a woman is always to blame men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy patronizing as heck rape culture we hunted the mammoth

Men’s Rights Redditor: “Women are like parasites.”

Some epic we-hunted-the-mammoth ranting from the Men’s Rights subreddit.



I should note — before some angry MRA does — that the thread I found this in is devoted to an outrageously hateful and over-the-top “kill all men” rant someone posted as a comment on Pharyngula. Naturally, no one there agrees with “Etienne,” nor do I. Indeed, I don’t allow those kinds of comments here, but the plain fact is that I never, as in literally not once that I can remember, get comments like that from feminists. I do get plenty of violent comments from MRAs, though; in the past week alone I’ve censored comments from people who gave themselves the usernames rapeabitch, RapeMan, and Woman Beater.

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Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

TTF — thank you for the apology, and I’m glad you’re alright. If you’re going to wallow I suggest chocolate, or Ben & Jerry’s, or both (try the Half Baked, it’s excellent!)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

cloudiah — awesome news!

WeeBoy — if it will amuse her, then yes, otherwise probably not wise, she is in charge of painting your house after all!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

::waves hand, makes kitty eyes::

Any spare brown sugar biscuits?

11 years ago


Cutest kitty eyes ever!

11 years ago

Now: You know, I think it’s just hilarious that you’re in charge of this project even though you’re a girl!

Later: Why is my house baby puke green? It didn’t look like this when we picked out the paint chips.

11 years ago

Bakers of Manboobz, I have a challenge for you! Does anyone have a recipe for chewy ginger cookies with ginger icing? A friend of my mum’s from Texas used to make those and I’ve been craving them.

11 years ago

Given that I thought I would only get 15 bikkies and I have ended up with 20, SHARING ALL ROUND!

And I won’t go bother Lara, she’s already had to deal with scaffolders who were unbelievably useless (and all men… hmmm…) plus she’s wielding a heat gun.

11 years ago

Congrats, LBT!

Histrophilia, all the hugs in the world, fo’srs, only consensual hugs!! I made these awesome chocolate fudgy cookies that you could add just about anything too and they were delish, so I add them to the cookie pile of delight and goodness.

Lowquacks: So much love for you and your family and lavvy. Much love and much more pleasant extended time be in your future. *offers hugs and cookies*

Glad to see you around, timetravellingfool!

cloudiah: Yay yay yay yay! I live in fear of my mom getting sick; I love her so much.

Eleanor of Aquatain is one of my favs. Yeah, she started a civil war with her husband, but she was awesome! Also, Margrethe I and II of Denmark! Henrietta Lacks, who gave us HeLa cells. bell hooks. Kathleen Cleaver, Angela Davis and Erika Huggins of the Black Panthers.

And all the women who lived extraordinary lives that were never recorded.

Y’all are making me wanna bake.

11 years ago

And Etienne’s awful rant is just copy-pasted from a years-old post on some fringe radfem blog, I think it was EveBitFirst.

11 years ago

And you’d think I’d have noticed that someone already pointed that out on the second page…

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Welcome, Sylocat! 🙂

You’ve passed the first Manboobz test, posting and then thinking “Damn!”

The next one is the dreaded Blockquote Monster …

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@Histrophilia- I am sorry that happened to you. Ick ick ick a world of ick.

@LBT- Mazal tov on your new project! I can’t wait to read that story, and I may have to dig up some money to sponsor others…

@Lowquacks- I am sending hugs for your kitty. I hope his remaining time is peaceful and full of pets.

cloudiah- glad to hear about your mom’s continued good health!

As to awesome woman from history:

Murasaki Shikibu, inventor of the novel.
Beruria, Talmudic scholar and all around badass.
Rebecca Gratz, philanthropist and innovator of Jewish education in America.
Dr. Vera Weizman, founder of the Women’s Zionist Organization, responsible for funding the foundation of the State of Israel.

And on that note, Happy Passover to all of the readers of a Jewish persuasion (and anyone else who is celebrating with friends and family)!

11 years ago

lowquacks – I’m sorry to hear about your kitty. It’s pretty crap waiting, but sometimes they can be comfortable way longer than you think. *fingers crossed*

Glad to hear your good news though Cloudiah!

11 years ago

Oh, are we making lists of famous women in history? Elizabeth Anscombe! One of the greatest philosophers of the twentieth century no doubt.

Also; She was a devout catholic and opposed to birth control and abortion, and although I’m not sympathetic to these views, it’s sort of extra amazing that she didn’t just manage to become a super famous philosopher at a time when philosophy was even more male-dominated than it is today, she managed to do so while having SEVEN children.

11 years ago

Given that I thought I would only get 15 bikkies and I have ended up with 20, SHARING ALL ROUND!

And I won’t go bother Lara, she’s already had to deal with scaffolders who were unbelievably useless (and all men… hmmm…) plus she’s wielding a heat gun.

Person you want to butter up? Extra cookies? I have a thought…

11 years ago

You’ve passed the first Manboobz test, posting and then thinking “Damn!”

The next one is the dreaded Blockquote Monster …

I must be a true manboobzer, cuz I post and think damn a lot XD

Though I don’t think I bork my block quotes too often.

11 years ago

[blockquote]I doubt that post was from a modern feminist. Feminists don’t want to kill all men. They want to enslave all men and have them do the menial jobs while the ladies run around and party. They much prefer the second class citizenry that MEN have been reduced to.[/blockquote]

you hit the nail right on the head, now put on your dunce cap and go back to the coal mines while i run around in this party hat and cocktail dress

11 years ago

@Histrophilia I just checked the last thread I made an appearance in, So sorry that this is apropos of nothing but my original degree was in criminal justice. My masters is in Sociology. I think they fall under both.

11 years ago

To add to the list

Rosalyn Yallow

11 years ago

M Dubz: Thanks. We had good Sedarim. Passover is why I am so far behind. Cleaning, then first seder (at friends) then work, and second seder, and more work.

11 years ago

I hope your Passover is going well.

11 years ago

For amusement, our Seder at home had me Beloved being both the Head of Household, and the Youngest Person Present.

M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@precuinum- Glad to hear your seder went well! I hosted for the first time ever this year after many years of leading my family seder at my parents’ (first night) and then was with one of my professors second night. One of the advantages of being in Jew school is that my spring break and Passover break are the same, so I had ample time to prepare. Both seders were very relaxed; lots of good conversation, and THE CUTEST BABY (dead of cute)

11 years ago

Parasites are pretty cool actually. I wouldn’t mind morphing into a bot fly larva and boring into that guy’s skin.