antifeminism evo psych fairy tales imaginary backwards land imaginary oppression lazy women eating bon bons misogyny MRA oppressed men reddit white knights

MRA History Lesson: Women have been getting a free-ride off the backs of men SINCE THE BEGINNING OF TIME


Here’s your Quote of the Day from the Men’s Rights subreddit. Well, not so much of THIS day as of a day four months ago, but, hey, I only discovered it today with the assistance of the AgainstMensRights subreddit. Bonus points if you can tell me what the hell a “public organ-orifice” is and/or how an AVALANCHE can “blare.”


Quite and excellent comment indeed!

And onward marches the World’s Greatest Guaranteed Top Quality Human Man Rights Man-Movement of the Twenty-First Century!

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11 years ago

I’m wondering about the cognitive “dissedence”.

11 years ago


11 years ago

Sometimes I borrow money from my partner. I’m so ashamed of my womanly freeloadingness 🙁

11 years ago

“That’s quite and excellent comment.”


And the historical citations that leaped out of that “excellent comment” were glorious! Sarcasm off. He posted something he wants to believe and the grammar vandal wants to hear. Wow. It must feel good to get pats on the back all day long for being wrong and entitled.

11 years ago

When I was a child, I had indeed free ride on the back of my father, and I recently had one on the back of my little brother. They’re onto me!

11 years ago

I plan to invite my boyfriend to a restaurant in a few weeks, as to repair for what men have done for me.

11 years ago

And now I know that piggy back rides are evo psychs fault which must’ve existed since before the beginning of time.
And there I am, doubting my english skills when I read entries like this.

11 years ago

So uhhh, the picture distracted me from caring about whatever inanity was in the MRA of the day. I always find it gratifying when I am reminded sex and kink wasn’t invented yesterday.If only we were better about passing such knowledge on…

11 years ago

When exactly was the “begining of time” anyway? And why does he think people existed the moment the universe popped into existence? Reverse sexism predated the dinosaurs, I suppose.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

“Cognitive dissidence”

Oh, god, I’m laughing so hard…

11 years ago

Oh opium4themasses, you are such an inspiration to masochistic sickos everywhere.
I so checked my oppressive vanilla privilege.

11 years ago

I guess it wasn’t so much people, but the universal female forces dominating the male ones.
Which has to do with the psychology of evolution.

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

Soooo… pony play dates from the beginning of time? Not judging, just trying to figure out what he meant.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Oh, nopestories. Your tired and overused schtick is so utterly boring that I almost couldn’t be offended by the underlying nasty assholishness.

Try harder.

11 years ago

masochistic sickos…are those the guys who constantly come in here to get their asses kicked over and over again?

11 years ago

I ground to a halt for a moment at “getting a free-ride off the backs of men”. So if they were OFF the men’s backs, then who was giving them the free-ride?

11 years ago

Yeah. Too cheap to pay a Dom.

11 years ago

Stop promoting the bullshit that bdsm has females as the dominant, when it is almost always the opposite.

You just want to pretend you rule with your girl powar!1 “LOOK AT ME, I WANT TO HURT PEOPLE AND CALL IT SEX! IM SO EMPOWERED!” (but again, its almost always the opposite, saying its females that abuse the males is just to make bdsm look cute and harmless)

You are all disgusting monkey’s

11 years ago

Quite and excellent comment

All you really need to know about the MRM right there.

Nopestories, it’s OK to know nothing about BDSM, but try not get your ignorance all over us and the carpet. It’s a bitch to get out.

11 years ago

Can we just not poke nopestories? He’s hardly a quality troll.

11 years ago

This is probably a stupid question with no answer, but I still have to wonder…what would it take to get these guys to acknowledge the work that women do, have always done, and will always do to contribute to society? I mean, let’s start with childcare–something that really does go back to “the beginning of time” (i.e. as long as humans have been around, and even longer). I forget which thread it was in, but someone here recently pointed out that if men figured out how to reproduce asexually, there would still be a need to take care of the clone-babies.

And those mammoths they’re oh-so-proud of…men may have hunted them, but who cooked them in order to make the meat soft enough to chew? Who dressed the hides so those mighty hunters wouldn’t freeze while they waited for the big hairy elephants to come galumphing along the glaciers? Who (probably) carted the bones off afterward so hyenas wouldn’t be attracted to the cave? If you assume the division of labor back at the Beginning of Time (TM) was roughly the same as it was in 1950s America, that is. And if it wasn’t, well, that just blows the entirety of evo-psych right out of the water, doesn’t it?

11 years ago

Nopey, your posts are so funny! That bit about “girl powar!1” and all that.

No seriously now, your posts are a mess. What the hell, lots of consenting adults enjoy bdsm. You’re talking about things you’ve never read about.

11 years ago

So i am ignorant because you just said so with nothing ells to say about it.
Okay, i am done now.

11 years ago

@ nopestories

nothing you just said made sense in any conceivable context, because it had nothing to do with anything I said about anything.
How am I supposed to answer if you don’t even try?
Context – how does it work?

11 years ago

Nopestories: you’re ignorant because you post a hot mess and expect us to make sense of your incoherence. Fuck off, I already have a job.

Bye. Stick the flounce.

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