antifeminism boner rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men penises whores women shouldn't work

Manosphere misogynists: Perpetually angry that women can say no?

Women: Not obliged to say "yes."
Women: Not obliged to say “yes.”

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”

They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more. 

Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.

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11 years ago

That’s not acceptable behavior young man.

I am a 60-year old man talking to a 16-year old that mistakenly believes he is superior. How original. I certainly have never encountered that before. Touché child.

Anyway, I am off to let the faster younguns outscore me (by many, many points) on Team Fortress 2.

Have fun poking the troll everybody.

11 years ago

He said he knew how I must feel, for he too had dated beautiful lesbians in his time

Not quite sure what that had to do with your plans for your top surgery…

11 years ago


Yay that your friend is okay 🙂 Boo on the police though.

11 years ago


Bye! 😀 Have fun with…that thing you’re doing XD I assume it’s a videogame or something. /lack of knowledge.

11 years ago

…Team Fortress 2 has a really good webcomic based on it. With yaoi in it. Anyways. *cough*

11 years ago

I’m starting to think that yaoi is rule 34b.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“Anyway, I am off to let the faster younguns outscore me ”

I’ve been on site too long, I read that as “faster PENGUINS”.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

LBT — that’s good at least! Not the nipples part, the one creep and then banned part.

WeeBoy — still alive is a start (full disclosure here, I’ve tried, more than once, and sometimes still alive is at good as it gets…hang in there, both of you).

Wtf about legal names and refusing to use them? Fuck, I’m used to transphobia being insistence on an unchanged legal name, not refusing to use the one on the ID. That’s a whole new level of fucked up! Not that it matters, but wtf did they call him then? Some previous name they found out in some creepy manner? Sorry, I’m prying, I just want to take a clue-by-4 to all involved cops, that’s fucked up. And the last thing a suicidal person needs, fucked up and potentially dangerous. (Sorry if my guess that your friend is trans* is wrong or inappropriate!)

joanimal — you’ve got a couple years on my parents then, but never mind that, good luck with your game!

Cassandra — rule 34b is slash, 34b.1 is yaoi.

11 years ago

Ah, Voltaire. Wonder how many trolls he got in his time…

Was that Voltaire? I thought it was a Founding Father.

I guess this little exodus to this site has done some good after all.

11 years ago

Clifford: Let’s boil this down.
From my reading, your fundamental argument seems to reduce to something like:

P1: Men desperately require sex with the person they want to have sex with,
P2: Men being denied sex is a fundamental violation of their rights and dignity, therefore
C1: It follows that a man must be permitted to have sex with whomsoever we wishes;

P3: Women will enjoy the sex/comfort/closeness, therefore
C2: No harm is done to the woman and the man is materially benefited;

P4: Women are deliberately denying men the opportunity for sex at no cost to themselves, therefore
C3: Women must be compelled by social force to comply with your desires.

Is this a mischaracterization of your argument? If so, please amplify and correct.

If this is a fundamentally correct representation, then we must conclude that,

1. You are willing to diminish women. Effectively reducing women from persons to tools to provide personal satisfaction – at worst the role of slaves, at best body servants, and in either case a less than fully human beings.

2. You are willing to diminish men by dehumanizing them as well. You deprive men of the opportunities for meaningful relationships with women (and no, you cannot have a meaningful relationship with tools).

3. That you accept these outcomes because you are too young/naive or too angry/bitter to explore the possibilities of anything else.

4. Either way, however, your position degrades the human dignity of women and men and is, rightfully, considered both hateful and abhorrent

11 years ago

The cops got in touch with his mum, who told them his former name, on the grounds that she is a heinous bitch. (Yeah, my friend is trans.)

11 years ago

*applauds DataWeasel’s commitment to translating the untranslatable*

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“I guess this little exodus to this site has done some good after all.”



Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

WeeBoy — on one hand, bitch is sexist, on the other, fuck her! By any insult, she can go walk on Legos to escape a field of cactī.

11 years ago

I am getting really tired of the: women can have sex whenever they want complaining.

11 years ago

Okay I was supposed to go to sleep, but I am wandering the threads to see how various manboobzers are doing. WeeBoy, I am so glad your friend is doing a bit better, and I hate that the police were so terrible. He’s lucky to have friends like you!

