antifeminism evo psych fairy tales imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression lazy women eating bon bons misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit white knights

MRA History Lesson: Women have been getting a free-ride off the backs of men SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME


Here’s your Quote of the Day from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, not so much of THIS day as of a day four months ago, but, hey, I only discovered it today with the assistance of the AgainstMensRights subreddit. Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell a “public organ-orifice” is and/or how an AVALANCHE can “blare.”


Quite and excellent comment indeed!

And onward marches the World’s Greatest Guaranteed Top Quality Human Man Rights Man-Movement of the Twenty-First Century!

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11 years ago

Replying to the thread in general – its seems to me that the more “kink” becomes popular in porn, the more “vanilla” is used insultingly. I know when I was in my mid-20’s (a decade ago), being kinky was a source of pride among the people I knew, and people seemed to go out of their way to shock each other. So it may be an immaturity thing. These days I have no idea of the sexual practices of most of my friends, except those from way back when. We really don’t talk about it anymore.

RE: Evopsych: I am taking a class in the subject, and our professor annoyed me by quoting self-report studies about how women feel about casual sex (ignoring the social desirability bias) and also brought up romance novels as evidence that women need emotional reasons for casual sex (he’s too old to know about PWP fanfic, I guess). I could have challenged him, but making snarky comments to my gay seatmate (who has issues with the topic because obvious) was more fun and less time-wasting.

@Falconer – Yay babies! It’s so nice of you to share your pictures so we can squeee! 🙂

And relating to the OP, I wish I could get piggy-backs from my husband all the time, but he objects. What to do? 😉

11 years ago

@lumi Negotiate a scene and make trade-offs? Oh, you weren’t serious?

@kittehs Sorry if I am explaining where none is necessary. Plenty of people here seemed versed and I certainly used jargon without explaining it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

opium – no worries, I’m almost completely ignorant of the kink/BDSM scenes, so you can pretty safely assume I’ll need to be filled in. Basically all I know is what I’ve read here and on The Pervocracy. 🙂


11 years ago

@weeboy, I have only skimmed the last few days, is your friend ok?

@melody, That sucks, and I hope it works out OK for you. Maybe because the police didn’t find you at fault the insurance company won’t either?

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“Time to get on the floor and get dirty…what, I need to repot some plants! XD”

I have got to stop buying grocery store plants. Nothing quite like checking a plant only to discover the long leaves come up from a base 2″ from the bottom of the pot and the roots are a tangled 2″ deep disaster.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Oh dear!

Sounds like when I bought cat grass for Mads – it was a root-bound mess. And this from a nursery!

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Lol, oh it’s hilarious, the thing is clearly going to go from like 4″ around and a foot tall to 6~8″ around and flat-ish now that the leaves aren’t half buried. I figure I’m going to wake up to it having spread out, should be fun!

Oh, pecunium, if you see this, can I root my poor tiny jade via the stick in water method? I mean, it seems fine, but it also seems to just be a series of tiny leaves and no roots (like, at all, bump it slightly and it falls right over) Btw, I put it in a 2″ terra cotta pot I had in a fish tank, I can’t seem to find pots that small here, good thing I have some as fish “caves”?

Bought a new orchid after the blizzard killed mine, one of those “just add ice” jobs. Tried that exactly once before going “this is nothing like enough water, these roots are withering away”…my mother suggested maybe they meant bigger ice cubes, like they come in various sizes (well of course they do! Yes mom but I think they’d have specified if they didn’t mean the ones in everyone’s freezer)

11 years ago

@TomBcat that’s awful. 🙁 Hugs, hope you’re okay.
(If this isn’t inappropriate – because when horrible things happen to me I try and focus on the part where I escaped in a ‘kinda’ (i.e. not at all) badass way, like by managing to outwit this wannabe-rapist even when non-consensually drugged to the eyeballs… did I read right that you climbed out a window to escape? That is pretty damn badass! Also major apologies if this isn’t coming across the way I intend, which is to say that, you got yourself out of a horrible situation, GO YOU.
Also, just, apologies. Maybe I shoulda just left it at hugs. Hope you’re okay.)

@The Kitteh’s Unpaid Help away back in the thread (because I am late, and it is far too early here) that bit about sex having to be perfect? Made me thnik of this, if nobody’s posted it already (NSFW)

Also I’ma put my oar in on hunter-gatherer work division based on this one programme I saw on sub-Saharan people this one time (so you can tell already this is going to be classy) – the game out there was scarce and the men apparently took their entire lifetimes training at being good at sneaking up and killing it with arrows. Meanwhile there was footage of the women being out gathering, and almost all of them had a small child along (too small to walk, or walk well). And I’m sure there was a bit about all the women having 4-5 children over a lifetime, or at least wanting to.

