I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
One welcome package for DataWeasel! The complementary welcome package consists of a misandrist hard chair, matching bath towels, SCENTED MOTHERFUCKING CANDLES and cupcakes, delivered by female (whore) penguins in spanx.
Men Emboding Nastiness
Misogynistic Extremist and I’ve run out of ideas for N.
@ Kitteh
died at the image of Wack-A-Dick pinhatas
also, on the subject of depressing sex, in my personal real life experience with MRAs it’s the theoretical sex they project so much hate on, completely detached from not only reality in general, but their own reality as well.
@Argenti Aertheri
Many thanks. As mentioned above, I am playing on the easy setting, so I’ll pass on the hard chair. I’m well-padded enough, but numb butt cheeks aren’t my kink. As for the towels – many thanks and I’m colour blind enough that any shade/pattern will do nicely. The Ms. DW doesn’t like scented candles (and I went through a boat load of the motherfucking things when chasing her, but that’s a different story). Cupcakes – yes please (but Ms. DW is trying to do something about the padding so perhaps just one). And to be honest, I’ve always been partial to gay, rock sharing penguins (spandex is so cliché, but ok).
Ah, you guys are fun!
Not Buttman, though, no — he should take his head out of his butt.
@Argenti Aertheri
That one’s probably right 😉
This thread got stranger while I was gone XD
lclemmens — well, I gotta say, you’re the first to take the welcome package seriously! Padded cushions are available if you want one. And of course it’s cliche, it’s a series of shit trolls have complained about!
Sorry, I can’t be funny right now, just got into a fight with my father, by which I mean I tried to say I’m watching TV, it can wait, he when on a pity the gelf tirade, I gave up and came upstairs, and just finished screaming back that I’m not coming back down leave me alone.
@Argenti Aertheri
Sorry about your fight 🙁 Jedi hugs if you want.
Argenti – all the hugs if you want ’em. 🙁
Thanks guys, you can’t magically make him learn that the adult response to “I’m watching this” is not to rant about how stupid it is and how no one ever listens to you anyways? No? Damn.
Oh, Buttman. If our delicate flower ears can’t handle trolling, how do we manage to have such stiff competition for troll of the year? Really, dude, try hard as you want, but you shall never compare to the bubble gum sculpture idol that is NWO or He Who Shall Not Be Vilely Named.
Every time feminizm rules bro! comments, I feel like he gets drunk and just randomly comes here and runs off again, woowoowooing into the night with a keg. At least Explore Nature was charmingly(?) incomprehensible.
Also, while my husband finds sex a great stress-buster, I would not personally use it for relaxation. (Though I am admittedly a bit bitter at the moment; going off testosterone has had some effects in that department that I am NOT happy with.)
It’s important to recognize that feminism is only one way to look at the situation. MRA is the other. From a feminist point of view, the MGTOWers are saying women can’t say no. But from the MRA perspective, it’s just acknowledging that women benefit from sexual choice, while men don’t.
Sexual choice? really? what the hell do you mean? Because if women are choosing to have sex with men who are not choosing to have sex with them, that’s kind of rape. Somehow I don’t think that’s what you’re talking about though. I think it’s just ‘why won’t those bitches fuck me?’
And what exactly are the statistics, assuming an equal amount straight, gay, and bi people on each gender, that make this possible?* It’s not like there are 50 men for 5 women. There are about the same amount!
*Oh, god, it’s the 80 percent of the women sleep with the 20 percent of the men thing that doesn’t actually happen, isn’t it?
Also: men can choose to have sex. This is called asking someone to have sex with them. Women can choose to have sex. This is also called asking someone to have sex with them. If either party says no, both don’t get to have it. Because it’s consensually, which means it requires choice of BOTH parties.
This is not really that hard to understand.
And here I just replied to you like you’re a adorable person. Do me a favor and continue being one?
What do you mean that men don’t “benefit from sexual choice”? Asking someone out, for sexytimes, etc, is anyone’s choice, as is saying no (or yes, or let me see what time I’m done here, etc)
Adorable? Really autocorrect! Really?!
A reasonable* reasonable!
@Argenti Aertheri
XD So that explains it. I was being confused when you said he was adorable.
Also, I missed giving Clifford a shorter response in my last comment.
@clifford: citation needed.
I’m a man, and I benefit from sexual choice. I mean, why would I NOT want to be able to CHOOSE who has sex with me?
Really, I thought this was basic common sense.
And if giving people sexual choice means they won’t have sex with me… then you’re saying the only reason I could get laid is if other people don’t have a choice about it. Gee, Clifford, you aren’t insulting me AT ALL.
And if giving people sexual choice means they won’t have sex with me… then you’re saying the only reason I could get laid is if other people don’t have a choice about it. Gee, Clifford, you aren’t insulting me AT ALL.
“I’m not saying men are filthy sexual-incompetent cesspools, I’m just saying that no one would willingly sleep with one!” /men’s rights
All I said was that there are two ways to look at this.
According to MRA, women have the ability to receive sex and emotional support at the drop of a hat, from whoever they want. The more passionate MRAs say that women don’t appreciate that and deny it.
Feminists deny that.
The thing about choice, Clifford, is you need to actually try to have sex. You will likely get turned down plenty but occasionally you will have sex. If you never try and are just angry at those sluts who won’t fuck you, you aren’t really giving anyone a choice, now are you?
So what Clifford is saying is that MRAs are OK with men being raped – after all, they have no sexual choice and no need for it! Once again, this is an example of a situation where you guys hate men far more than any feminist ever has.
Um, yes clifford, feminists deny it because it’s a blatant lie. Even if you do think that women can receive sex and emotional support either than men, you have to be living in your own bubble of isolated, ignorant privilege if you actually think every woman can get sex and emotional support from anybody she wants.
MRA would say that an acknowledgement of the situation is not the same thing as approving of the situation.
Feminists would deny the situation.
Again- two perspectives.