sound off, though.

(Not just Kittehs because noise bothers her – everyone should turn the sound off, because they’re shite.)

11 years ago

who was it said they thought it was great the way i adore my kids?

thank you very much!

but i don’t give much thought to it. i mean, they’re my kids, right? i just gotta.

11 years ago

Oh, god Manowar sucks. If I had to deal with a domly dude dressed like that trying his tricls on me, I would piss myself laughing. I am mean.

11 years ago

Oh, I laughed, trust me. In fact I laughed every time I saw those guys, which was every week for several years.

11 years ago

So everyone has the appropriate mental image – the guys I’m talking about didn’t just dress like that at BSDM clubs, they’d show up at the regular rock club every Friday dressed like that too and walk around trying to dominate women with the manly power of their leather vests. It was lulzy.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

I just read that Manowar are purportedly named after Man o’ War – what a joke. He has it all over them in the beautiful and worthwhile manly manliness stakes!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Cassandra — I overheard a hilarious conversation at the EA concert about how the young women speaking could never do the leather goth look, it must get so hot in the summer. True thing is true.

11 years ago


I got in an accident today. I cried and I called my mother. Stupid parking lots. And I won’t hear back from my insurance until Monday. 🙁

I could use a drink, but I have to go to work.

Jedi hugs if you want them. 🙁 I hope everything goes okay with your insurance.


wow bad professor. I mean, I guess not the worst, but it sounds annoying.

also brought up romance novels as evidence that women need emotional reasons for casual sex (

(had to snark) This just in, romance novels tend to be about romance, and not people having casual sex. Shocking!

(nothing against casual sex or romance novels, just amused by that as evidence.)

Basically all I know is what I’ve read here and on The Pervocracy. 🙂

same here XD


Also hi again everyone, it seems I got sucked into this shit once again >_>

It was a nice take down of the many, many things wrong with their argument though.


In a society where belonging to a victim group gives a lot of advantages?





the constitution of a non-victim group seems more necessary than ever.

oh, was non-victim group loser brz? I never connected them before…

Wasn’t Brz’s Schlick that he should create a non-victim class for the victimized (white, Christian, straight, etc) men who aren’t considered victims. Since apparently the victim classes out number non-victims.

apparently it was him.

“But Dr Green said victim culture had now become so popular that, if the claims of some victim groups are taken seriously, there are more victims than people in the country.

There are more victims than people.

there are more victims than people

there are more victims than people

WTF? please don’t tell me he meant that victims weren’t people.

I know I mentioned in passing the genocide in Burma/Myanmar, someone on twitter actually said it’s justified because they’re Muslims.

I don’t want to live on this planet anymore >.<


@ pecunium I had a femdom friend who tried something similar with me. I found out when I did something assholeish and her over the top response had her reveal she had been trying to groom me as her sub for years. She was totally monologueing.

Oh ew. Hugs offered. That sounds so icky.

(US seems to do pretty good at softly persecute white hetero males in order to prevent victim groups to fight each other)

Citation seriously fucking needed. This must be the reason people of color tend to get longer prison sentences than white people. Wait, that doesn’t make sense. Your views straight up contradict reality, bub.

11 years ago

@ Argenti

When I first got to California I tried to wear my London goth clothes here. Yeah, that didn’t work out so well.