a woman is always to blame men who should not ever be with women ever misandry misogyny MRA oppressed men patriarchy patronizing as heck rape culture we hunted the mammoth

Men’s Rights Redditor: “Women are like parasites.”

Some epic we-hunted-the-mammoth ranting from the Men’s Rights subreddit.



I should note — before some angry MRA does — that the thread I found this in is devoted to an outrageously hateful and over-the-top “kill all men” rant someone posted as a comment on Pharyngula. Naturally, no one there agrees with “Etienne,” nor do I. Indeed, I don’t allow those kinds of comments here, but the plain fact is that I never, as in literally not once that I can remember, get comments like that from feminists. I do get plenty of violent comments from MRAs, though; in the past week alone I’ve censored comments from people who gave themselves the usernames rapeabitch, RapeMan, and Woman Beater.

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11 years ago

Many men will wake up and will be the ones holding the control over women. Change is coming. Lets make a world we may dispose of women like they dispose of us. I have had nothing but sickening experience with women. I even despise the advice my mother and aunts gave me. Your time is not free you guys.

11 years ago

Lets make a world we may dispose of women like they dispose of us.

The human rights movement of the 21st century, folks.

11 years ago

Many men will wake up and will be the ones holding the control over women. Change is coming.


Lets make a world we may dispose of women like they dispose of us.


I have had nothing but sickening experience with women.


I even despise the advice my mother and aunts gave me



Your time is not free you guys.


11 years ago

My time is not free?

You mean I should have been getting PAID to be on ManBoobz?

11 years ago

Dude might scare me if he were halfway coherent.

11 years ago

“My time is not free? You mean I should have been getting PAID to be on ManBoobz?”

Don’t you already manboobz at work? What your boss keeps interrupting with other crap? I’d file a complaint with HR…;)

11 years ago

My time is totally free, at least for the duration of the weekend. Take that, President of the Flies!

11 years ago

neuroticbeagle – correct, I should be getting paid double! Plus overtime for the weekends, like now. And I should have someone hired to do the knitting I should be doing now.

11 years ago

I am now picturing a fly society in which they have democratic elections to choose a President. I suppose it’s better than a Lord of the Flies scenario, wherein The Lord is “to the manure born.”

(If I’m banned for that terrible pun, it was still totally worth it.)

11 years ago

Hmm, a boss did once tell me that I shouldn’t bother coming to the pointless weekly meetings because “your time is too expensive”.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

My time is totally free. Various people at the shop seem to have trouble with the concept that I don’t actually work there (which is hilarious considering I mostly smoke, manboobz, and play games…well, and fix the electronics since apparently they are nothing like engines)

And they really don’t get it. Always, without fail, whatever problem they perceive the solution isn’t to fix the problem but to make women suffer the same problem. Human rights, you’re doing it wrong.

11 years ago

Half the time the problem they perceive doesn’t exist anyway.

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