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MRA History Lesson: Women have been getting a free-ride off the backs of men SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME


Here’s your Quote of the Day from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, not so much of THIS day as of a day four months ago, but, hey, I only discovered it today with the assistance of the AgainstMensRights subreddit. Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell a “public organ-orifice” is and/or how an AVALANCHE can “blare.”


Quite and excellent comment indeed!

And onward marches the World’s Greatest Guaranteed Top Quality Human Man Rights Man-Movement of the Twenty-First Century!

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11 years ago

Argenti: Pecunium — worst I’ve seen required very carefully cutting the plastic container while wiggling the roots free. I other words, if it’ll come out of the pot, you’re in good shape. We’ve got tulips and daffodils, so I’d imagine they’ll survive outside where you are.

I’ve had some terrible experiences with small plants. Nothing so bad they died from transplant shock. One of the things about nursery plants is they are almost guaranteed to be rootbound, because the pots are ranged to the size of the plant for sale, and that’s always tight. So long as they are kept wet/fertilised (which the nursery can do) they are fine. Underwater them, and it can be touch and go.

11 years ago

BTW Historaphilia, if you see this type of zuchinni, they’re great for stuffing because they’re fat so if you hollow them out there’s still some flesh left. Treat them kind of like an eggplant.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“I think there’s real value is separating anti-sharia and secular activists who stay focussed on policy and action from loons like Pan Gellar, who believe in irrational conspiracy theories and promote active discrimination as opposed to universal principals.”

Agreed, and I for one got your point about people hiding behind Islamophobia. I just mentioned the genocide example because I saw it recently and is too egregious for any person with a sense of empathy to justify.

Katz — “Also fail because Islamophobia (and homophobia, etc) is not and has never been a psychiatric term. It doesn’t mean you’re mentally ill. It means you’re an asshole.”

Whoops, I think dude got some ableism on his Islamophobia et al. Sort of…is he attempting to accuse people who call others Islamophobic of ableism? Except not because ableism = victim mentality? So confused!

11 years ago

Sorry, the CEO of ConocoPhillips got $260 Million US to quit his job. That’s the average annual salary of someone in the US for 6,500 years.

11 years ago

Cassandra: Mexican zucchini! They are tasty and conveniently sized.

11 years ago

I am amused that BRZzzzzt! Is whining about “victim mentality” since his schtick is how oppressed and victimised men are by women.

Who was it said, “know thyself,”?

11 years ago

BTW if looking for recipes that will work for the pale, fat zuchinni above, google “koosa recipes”.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Yes. One of the ways they propagate is falling off the parent and rooting on the ground.”

That’s how it was “born” but it just refuses to grow actual roots. I’ll have to rig something up to put it in water seeing how it’s itty bitty, but thanks, I’ll give it a go.

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Wasn’t Brz’s Schlick that he should create a non-victim class for the victimized (white, Christian, straight, etc) men who aren’t considered victims. Since apparently the victim classes out number non-victims.

Or some shit like that.

11 years ago

@ katz

I’d never thought of that but the squash I know as koosa (the pale, fat zuchinni) is the same as the Mexican squash, isn’t it? I love reading about how certain foods made their way from one place to another. Maybe in this case it just doesn’t like to grow in cold, damp climates and that’s why you don’t see it in, say, the UK?

11 years ago

Well, that’s what those are labeled as at Super King, anyway. Aren’t most squashes from the new world?

11 years ago

In not sure what direction those moved in, west to east or east to west, but they’re a traditional thing in Syria, Lebanon, etc.

11 years ago

Tomatoes are a New World thing too, I think, and I can’t imagine Italian or Middle Eastern cooking without tomatoes.

11 years ago

Random – does YouTube somehow track stuff you’re talking about on other spaces? I keep getting chirpy little Kraft ads showing me how to make things with melted cheese, which is an odd intro to, say, a Cradle of Filth video.

11 years ago

@ pecunium I had a femdom friend who tried something similar with me. I found out when I did something assholeish and her over the top response had her reveal she had been trying to groom me as her sub for years. She was totally monologueing.

@cassandra He was RooshVDom of Gor. I do like though how the munch system seems to rather successfully weed out the Domlier Doms. They come, they ass up the place, their name gets rlled around in the mud, and potential play partners find other opportunities. A common mantra among the subs is “I’m a sub, not your sub.”. Plus, the types who try to take it out of the bedroom seem to forget to make a real human relationship first and foremost. I could swear the MRAs are the domly doms with their treatment of partners as commodities.

11 years ago

That kind of “I will act like a dom at all times towards everyone who I meet” thing smacks of both insecurity and inexperience to me. Not to mention being obnoxious and irritating to everyone around them. Gor guys in particular always seem to want to try it on every woman they meet.

11 years ago


One of the weirdest things I see (because I’ve seen it more than once) is somene who is dommy thinking this is because they have some “super-charisma” and that they can dom people in everyday life. I’ve had a couple try this with me. It was amusing (for some value of, “WTF just happened?”) because it usually leads to a level of hurt puppy when it fails.