So I was all, aha! I bet nobody’s thought that having a small child along on a hunting trip is a good way to spook your prey, and if you’re breast-feeding you therefore cannot go hunting and will miss valuable amounts of experience so maybe this division of labour I am seeing here *in this one culture* is purely about the children, not which gender is supposedly ‘naturally better at’ something. Also the way the folks on the programme lived is entirely nothing like modern western lifestyles at all, where we rarely have to sneak up on anything.

Then it occurred to me that this has probably occurred to everyone ever, with the odd exception of evo-pysch people who you would think would be the ones looking for it.

(Also it is not a very serious theory, on account of, one whole TV programme, And in case I am being terribly unclear, gender-based roles based on ‘something we think people who lived nothing like us once did’ is a load of…).

11 years ago

If women were truly the privileged ones for being exempt of all the horrible, dangerous man-jobs like military service and coal mining then why do so many men EVEN TO THIS DAY fight tooth and nail to keep women out, or discourage women by telling them they don’t have the physical or even mental strength to do those jobs?

if men truly felt so oppressed by being soldiers, why didn’t they demand women be made to enlist? and before any MRA twerp comes in an tells me its because men have some magic innate instinct to protect women (must protect dem wombs or else no more humans), how about stop denying the reality of women civilians killed in wars? women raped by enemy soldiers….STOP DENYING FACT. Those particular men certainly seem to have no instinct to protect women. So this is not some innate thing.

Consider this too, as horrid as soldiers have it and as much as they deserve our respect, at least they have guns and other weapons to protect themselves. Exactly what do women have to keep safe? oh yeah…nothing. They have no choice in the matter. If there’s a war, you either get lucky and live, or just die.

I mean, this doesn’t add up, and yet the MRM is touted as the logical side of the gender debate, why have so many men TO THIS DAY argue for keeping women out of these roles? If coal miners are so oppressed by their work, why do they harass women who work those jobs? and

If those jobs are so horrible, you’d think the male miners would be more welcoming to women, and encourage them to take those jobs, so less men would have to. Or at least an equal amount so that its fair.

I and all of you have even seen MRAs scoff at women police officers and fire fighters. They’re weak they say, the standards are lowered for women (again, always claiming this but no proof to back it up) they wouldn’t trust a woman with their lives, women are just physically weaker they say, its just a fact of life. I swear I read an article on the spearhead or some other MRA site lol-ing about how the stupid woman police officer did something stupid thus lol dumb ladies can’t be cops. Well then, I guess more dangerous jobs for men right?

Well I gotta say MRAs, it seems either soldiers and miners don’t feel oppressed by their positions, or maybe they ought to stop oppressing themselves by shutting women out and constantly telling them they can’t cut it.

I mean, what’s next? are gays who are banned from military service in some places the privileged ones? are they valued more? what about men who can’t enlist because of a physical or mental disability? does that mean they are valued more by society too? are they privileged?

Also lets just say there were more programs and quotas and all that stuff to get women into jobs like trucking, construction, sewer maintanance, etc. I’m all for it, but lets be honest, do we really think it isn’t going to turn into a big “ladies dey tooook our jerrrbs” thing?

And finally….enough about coal mining already MRAs. We all know mining in western countries is a rare fucking job that most men, even poor men, do not do. And it’s been going down every decade.

Stop using that as an excuse to keep women out of tech.

I guess I should have posted this in the previous thread but its all the same argument…women are protected and lucky from being banned from everything but the kitchen. Fucking idiots.

Also hi again everyone, it seems I got sucked into this shit once again >_>

11 years ago

Note to self: reading the internet while waiting for the caffeine to wake you up is okay. Attempting to communicate on the internet in this state is NOT.

11 years ago

Also I should make it clear that I’m (obviously) all for safer job standards and agree that the danger in these industries are an issue, and I don’t believe women should be exempt from them or men feeling like they *should* go into them. As I said, I’m all for programs that encourage women into these jobs (I saw a female construction worker in the summer and did a little happy dance inside)

I just think its fucking ridiculous that women are somehow privileged or considered more valuable by being seen by society as unable to do these jobs thus being discouraged from going into them. Its just such a damn stupid thing to think. On what planet is being told you’re incapable and weak a positive thing?

11 years ago

On what planet is being told you’re incapable and weak a positive thing?

