
So here’s an interesting story: The creator of the popular I Fucking Love Science Facebook page recently got a Twitter account.
Oh, I know that doesn’t sound all that interesting, but here’s the thing: When she got the Twitter account, she revealed to her Facebook fans that she was, in fact, a she.
This apparently shocked and confused a large portion of her readership. A … Woman? But … but … SCIENCE?! But there she was, with a woman’s name — Elise Andrew — and a woman’s face and everything.
Over on Hello Giggles, Julia Gazdag — also rumored to be a woman — reports on the reaction to Elise Andrew’s Big Reveal. Some chick at Reuters also did a piece on it.
(Thanks, Elizabeth, for pointing me to this story.)
Might be the hive-mind programming kicking in, but I agree with you completely thenatfantastic. It’s vital to deal with the systemic economic and social pressures that make sex work a desperation alternative instead of a positive choice, and help ensure the health safety and quality of life for those who choose to do such work.
And yeah, sorry about conflating kink in the conversation; I only included it as an area where rape culture influences how we talk about the culture. It’s hard to talk about a culture of explicit consensual violence and dominance without noting that it’s soaking in a wider culture of implicit non-consentual violence and dominance. =/
The dude who raged about 12 year olds wearing capris being “in heat” had self-control to stay within boundaries? That’s news to me. Course, I was too busy laughing at so much of the conservative outrage over the elections that most of NWO’s post-election meltdown probably didn’t register to me at the time except as one more ridiculous rant.
Sorry to hear about all those jerks :/ Though I kinda have to rant about them too, now that you posted a quote….
(to jerkwads): Seriously? If all women are ‘bat shit crazy’ and you’re only solution is to try to find someone young and ‘train’ her to be a crazy you can tolerate, there are not enough legos in the world for you to step on! ffs, if you don’t like women just don’t date them.
That was needed.
God that sounds sucky 🙁 Internet hugs if you want them.
I feel this way too. From what I’ve seen of radical feminism, I agree with most of it besides the phobias, but then again, I haven’t seen a terribly huge amount, so I can’t know that well. blah, I’m rambling.
Doesn’t come across as “capital A atheist to me”. Assuming that’s code for annoying atheist XD I couldn’t tell. I think you’re right about it being some problems, I can’t say how many. So many of the anti-choice stuff seems to have place from there. gr. Anti choice stuff makes me mad. This paragraph not constructed well. I don’t know how many other problems come from the religion influencing US though.
(Actually going to nit-pick organized religion is heart in of problems. Organized religion affecting laws, yes, just organized, no.)
yeah I don’t know much about this but every time I hear about it it peeves me off >:/
@Argenti Aertheri
Gr that bill sucks 🙁 Sorry to preach to the choir here* but a bathroom sign isn’t really going to stop men who want to hurt women (since funny enough that’s always the situation they paint) from entering the bathroom. God. It shouldn’t even be a debate >:( bloop.
*not really sorry, but I hope you guys don’t mind 😉
You are both awesome and I want to buy both your books. <3
See, I’m sure this is somewhat true, but this is one of those things where I hear this statement far more than I’ve ever read sex positive bloggers erase problems. What I have read a lot of is sex workers being angry, and not focussing on the issues (though it’s mentioned) because they’re too busy defending themselves. Many of these people volunteer helping sex workers get out if they want to as well, so this statement tends to make me grumpy. 😛
I just have to mention that some women work on the street despite the dangers to get away from pimps and arsehole brothel owners. That is choosing a shit circumstance in a bunch of shitty options though. 🙁
Women love men that are high status, even if it is something like science. Even competitive pumpkin growers have groupies. I’m not the least bit surprised to see a woman celebrating the MEN of science.
I…competitive pumpkin growers?
‘oh baby, you grow the sexiest pumpkins on the block’
Probably a fun hobby for those who enjoy it, but I’m not sure how this connects to women ‘loving’ men of high status
Aslo, pro tip: you are a dude, I am assuming by your name. Do not tell women what they want. We are not a hivemind, you are not a woman. You are a condescending asshole. The only reason I’m bothering to reply to you is because I had a bad day and need to dig my teeth into a chew toy.
Also ‘even if it’s something like science’? I thought science was a manly manly MEN thing, why is the even there? XD
Hey all, the last time I posted I was whiskey happy, I’m beer happy tonight so I hope I’ll be a little more coherent!
My SO is trans and also in a STEM field. She has been to many conferences in the past and apparently when the topic of women in science came up she was told to pipe down because she is not a “real woman”. This is endemic and awful. It’s not really relevant but I thought I’d share. Sorry!
Funny how conservatives pretend to be concerned about women getting hurt when it’s useful to them, and invariably about situations that are unlikely to actually hurt women. And by funny I mean disgusting.
Gah. That sucks. 🙁 Internet hugs to you two if wanted.
Makes them rather transparent :/ I wonder what kind of mental gymnastics they use to convince themselves they’re trying to do something *besides* control women or limit trans* people’s rights, varying by whatever their garbage spewing point is.
@Marie The only women the want to protect are the ones that fit their oh so narrow margins
@Buttman: Of course you wouldn’t be.
People celebrate anyone who do something worthwhile, it’s inherent in the word “Worthwhile”. So of course someone would celebrate someone doing something cool with science or pumpkins of science pumpkins.
I… like flowers? Are we just communicating tautologies now, Sir Buttman?
The yahoo interview is actually interesting – on account of the snippet where the interviewee goes “I… I never actually hid my identity, and it was easily available at the “About” page all this time. Also, I’ve given interviews before where it was mentioned I was a girl. This is weird. Why are people being weird?” (I paraphrase)
Kind of a random blow up. I guess… you’re not really female until you have a twitter account? OH GOD, THAT’S THE SECRET! The MRA’s will try to shutdown Twitter to destroy womankind!
