a woman is always to blame men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy patronizing as heck rape culture we hunted the mammoth

Men’s Rights Redditor: “Women are like parasites.”

Some epic we-hunted-the-mammoth ranting from the Men’s Rights subreddit.



I should note — before some angry MRA does — that the thread I found this in is devoted to an outrageously hateful and over-the-top “kill all men” rant someone posted as a comment on Pharyngula. Naturally, no one there agrees with “Etienne,” nor do I. Indeed, I don’t allow those kinds of comments here, but the plain fact is that I never, as in literally not once that I can remember, get comments like that from feminists. I do get plenty of violent comments from MRAs, though; in the past week alone I’ve censored comments from people who gave themselves the usernames rapeabitch, RapeMan, and Woman Beater.

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11 years ago

TTF, good to hear you’re alright. If you’re determined to wallow, make it a bubble bath surrounded with scented fucking candles.

11 years ago

Glad to see you being yourself again TTF.

And see Trolls? This is how you do a graceful apology.

11 years ago

I’m really sorry to hear about your cat, lowquacks. It’s always so hard to lose one.

11 years ago

lowquacks: Much sympathy for you and your companion.

TTF: Glad to hear you’re back to something approaching normal; the apology is appreciated and, I think, generally accepted.


I’ll be honest–the original screed by Etienne that prompted the Reddit post? Didn’t upset me all that much when I went back to read it. One of the entry costs of calling myself an ‘ally’ in various social-justice movements is the occasional bit of blow-back and friendly fire, and the rage behind that piece is, frankly, something I feel myself pretty frequently. I had pretty much the same reaction to the “Die Cis Scum” meme that went around a little while ago–a general anger at the individuals of my own privileged group whose toxic behavior has made such reactions so very, very understandable.

The more feminist, the more just our society becomes, the fewer such sentiments will be expressed. So if I don’t want to be told to ‘die’ for being white, straight, cis and male, the best thing I can do about that is work to make society more fair.

11 years ago

That is pretty much my reaction to the pushback against white feminists. I agree not enough is being done to be inclusive in the push for rights for women.

11 years ago

TTF, Thank you for the apology.

Everyone, the guy featured in the original post has written some amusing followup posts. But my favorite is his reply for someone asking him to provide citations to back up his claims in his original comment:

I don’t have to cite the claims, I’m the one making them you dumbass.

I’m not referencing someone else’s ideas or work, you want citations, pull your head out of your ass and take a look at reality.

I’m just sorry that I am done with my thesis so that I can’t try using those as citations.

On another note, it appears that a downvote brigade has visited the thread, since late yesterday his original comment had a net of 10 upvotes, and now it is like 23 downvotes. I wish people wouldn’t do that, because it makes it look like r/mr condemns the comment — which I don’t think is true.

11 years ago

Also, I’m just going to post this bit of personal news here: My mother had a gastrointestinal tumor removed last year, and has been taking an experimental medication they hoped would prevent a recurrence. She just called me with the results of her PET scan, and there is no trace of any abnormality!

I closed the door to my office so that I could do a little happy dance.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Cloudiah: Sweet!

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Wow, that is… “I don’t need citations, my assfax are IMMACULATE!!”

Heh. Of course it is.

11 years ago

Hey TTF, glad to see you feeling more like yourself again.

11 years ago

If you’re going to cite “reality” on a paper I think it needs to be in all caps to capture the authentic childish dumbass spirit.

11 years ago

cloudiah: that’s excellent news! *joins you in happy dance*

11 years ago

This is going to annoy r/mr, I bet.

(Do NOT read the comments unless you feel up to handling sexism, misrepresentation of facts, etc.)

11 years ago

That all-women city was a project somebody in Saudi Arabia cooked up. I guess the House of Saud needed another nutty hobby other to round out funding international terrorism and defacing Mecca.

11 years ago


And all the more raisin oatmeal cookies for me, if they’re not in universal demand. For some reason I’ve gone off chocolate chip cookies. Chocolate chip muffins are great, OTOH.

Me too. Not completely, but I like other cookies much better than chocolate chips ones.


That sucks 🙁 All the jedi hugs to you and your kitty if you want them.


Sorry if this is out of place, as I haven’t talked to you anywhere besides that thread, but I’m glad that you came back and apologized. Thank you for the apology.

I don’t have to cite the claims, I’m the one making them you dumbass.

I’m not referencing someone else’s ideas or work, you want citations, pull your head out of your ass and take a look at reality.

I’m just sorry that I am done with my thesis so that I can’t try using those as citations.

Wow. wow. If I have to right a paper again I should try this XD (not really, because it’s a horrible plan, but I’m just amazed he gave that excuse. Couldn’t he have at least linked to another mra? I know they’re unreliable, but it seems better than ‘I pulled it out of my ass’.


Yay for your mother! 😀

11 years ago

Well, by Jaros logic, one woman struggling with some code means all women should cook, and one woman saying something means all women think the same way. At least he’s consistant?

Whoo. Hoo. So you’ve mastered a basic cooking skill. One that I (a woman) and many other people use on a very frequent basis. So what? And what’s the point of buying an entire chicken if your family won’t eat the entire chicken? Last I checked, men were buying parts as well…

11 years ago

Jaro, libido and sexual attraction are two seperate yet closely related things. I understand that you have sexist tendencies so nuance might be a little difficult for you to grasp…but I’m sure that if you just sit down and think about it you’ll eventually understand, honey.

11 years ago

They much prefer the second class citizenry that MEN have been reduced to.

It’s OK, ButtMAN. Some day soon, we’ll start to see male executives, male representatives, male actors in non-romantic roles…maybe even a male head of state! Once men start being allowed into positions of political and social power, you’ll be able to start closing that gap. I believe in you!

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

PS: his bugaboo about women coders is about a woman deriving a faulty return from code–that is operating counter-intuitively.

That is, anybody who knows math knows that you determine order of operation by the operator. Even high-end languages (some) will interpret your math this way, because it is intuitive. We know this rule.

But no. He is operating in a counter-intuitive language where a different rule takes precedent.

Why, I have never ever EVER seen a male coder make that kind of mistake in their code!

Or all the flipping time, one or the other. I don’t see why it would make a difference which one it is. Hmm.

Certainly I wish I could be there to debug his code. It might be entertaining.

11 years ago

As for the OP: someone obviously hasn’t heard of Umoja. They’ve been doing just fine without men for almost 20 years now.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

TTF – apology totally accepted, hugs if you want them, glad to see you back again!

cloudiah – wonderful news, so happy for you and your mum! ::does happy shoulder dance::

11 years ago

@emilygoddess, thanks for linking that. I wasn’t familiar with it. From the sounds of it, the women aren’t just doing fine without men…they’re doing better than the men who tried to show them up!

11 years ago

Sorry lowquacks, kitty love is powerful.

11 years ago


“Back to “you need us to defend you from us” again. That’s not a relationship, it’s a protection racket.”

Exactly. When I was studying this kind of behaviour we even used that term. If we believe it it seriously restricts our lives, to say nothing of the moral cesspit it encourages. Basically they’re saying that we can either be a sexual object to one man or all men and we have no other options.

11 years ago

All your talk of baked goods made me hungry. So I’m making brown sugar biscuits. I’ll share.


Should I go outside and tell Lara, the boss of the gang currently painting our house, that she doesn’t exist?