Oh gods, *this*. “I’m so alpha/domly that it just happens naturally around me.” I recently got a lecture on how disrespectful I am because I didn’t immediately think his domly rules for domliness were something I had to pay attention to while we were at a pub quiz. (Amusingly, I was actually being respectful when it became obvious he and his partner were actively playing and so she was under rules to not talk to me or get up or anything, and just left quietly because they were clearly in scene, so I thought it best to leave them alone.)


There was one who declared that I must be a sub because I’m a woman (I think he was a Gorean – he was dressed like a Manowar video) and stared intently into my eyes while trying to back me up against the bar.

Well, the “because you are a woman” certainly fits for a Gorean.


I found out when I did something assholeish and her over the top response had her reveal she had been trying to groom me as her sub for years.

What always amazes me is that people like this so often casually state things like “grooming you as a sub” without any apparent sense of the creepiness factor of using a word that is specifically linked to abuse.

I do like though how the munch system seems to rather successfully weed out the Domlier Doms. They come, they ass up the place, their name gets rlled around in the mud, and potential play partners find other opportunities.

I think it depends a lot on the particular munch scene, of course. I’ve seen my share of Lord High Domly Doms at munches who don’t get called on it. I do think the worst of the worst who just indiscriminately assume they dom everyone get weeded out, but the ones who are quieter about it skate through, since things are so often dom-centered.

I could swear the MRAs are the domly doms with their treatment of partners as commodities.

Indeed. I often point out that the only people I know seriously doing Total Power Exchange 24/7 Dom/Sub are the people in the whole Christian Submissive Wife movement.

11 years ago

katz: Winter/hard squashes (e.g. Acorn, Butternut, Delicata) are new world. Summer/soft are old (though perhaps not European).

11 years ago

Cassandra: re Brz: Ah yes, he was “refusing” to be a victim… but feminists and manginas are opressing him in this endeavour.

That kind of “I will act like a dom at all times towards everyone who I meet” thing smacks of both insecurity and inexperience to me. Not to mention being obnoxious and irritating to everyone around them. Gor guys in particular always seem to want to try it on every woman they meet.

I think it’s because they’ve internalised the idea in the books, i.e. all women, deep-down, are massive subs who only need, “the right treatment” to collapse into their true nature.

And yes, it’s a massive case of insecurity. Some while back there was someone who was seeing a partner of mine. He has this totemic identification with wolves/coyotes. He tried to tell her that the rest of her partners were going to be replaced/subordinate to him, because we were prey, and he was a predator.

When she said this to me (I’d never met the man), I said, “I’m from the Southwest, does he know what we do to varmints? We shoot them.”

His reaction to finding out about this was apparently something to behold… it rocked his worldview. Didn’t change his insistence that she needed to abandon/re-rank all her other partners.

It didn’t last much longer.

11 years ago

He tried to tell her that the rest of her partners were going to be replaced/subordinate to him, because we were prey, and he was a predator.

If she didn’t laugh when he said that she’s a much kinder person than I am.

11 years ago

lightcastle: Oh gods, *this*. “I’m so alpha/domly that it just happens naturally around me.” I recently got a lecture on how disrespectful I am because I didn’t immediately think his domly rules for domliness were something I had to pay attention to while we were at a pub quiz.

I can be tolerant of that sort of thing… so long as the domly-dude (I’ve never seen a domme try to pull this shit) is polite to me. They usually aren’t. At that point I make it clear that, whatever games he want’s to play with his partners is fine, but I’m not his partner, and I make my own rules about my life.

Your kink is ok, but consent is required; and that’s involving me without getting it first. I don’t play that way. If it harshes your mellow, Not My Problem.

Indeed. I often point out that the only people I know seriously doing Total Power Exchange 24/7 Dom/Sub are the people in the whole Christian Submissive Wife movement.

I know several 24/7 dom/sub relationships. I don’t understand it, but the subs I know who do it are happier when in such a relationship. I’m not sure what they get out of it, but the rest of their lives (say work) where the relationship doesn’t apply, seem to go better when they have a dom. If it works for them, power to them (and they can; and some have, left their partner if it wasn’t working).

11 years ago

jar hole is posting in a dead thread that his comments describing himself were block copied.

I understand run-of-the-mill trolling: the desire to piss-off people one doesn’t like.

I don’t understand the motivation behind pretending to troll as somone else and then doing a victory dance because that trolling had some false elements it it.

Any idea as to what motivates that behavior?

11 years ago

There’s also the fact that “I am a predator” isn’t just pretentious, it’s threatening. So either the guy really is a threat and he’s been foolish enough to announce it (not very wolfish, that – wolves are good at stealth), or he’s so dim that he doesn’t realize that women tend to listen out for red flags and that’s a pretty obvious one.

11 years ago

Cassandra: She told him lots of things. He didn’t listen. He didn’t last. The thing is he wasn’t, “alpha”. He was Domly. His lack of security in his place in things meant that he over-asserted, and so looked ineffectual.

11 years ago

@ joanimal

If he’s who several of us think he might be then your answer is “because he has a creepy obsession with this blog and its commenters”.

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