/tinfoil hat
There was an interesting story I came across the other day, about casa Xochiquetzal. Apparently it’s the only shelter in the world for retired prostitutes. I don’t know if that’s correct, entirely, because the concept just boggles my mind – out of the entire world, that’s ostensibly the only shelter that offers somewhere for people of that profession to retire, with dignity? That’s insane. Literally, as in, at odds with the expectations I have of reality.
So yeah. I don’t know if we can actually have a conversation about sex work without slipping into accidental mindtoxic, but I do know the conditions need some serious, serious re-visioning.
@Falconer – “???? News to me! I thought he just upped and disappeared.”
Same here! How did I miss the ultimate Owly meltdown?
@Howard – I knew Owly was on perma-moderation because he mentioned it sometime, but I thought that was before the elections anyway.
@Cannonball – Hi! That does suck majorly about your SO (or anyone) getting that treatment. Talk about a no-win situation – being too female for the misogynists and not female enough for (some) radfems. Oy.
Totally OT from an old thread, but gotta ask while you’re online: did you ever read Elizabeth Wirth Marvick’s godawful attempted psychoanalytical take on Louis’s childhood? I swear, Freudians with humour bypasses (tautological, I know) should never be allowed to say anything about little kids’ toilet jokes.
@Kittehs’ Bleurgh. If the was any ‘historian/ psychologist’ deserving of a time out and a good hard think about what they did? Go away and grow a brain please because you are making me frown and giving me wrinkles Elizabeth.
God I wish my typing was better!
Okay, for some reason, I’m enjoying buttman’s pumpkin post way, way too much. It just brings me a giggle every time I see it. Which means that it’s probably the most use the poor lad’s been in his entire sorry existence.
I mean, it’s not even something you could easily sexualize. Pumpkins. He should’ve at least gone for the low-hanging fruit (or would it be vegetable?) and opted for zucchinis or cucumbers. I mean, that would make sense in at least a sophomoric humor level, while tying into the whole ‘alpha males have big wangs’ thing they’ve got going.
Seriously, Buttsie, it’s time to give up–the feminist mangina is better at coming up with sexist bullshit than you are.
Cannonball: As you note, the big thing for a lot of these twits is that they want the right to define the acceptable boundaries for ‘female’. It’s all about control and dominance.
@freemage Exactly. We have no self-determination.
Freemage: while that bit about everyone being able to live in Texas is true on its face, it’s usually written by someone who’s never BEEN to TX. There are places in this state you could not pay me to exist on.
Natfantastic: you said what I was thinking re: radfems, plus this gem:
Articulates my issues with SPFs quite nicely.
Pumpkins, Das Butt? REALLY? Mr. HK is growing tomatoes out back, does that make me his groupie?
Yes. You’re a tomato groupie.
Get it on a t-shirt.
( 🙂 )
“Gr that bill sucks Sorry to preach to the choir here* but a bathroom sign isn’t really going to stop men who want to hurt women (since funny enough that’s always the situation they paint) from entering the bathroom. God. It shouldn’t even be a debate >:( bloop.”
Hell, even my pro-life conservative mother agrees that it won’t stop predators, and fuck, if you’re using a stall, what difference does it make what the genitals in the next stall over are. (That sentence should be shot for treason against grammar.)
“I just have to mention that some women work on the street despite the dangers to get away from pimps and arsehole brothel owners. That is choosing a shit circumstance in a bunch of shitty options though.”
Ah, my mistake, would referring to sex workers who work on the street as doing it because of limited shitty choices work? I was more trying to distinguish pimped sex workers from dominatrixes, who, afaik, do freely choose that line of work (fuck, potentially more freely than people working minimal wage jobs just to get by). I’m conflating the shitty choices of non-sex work with the shitty choices of sex work though, which is probably quite amiss when you consider the risks of sex work, particularly on the street, versus McD’s no insurance min. wage — oh fuck yes the latter sucks and is exploitive, but your odds of getting assaulted or killed are about a million times less.
I totally would. Just wait until the peppers come in. Oh, baby.
@Cannonball – gods, I’m so glad I’m not the only one who had that reaction to her nasty nonsense. It was like she’d had an empathy bypass. I don’t recall one skerrick of sympathy, let alone empathy, in the extremely dark picture she paints of his childhood. She basically says he was abused, but treats it as if it were his fault for being the product of abuse.
I wish the edition of Heroard’s memoirs that came out in the 80s (?) was available in English, because apparently the editor has a totally different view, of those years being essentially happy and well-supported. Not that I see them that way, but more as a mixture.
It boggles the mind that Marvick (yup, definitely frown-wrinkles happening there) tried the same thing with Richelieu’s early life. I mean, hello, understandable with Louis, whose childhood has the most detailed record of any major historical figure, but the Cardinal??? That makes no. sense. at. all.
I bet she didn’t even touch on how he came to be a cat person, either.
PS apologies for the monologuing, Cannonball, everyone, but I’ve never spoken to anyone who’s read these books before, let alone studied Louis’s life, let alone said “all kinds of awesome” about him! 🙂
Me either to be fair. Honestly I thought I was the only person with a vested interest and indeed frown lines about the haphazard way he was handled. Until I read this blog and the comments and well happy days!
Ha! Cat person transformation would be handled with her usual deft touch I’m sure!
::French king fan high five!::
Right back at you! Sorry if I bugged you or anything, just it’s not often I get to geek out!