In a society where belonging to a victim group gives a lot of advantages?

“Belonging to a victim group means the opportunity of financial gain and promotion at work, and the chance to denounce enemies to police or in the courts.
The report said that members of victim groups stand to win advantages at work – for example middle class women who demand promotions they have not earned on the grounds of the claim that women were discriminated against in the past.”

73% of the population are now considered to be victims in UK. For Christ’s sake…
Since non-victims have now become a minority, the constitution of a non-victim group seems more necessary than ever.

11 years ago

But that’s actually good progress, then, Brz.

I mean – if being a victim gives you a lot of advantages, then if 73 % of people are considered victims, 73 % of people will be, can be, could be or would be given a lot of advantages in circumstances such as promotions of work, financial gain and the demonstration of enemies to police and court.

So what we should be looking into here is how to victim-ify the entire population. What gives those hold out 27 % of UK the guts and gusto to claim they’re not victims? Clearly, they are.

In this case they’re victims of not being victims, on account of the 73 % majority, so they’re a noticable minority, statistically proven, with definite, declared net negatives to their situation (lack of financial gain, no representation in courts, police won’t sally forth to bring justice to their enemies).

So… everyone’s a victim, but that’s a good thing, so everyone wins? Great!

11 years ago

legal socio-economic Marxist policies

I like how one of them necessarily refers to any government policies, one is largely meaningless in that context, and the third refers to idealogical context that didn’t exist until the 19th century.

11 years ago

cognitive dissidence

Wait, wasn’t that by Foucalt?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Beshemoth – LOL to the Oglaf! (Is there ever a sexytimes subject that Oglaf can’t apply to?)

Hi Quackers! ::waves::

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

OT, has anyone watched the series Lilyhammer? I just saw the first episode tonight and enjoyed it. (Yes, yes, I watched it ‘cos it stars Steven Van Zandt, I admit it.)

11 years ago

Kittehs, have you read the news? A famous 82-year-old children’s entertainer born in Australia and living in the United Kingdom – a class that, without alleging any misconduct on the part of Mr Rolf Harris, includes Rolf Harris – has been arrested in relation to paedophilia charges.

Again, this person, who isn’t necessarily Rolf Harris although Rolf Harris is someone who fits the description provided by most media outlets, has been sought by police in relation to the Jimmy Saville charges.

Interestingly, Rolf Harris knew Jimmy Saville.


11 years ago

@ beshemoth
It came across really nice. I feel like you said jsut the right thing.
Though I think I should clarify I wrote this without thinking, the reason I didn’t just use the door was that the window is closer to the bus station and I wanted to catch the next one…(without that it sounds like he locked me in or something…)

Also OT, there’s an online discussion between some of my friends and of course someone jumps out, declaring that “women can be evil to, there’s gold diggers!” and ugh, I liked you, I didn’t want to know you think that!

I also find it amusing that the coal-miner-MRAs can’t decide whether to protect women or scream at them for not dying en masse in the mines.

11 years ago

Forgot: the important part of one sentence: There’s a discussion about Steubenville.

11 years ago

Hello all!

I come to derail and to tell you all that I am currently in the south of France.

I went to the market this morning and you have no idea how good it is to have really good vegetables to cook with.

And a recommendation, if you ever spot a kind of courgette (zucchini) that round and ball shaped rather than long get them, then slice them in half and roast with olive oil and lemon juice.

Also flat peaches if ever see them, expensive but glorious.

Also, french tomatoes are so much better than the kind you get in Britain, they actually taste like tomatoes and not cold water.

Also I wish to inform you that a Chocolatier the day before Easter Sunday is the most glorious place on earth and smells like nothing you can imagine.

No chocolate you have ever tasted is as good as the kind you can get from a Chocolatier in France. They make it themselves on site and it’s a fraction of the price you’d pay in the UK. It’s beautiful as well, my Mum and I bought this gorgeous chocolate fish as a treat, it’s hand cast and decorated and filled with little chocolate sea shells and mini praline eggs.

They make beautiful eggs as well, and chickens and rabbits and ducks and frogs etc. etc.

Basically this has been a post entirely about food.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@historophilia- I hate you. so. so. much (actually I am just green with envy about all of that delicious sounding food)

11 years ago

Historophillia: OMG, that sounds like heaven. I am so jealous.

11 years ago

I had a chocolate job once and know the smell you talk about, thanks to you, I’m gonna have it in my mental nose all day 🙂
I hope the weather is great over there!

11 years ago

There is some truth in this comment.
It is not right when adult person lives at the expense of someone else.

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