11 years ago

I wonder if it’s partially based on the fact that they don’t bother distinguishing us from one another. Maybe some douchebro named Bob thinks it’s deeply unfair that he, Bob, cannot have sex on demand, but Woman-the-Collective can. I might not be having sex, but Elspeth two blocks over is totally getting it on, and it’s kind of the same because we’re both part of the indistinguishable mass of Womanhood.

11 years ago

Late to the party… 🙁 still, here we go again, instead of acknowledging the obvious, only denial. Why, oh why, just can’t we admit that the libido disparity might be the cause for his rage boner and not the rage boner causing him to imagine this disparity? Only cultures mentally preparing for Armageddon, like early modern Europe and now partially contemporary Western culture are in denial about something so fundamental.

I’m also skeptical that acceptable-looking women can’t practically get sex whenever they want with a wide range of possible partners (ok, lesbians excluded, I feel for them). Sure, stated that way, the claim is vulnerable to be refuted by personal stories or the odd verifiable counterexample… well I don’t care, as a rule of thumb it remains true. And since it’s derailing to argue with research studies, I’m keeping it anecdotal, too.

Google Image search “Bethany McKee”. Even this nasty, obese cow (I really would like to slip in some ableist slurs here… something with chromosomes…) managed to lure two beautiful black boys to her house by the promise of sex. Now the two beautiful black boys are dead. Is there a more powerful image to illustrate the hard reality?

11 years ago

Not so much “late” as “not invited”.

11 years ago

Weeboy: ARHHHHHH. Also FUCK YOU NZ cops. :'(

Also, hi everybody. I so want to be more a part of this community but I utterly fail at keeping up, ever.

And Nerdypants, figured easier to reply here: totally don’t think NO ONE should have Huskies. I like to assume cool people I meet on the internet will be some of the people who will be totally OK. 😛 Just had to put it out there. Good luck with your Husky having, when you can!

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::waves:: Hi Hrovitnir!

11 years ago

As a rule, I ignore trolls, as it’s not worth the effort. But I accidentally read Jaro’s spew so here we go:

Jaro | March 26, 2013 at 1:43 am
Late to the party… still, here we go again, instead of acknowledging the obvious, only denial. Why, oh why, just can’t we admit that the libido disparity might be the cause for his rage boner and not the rage boner causing him to imagine this disparity? Only cultures mentally preparing for Armageddon, like early modern Europe and now partially contemporary Western culture are in denial about something so fundamental.

How is libido disparity relevant here? Even ignoring that libidos are overlapping bell curves, and wanting something does not entitle to you it even when “it” is not a human being, do you actually think that “Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.” has a goddamn thing to do with any facts? It’s to do with hating women: it doesn’t matter why.

I’m also skeptical that acceptable-looking women can’t practically get sex whenever they want with a wide range of possible partners (ok, lesbians excluded, I feel for them). Sure, stated that way, the claim is vulnerable to be refuted by personal stories or the odd verifiable counterexample… well I don’t care, as a rule of thumb it remains true. And since it’s derailing to argue with research studies, I’m keeping it anecdotal, too.

You. Are. An. Idiot. I will absolutely guarantee you that any woman in the world, if you actually talked to them, has personal stories of not being able to have sex with people they’re attracted to. Saying it repetitively doesn’t make it true.

Google Image search “Bethany McKee”. Even this nasty, obese cow (I really would like to slip in some ableist slurs here… something with chromosomes…) managed to lure two beautiful black boys to her house by the promise of sex. Now the two beautiful black boys are dead. Is there a more powerful image to illustrate the hard reality?

Aaaaand this proves the kind of despicable person you are. If she was a rock sold “10”, it would be equally disgusting what she did, and this proves absolutely nothing whatsoever about how easy it is for women to attract men. Nothing.

11 years ago

Hi Kitteh! =^.^=

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

::high fives hrovitnir::

When you do a troll takedown, it’s a mighty one!

11 years ago

On the idea that a disparity in libido causes rage boners, two things.

1. Even if we take it as a given that such a disparity exists, rage is not a reasonable or appropriate response.

2. Ancient proverb (that I just made up) says “Man goes to sleep with sexual problem in mind, wakes up with solution in hand”.

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