So here’s an interesting story: The creator of the popular I Fucking Love Science Facebook page recently got a Twitter account.
Oh, I know that doesn’t sound all that interesting, but here’s the thing: When she got the Twitter account, she revealed to her Facebook fans that she was, in fact, a she.
This apparently shocked and confused a large portion of her readership. A … Woman? But … but … SCIENCE?! But there she was, with a woman’s name — Elise Andrew — and a woman’s face and everything.
Over on Hello Giggles, Julia Gazdag — also rumored to be a woman — reports on the reaction to Elise Andrew’s Big Reveal. Some chick at Reuters also did a piece on it.
(Thanks, Elizabeth, for pointing me to this story.)
Who was it that was all “Excuse me!?” when we said something that didn’t jibe with his worldview? Was that Steele?
Falconer, that was Steelebutt indeed.
No, it was MRAL.
Same thing, in the end.
I was just thinking of the famed Anti-Manboobz, where a full five of his 28 posts began with BREAKING:, every story of course being “someone said something on Manboobz (usually in the comments).”
I believe OMG Science Is Like Totally Cool is run or partially run by a woman, too. WHY THE FEMALE INWARD BIAS IN PARODY, HUH? HOW YOU GONNA EXPLAIN THAT MISANDRY?
I get pictures from I Fucking Love Science in my feed sometimes. It generally seems okay.
(in response to it being called “the worst science group on facebook” [paraphrasing])
And there is no way any science group that talks about legitimate science could be the worst one while there is anyone out there using quantum to mean anything other that what it actually means.
that should be any *group*
Jesus Christ, why is this even an issue for so many people? So a pro-science Facebook page was created by a woman. Big whoop. Reminds me of when Digby “came out” as female and the hubbub that surrounded that. I swear, it’s almost as if these dudes still think girls have cooties or something.
MollyRen, a lot of people thought that it was a group posting on the blog. Some of it has to do with her being rather prolific in writing, and some of it is that she has a broad range of science things she likes to write about.
The sense that I get with this whole nonsense is that all the misogynists are going, “Wait, I enjoyed something produced by a lady’s BRAIN?!?!?! But ladies have no brains!!!! Only vaginas!!! Quick, I should say something about how I want to stick my penis in her!!!!” *runaway*
Seriously though, I think there may be something to radfem’s notion of women as the “sex class” (although they are HUGELY problematic for lots of reasons). If you are a misogynist, everything a woman does must be tied to her fuckability.
Um, uh, well on one hand hormonal birth control’s failure rate is lower than that for condoms, on the much larger other hand, no way do these fools know that. I mean, we’re talking people who say “reasonable woman…do” *explodes at the grammar*. So yes, we can be that stupid, as another US person here though, we aren’t all that stupid. Some of us are stupider! (Sorry, my brother just walked into my bedroom with a cheeseburger to complain that it took too long to nuke)
Seriously though, yes, we have some royal idiots, but doesn’t everywhere? Granted neither abstinence only “sex ed” nor fucked up views on feminism/women/both help any.
On topic — she’s a woman, behind a science focused page…I don’t…what’s the problem here? I mean, of course MRAs are going to shit bricks, but hey, she’s presumably doing what she loves and fuck, good for her.
In Mr. Al, Steele, Torvus Butthorn, etc, related things, I almost miss his screeds about vile m-feminists. The complete lack of logic was hilarious.
In totally random things, would anyone like a samosa? They’re Amy’s brand microwaved ones, but surprisingly good (have I mentioned that I miss living next to a little Indian mart and their homemade food? Cuz samosa’s are delicious)
Argh, please ignore the rouge apostrophe that snuck into samosas, thank you!
Re: women as the “sex class” — yeah idk why it seems like radfems have cornered the market on that phrase, so to speak, when it just makes a fair amount of sense. Ever see a man (or anyone besides a conventionally attractive woman) get told to stand there and smile to attract customers? Geeks can whine about “booth babes” all fucking day, but it isn’t like the job was ever open to non-“babes” in the first place. Note the difference between them and, idk, that teenager swirling the sign for the Pizza Hut, that sign has *gasp* reasons to purchase / ads / offers / similar. “Booth babes” have…status as a “babe”?
