a woman is always to blame men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy patronizing as heck rape culture we hunted the mammoth

Men’s Rights Redditor: “Women are like parasites.”

Some epic we-hunted-the-mammoth ranting from the Men’s Rights subreddit.



I should note — before some angry MRA does — that the thread I found this in is devoted to an outrageously hateful and over-the-top “kill all men” rant someone posted as a comment on Pharyngula. Naturally, no one there agrees with “Etienne,” nor do I. Indeed, I don’t allow those kinds of comments here, but the plain fact is that I never, as in literally not once that I can remember, get comments like that from feminists. I do get plenty of violent comments from MRAs, though; in the past week alone I’ve censored comments from people who gave themselves the usernames rapeabitch, RapeMan, and Woman Beater.

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11 years ago

Fuck, the barbarians are attacking again!. ACTIVATE THE MAN WALL!

11 years ago

I doubt that post was from a modern feminist. Feminists don’t want to kill all men. They want to enslave all men and have them do the menial jobs while the ladies run around and party. They much prefer the second class citizenry that MEN have been reduced to.

11 years ago

Guys, go opt out of civilization. You won’t be missed.

They’re like toddlers who threaten to run away, but only get as far as the backyard before they miss mommy.

11 years ago

He reiterates and revises? What the what? Somebody failed English.

11 years ago

I’d like to see these fools try to run a civilization without half the people.

11 years ago

Yonkers! That Pharyngula thread has over 1600 comments.

11 years ago

So, without men, civilisation would fall and all the woman would be victimised. By the non-civilised men. Who aren’t there because they left, causing civilisation to fall. Becasue the men were the only ones holding up civilisation.

Urm, I think I might have spotted a problem ….

11 years ago

That bit about the protection of an “average man.”
So the average man is James Bond? John Rambo? Conan the Barbarian?

I wonder if the writer is also fed up and tired of doing all the manly work of keeping society from coming to an end. Whew. Sounds like hard work. He must have an impressive resume.

11 years ago

Oh wait a minute – he means white men, doesn’t he? Because why be a misogynist when you can be a racist misogynist? Western white women are supposed to fall on our knees & thank him for keeping the African rapists at bay. /pukes

11 years ago

Shorter MRA theory – We men are both the problem and the solution!

I guess we’re just supposed to overlook the part where he states that without someone standing in the way with a gun men will naturally tend to victimize others, or not consider that to be an anti-male perspective.

11 years ago

He also seems to think the worst thing a woman can do is construction work.

11 years ago

I’m sorry to de-rail and to be angling for sympathy but I had a really shitty thing happen today.

So I was waiting on the platform to get the tube home from work and it was quite crowded. While people were getting off the train I ended up at the front of the crowd and this person was pressed up directly behind me.

This was uncomfortable already as the etiquette if you end up directly behind someone pressed together in a crown is to stand at an angle to them so you’re not actually spooning them.

But this person didn’t and they were directly lined up behind me and I couldn’t move forward as there was a big stream people getting off the train in front of me and I was kind of in the way as it was as the whole crowd was pressed up behind me and no-one wanted to move backward.

So it was weird enough but then I felt them sliding their hands round my hips from behind.

So I pretty much jumped forward and luckily the everyone was off the train so I could get on and run down the other end of the carriage.

I didn’t see who it was and I’m still kind of doubting what I felt but I’ve been taking the tube for years and been in rush hour crowds countless times and I’ve never felt anything like that before. You get pressed up against people but I’ve never had anyone touch me like that in them. I don’t see how it could have been accidental.

So yeah, I know so many people have had far, far worse experiences, but I’ve never been groped on public transport before, harassed a few times yes but never touched.

I’m a bit shaken up, sorry to be a beg.

11 years ago


Sorry that happened to you 🙁 Internet hugs if you want them.

Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

Somehow, I don’t think the guy who wrote this is out felling the mighty redwood. The “hunting the mammoth” speaks screams overcompensation like nothing else.

11 years ago

@Historophilia Jedi hugs to you and may that creep be walking barefoot on lego for all eternity.

11 years ago

For once their uselessness is a good thing then – I live in California and I’d rather everyone left our redwoods alone.

11 years ago

You’re not being a beg. Everyone needs to let off steam/talk to someone when something shitty like that happens.

I wish I had something good to say, but all I can do is offer jedi hugs if wanted and a video of a really impressive ice skater*. Keep your eyes open for the back flip at 3:25

*not the usual brain bleech, but all of my animal videos would be repeats since I get them from manboobz. XD

Anyway, sorry you had to go through that crap. Hope this is mild distracion. (That’s why we do brain bleeches, right?)

11 years ago

Curses teh embedding gods!

Here’s a normal link

11 years ago

… nevermind, it can evidently only work when I’m not trying

11 years ago

historophilia, are you implying that a manly man man didn’t manfully protect you in a civilized manly way? I thought us wimmenz were all safe because of men!

Andrew Johnston
11 years ago

@Historophilia: No need to apologize. Being groped is awful, no matter how sadly common it may be.

11 years ago

Historophilia, how upsetting! I would be shaken up too. More hugs are wafting your way.

11 years ago

Back to “you need us to defend you from us” again. That’s not a relationship, it’s a protection racket.

Hyena Girl
Hyena Girl
11 years ago

@ Historophilia
I’m sorry to hear that happened to you, zen hugs from me if you’d like them (the hugs I’d give if I was there but I’m not so I can’t). That said, frotteurs are and have always been a problem on mass transit. A problem that largely bases itself on taking advantage of the fact that most women are well socialized to avoid the embarrassment of saying anything. I had it happen to me once on the NY subway and ended up taking about five showers when I got home.

11 years ago

“Crawl on their hands and needs for hours working construction jobs.”

a) That dude has a funny idea of what construction entails.
b) Who cleaned the floors for most of history?

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