are these guys 12 years old? female beep boop misogyny

BREAKING: Creator of science-related web page reportedly a woman

Women have apparently been part of science for some time now. Developing ...
Women have allegedly been involved in science for some time now.

So here’s an interesting story: The creator of the popular I Fucking Love Science Facebook page recently got a Twitter account.

Oh, I know that doesn’t sound all that interesting, but here’s the thing: When she got the Twitter account, she revealed to her Facebook fans that she was, in fact, a she.

This apparently shocked and confused a large portion of her readership. A … Woman? But … but … SCIENCE?! But there she was, with a woman’s name — Elise Andrew — and a woman’s face and everything.

Over on Hello Giggles, Julia Gazdag — also rumored to be a woman — reports on the reaction to Elise Andrew’s Big Reveal. Some chick at Reuters also did a piece on it.

(Thanks, Elizabeth, for pointing me to this story.)



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11 years ago

By which I mean there is so much more to be snarky to.

11 years ago

Kitteh’s: kind of, but it’s really more like random piles of books scattered around the house. So much for the Kindle cutting down on that.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Cannonball – yeah, I’ve yet to see snark at regulars except from trolls. We’ve so much other material to work with, for one thing, and the regulars here aren’t like that.

hellkell – it’s like the idea of the paperless office, isn’t it? We all know how that went.

scarletpipistrelle – D’AWWWW that kitty! Bravo to the rescuers! He looked so much like Hadji and might have been about the same age. And what a handsome fellow grown up!

Minor quibble: Castle Bran was NOT Vlad’s castle, however much the tourist authorities push the idea. He may never even have been there, and it was not in his principality (Wallachia) or his Transylvanian duchies.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Also breaking news!* New pic of what Mr K’s wearing today (O blessed cool change, how I love thee). Haven’t decided what background to use yet, but the template’s done.

brown cobblestone sweater

*not really

11 years ago

Hee. Love the jumper. .

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Merci! He’s had that one a while. It’s a lovely pattern. He’s got similar ones in puce and green, and the one I actually physically knitted here (mind-boggling I managed it) is more or less the same idea. 🙂

11 years ago

Kitteh’s: LOL at paperless office. I’m carting around several trees with me when I work from home.

I guess since I have about 200 books on the Kindle, it did help, but I tend to raid Half Price Books for what isn’t available on the Kindle.

11 years ago

It’s awesome. I’m so glad he is so well taken care of! Honestly, he deserves it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

hellkell – I’m working on a huge pile of paper charts. They haven’t been knocked out by electronic navigation yet (apart from anything else, if your computer or electrics die while you’re at sea and you’ve no paper charts, you are, to use the technical term, stuffed).

Cannonball – awww! ::shuffles feet again::

Actually he takes care of me just as much over There. Three hundred more years of cooking practice and OMG THE PIES, THE PIES …

Message from Louis, smiling and stretching his hand toward the screen: “May I call you friend?”

11 years ago

Oh my. He was always my friend even if he didn’t know it. Am honored. That’s a big”of course” of course. Piiiiiiiiiiies. Ahem. Sorry.

11 years ago

Kitteh’s: If I had posted that here, I would’ve been aiming it at the trolls. However, sadly, that was a colossal C&P fail on my part. I meant to leave THIS here:
comment image

which, I think you’ll agree, is far less ambiguous and considerably more awesome, to boot.

Since I screwed up, though, here’s a bonus:
comment image

11 years ago

@freemage I was so paranoid. Sorry if I was a little clippy, if you noticed. Princess Bride cats are surely the most awesome brain bleach. My apologies.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago


The cry of the Zombie Pastry Chef …

I’m not sure who’s grinning more right now, him or me. Not just ‘cos pies, but generally. 🙂

freemage, kittiieeeeeeeeeeeees! The first one looks like Miss Rochelle (our latest kitty over There) with mega fluff.

“Inigo Meowntoya” ::dies::

11 years ago

Cannonball: No harm done.

Kittehs’: Oooh… Lucky you having that one, then. So very gorgeous.

11 years ago

Well zombie pastry chef would mean a flaky crust. I just grossed myself out if that’s any consolation.

11 years ago

@freemage Glad to hear it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

“Well zombie pastry chef would mean a flaky crust. I just grossed myself out if that’s any consolation.”


I’m glad I had pies for tea last night, here. (Chicken and leek with boiled spuds and greens, yum.)

freemage – Miss Rochelle’s those colours, but with short, dense fur. She’s in the earlier link I posted on the last page (or at least, it’s a kitty who looks enough like her to use – since she never lived with me on this plane, I have no photos of her).

Say, is the kitty in the pic you posted a Turkish Van? Just occurred to me they’re similar.

11 years ago

@Kittehs’ I may attempt to post a pic of my Louis. She doesn’t have near so many natty jumpers though!

11 years ago

hellkell is clearly engaging in hyperpeppergamy. (Okay, I know that comment was like hours ago, but I’ve been off of the internet. And I am feeling goofy.)

Cannonball, that sucks about your partner. Grrr. I am growling on all the threads!

Hey, Kittehs’ did I tell you I work with maps? One of the coolest I’ve seen recently was a WWII era map printed on parachute fabric so that pilots who were shot down would have a map that didn’t disintegrate in water. I love maps. It is thanks to maps that I discovered there is a body of water in California named Desperation Slough.

11 years ago

@cloudiah Thanks for the grrrs, many of them, all of them. It’s still an uphill battle.

11 years ago

body of water in California named Desperation Slough.

How is that not a PUA’s name yet??

11 years ago

Wouldn’t it be a incels dream?

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

This comment happened a ways back but

@leftwingfox- The thing about kink is that, while I don’t argue with you that it’s influenced by a culture of non-consensual violence, the kink community (when it’s doing its job, and it’s not always doing its job) has a lot to teach the rest of the sexually active world about boundaries, explicit consent, and the idea that consent can be withdrawn.

I’m also not sure that human sexuality can ever be un-coupled from generally weird shit. I think the FORMS the weird shit take are influenced by the surrounding culture, but I think kink (in one form or another) will probably always be a thing.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

“…but I think kink (in one form or another) will probably always be a thing.”

Well it had damned well better be! *says a sleepy masochist*

Kitteh, Cannonball — you guys made me squee. In “things I know I’ll regret asking”, what do Fruedians say about people who like cats? (What about fish?! *goes to check on sick cory* — with luck I’m about to be returning a cory to the big tank)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Btw, that bill about trans* people and bathrooms? It passed the House panel, hopefully the full House will go “oh hell no”.