(Note this is not a rant about the women who staff booths, whether swapping their wares or playing “booth babe”, but rather about the culture that makes “booth babes” a thing)
@Argenti- seconded on the missing delicious Indian food. I have moved to the suburbs, and there’s not much in the way of proper Indian out here (although there is some passable Thai!)
Before I gave up on humanity and (mostly) stopped speaking to people online I (foolishly) got involved in a conversation where I attempted to say that a) I think marijuana is unfairly demonized, but that b) driving under the influence is also bad and that the science supports that (I provided citations, but scientists are all “gubberment” shills who will say anything for research money).
I (very, very foolishly) attempted to explain that I had a degree in human biology, during which I accidentally used a female pronoun. This apparently signaled that the conversation was over because the person I was talking to stopped accusing me of being an FBI agent and merely said “That explains it, a women can’t understand science”.
The most confusing part is that he clearly was able to read the part that mentioned I was a lady-type pokemon but unable to read the part that said “scientist” or “degree in human biology”.
* this comment originally contained many uses of the word “apparently”, but I have a terror of using the same word multiple times.
Emmy — I realize it’s not your actual point at present, but I agree with you about marijuana (fuck, it’s safer than alcohol…)
As for female pronouns, yeah, funny how that works. Wherein funny means holy shit are some members of our species utterly lacking in basic humanity. Sorry you had such a smack in the face encounter with it.
So this is what I read before work now –
First depressing thought of the day: Well, at least she’s white, so she doesn’t have to deal with condescending racism as well (‘omg person of different origin to mine, good for you, being interested in science and stuff…’)
Can I just OT discuss how frustrating I’m finding it to work my way into male-dominated spaces right now? I listen to the podcast of this amazing man, Duncan Trussell, who is super warm and welcoming, but then I get to his forum and it’s just bombarded with wannabe alpha douches. It’s really turning me off. This one in particular took the cake today. I swore I was reading a post on AVFM
How does he come to such conclusions about all women? Well, he’s had FOUR WHOLE RELATIONSHIPS, so he must be an expert:
I’m struggling here because it seems unavoidable. There are a lot of cool people there but the trolls and sexists are the most frequent posters. Bums me out.
I kinda like I Love Fucking Science. I get some cute pictures on my feed, I learn some stuff. You know, it’s no biggie to me. She did post on FB the reaction she got when the twitterverse and FB learned she was a woman and I was taken aback, sort of. One bit says “but who gives a shit? I didn’t waste a nano-second wondering about her gender.” The other bit just crumples a little.
@Argenti, I make rather fine Indian food at least twice a week. I shall include you in the home delivery scheme. Actually, I am making my office curry for lunch next month and the office based in the other town have put in a take-away order. LOL.
Emmy, sounds like a lovely case of mansplaining.
“I mean, we’re talking people who say “reasonable woman…do” *explodes at the grammar*. ”
::wanders into thread::
::sweeps up bits of Argenti with pan and brush::
“Seriously though, yes, we have some royal idiots, but doesn’t everywhere? ”
I thought you lot specialised in Republican idiots BA-DOOM TISH!
“Argh, please ignore the rouge apostrophe that snuck into samosas, thank you!”
A rouge apostrophe! Pretty!
@Jessay – from that douche you quoted:
“I’m 35 and won’t be dating
anyone over 21again.” FTFHBigMomma — I’m pretty sure you’re literally on the other side of the world (I’m in the northeast US, you’re in Australia right? Or is that just everyone else awake at this hour?) but I appreciate the offer! Invent teleportation and I’ll totally have some of your homemade Indian!
Jessay — that is just…holy shit. I mean, there’s the obvious “you want a relationship with someone young enough that you can emotionally abuse them into serving you?!” plus the ageism with the underlying “dude, that’s creepy young, even if 19 is legal” (fuck, I’m 27, found out earlier my brother’s best friend is a year younger than him, so 23, and went “damn dude’s young”…under 21?!)
Then sprinkle in some ableism about batshit crazy, that whole bit about “unmolested”.
So much ick. Also, 35/2 = 17.5 + 7 = 24.5 so unless dude is Pell, that’s too young even by standard yucktastic math. Yuck, ick, ewww. Brain bleach needed!
Indeed it is Australia. I’ll just post it through the intertubes, yeah, right? Sounds messy, though.