So here’s an interesting story: The creator of the popular I Fucking Love Science Facebook page recently got a Twitter account.
Oh, I know that doesn’t sound all that interesting, but here’s the thing: When she got the Twitter account, she revealed to her Facebook fans that she was, in fact, a she.
This apparently shocked and confused a large portion of her readership. A … Woman? But … but … SCIENCE?! But there she was, with a woman’s name — Elise Andrew — and a woman’s face and everything.
Over on Hello Giggles, Julia Gazdag — also rumored to be a woman — reports on the reaction to Elise Andrew’s Big Reveal. Some chick at Reuters also did a piece on it.
(Thanks, Elizabeth, for pointing me to this story.)
The joke is the Cardinal was known as a cat person (and mocked for it for centuries, as VL Tapie pointed out sixty-odd years ago). I hate to think how Freudians look at people who love cats … or any animals, come to that.
I always assumed Louis’s fondness for animals was focused on his dogs, hunting birds and horses. I knew he’d tried to stop Henri taking part in the horrible Paris “festival” that involved killing cats when he was little, and he outlawed it as an adult (don’t know if the Cardinal was involved in that too, but I’d be surprised if he wasn’t), though that ban didn’t outlive him. It was only when we started communicating that I found out that yes, he always liked cats. He’s more of a cat person now than he was then, possibly because it’s the line of least resistance, since his house has ten feline residents – nine of mine, and one who turned up all on her own not long ago. They outnumber the dogs by one at the moment. 🙂
Cannonball – no way did you bug me! You should see the happy dances going on here! 😀
It’s best to just put the Freudians down in a corner and back away slowly in my experience. You never know when a stray vagina is the devil chant will catch you in the eye.
That’s why I named my cat Louis! I figured he’d appreciate it!
By the way awesome pic!
No offence but I totally want to pinch both your cheeks right now (consensually of course). It’s just nice to see nice people being so happy to talk about nice things together XD
“It’s best to just put the Freudians down in a corner and back away slowly in my experience. You never know when a stray vagina is the devil chant will catch you in the eye. ”
thenat – d’awwww! ::blushes:: ::shuffles feet::
Hey, d’you think we’re upsetting MRAs by talking about a guy we like? Who they’d probably say is an alpha, cos how much more alpha do you get than “king”? Plus talking about kitties, at least indirectly?
Oh, totally forgot to say congrats on doing the book, thenat! 🙂
Kitteh’s (or Cannonball): what books would you recommend if I wanted to learn more about Mr. K?
Natfabtastic: this thread has much, but yes, congrats on the book! Would love to read it when it’s done.
I hope so.
Aww, thanks guys! It’s in the incredibly early stages at the moment (i.e. first third of the first draft) but TinyFantastic is really enjoying it (especially with the main character based on her!) and the illustrator sent me her first drafts today and the TinyFantastic and robot characters look amaaaaze.
Will leave it to Kittehs’ obvious superior knowledge! And I’m blushing by the way. Pinch away thenatfantastic and congrats!
Oh and by the way kittehs’, we are total misandry machines. You are sniffing scented candles while enjoying your abundant male models, DON’T LIE.
hellkell – the only bio of him in English is A. Lloyd Moote’s Louis XIII, the Just. It’s good, but I think you’d need some background on the history to get the most out of it. A general history of his reign which is pretty balanced (although out of date on many issues, given it was published in the 50s) is Victor-Lucien Tapie’s France in the Age of Louis XIII and Richelieu. It was the first serious book I read about him, back in the 80s, and I knew zip about French history then. There’s a short work on him by Hester W. Chapman in her book Privileged Persons: Four Seventeenth-Century Studies. They should all be available on Amazon.
I’d avoid The King’s Minion, by Philippe Erlanger. The man has a hate-on for the Cardinal.
Right now I’m choking laughing on my chickencheesespinachavocado sammich!
Sir says Hi … 🙂
I blush, I blush so much!
::cools Cannonball’s burning cheeks with wafts from delicate lacy fan::
I’m’a just gonna leave this here:

*enjoys the draft* Sorry if I’m a little lackadaisical with my spelling and grammar, I tend to get a little free form and jazz like while under the influence.
I think (hope!) freemage was aiming that at the trolls! 😀
Hope so! I’m still a little shy.
Thanks for the book recommendations, Kitteh’s. I will add these titles to the pile.
We will stand together, Cannonball! 🙂
hellkell, my pleasure! I’m picturing a sort of Leaning Tower of Pisa of books now …
If anyone needs a brain break: a kitty rescue in Transylvania! http://www.wildtransylvania.com/2008/06/kitten-rescue-at-dracula-castle.html
Ha! I’m going to ignore because honestly, my grammar, in a thread talking about Louis, implied cats and blushing is maybe not what deserves snark.