I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Into a state, I mean. I iz ritin good.
Out of curiosity, did I make it sound like I thought OCD had to do with disrespecting people’s boundaries, or are we just poking holes in the trolls “justification”? (bleh at calling it that, b/c it’s really excuses)
We’re just telling the troll to get lost.
just checking. XD B/c I’m in a weird… hard-to-communicate-in mood.
No, you didn’t sound like that at all, Fade – I was part poking the troll and part asking Cassandra if troll’s claims about OCD were a loada shite.
Posting comments on a blog is a pretty deliberate act. It’s an easy thing not to do once you’ve been told that your comments are unwelcome.
Me too! So funny how I don’t rape people! WHAT IS MY SECRET.
As far as I know, OCD does not make you compulsively type out your intrusive thoughts. 9_9
At least, not to post them around people who don’t want ’em.
Hmm, I could just think these thoughts privately, journal them, or go post them at a bunch of people who’ve already told me that they don’t appreciate it and then gloat about how much it might upset them. I know what I’m going to do!
Trollboy needs to be herded away by one of those domly sheepdogs.
Okay, Cassandra, but be extra sure not to stop until you’re banned! That’s the only cure for a case of the OCDs!
If David bans him, does that make David the uber-domly sheepdog? 😀
OMG every library person in my field has at least a touch of the ol’ OCD — for us, it’s not a bug, it’s a feature. And yet I find it not at all challenging to also meet the bare standards of human decency! Imagine that. I know everyone’s already made that point, but I just wanted to submit my application to the Man Boobz OCD support group.
Huh. Everyone’s responding to a Jaro comment that must of went into moderation before I saw it.
I dunno. It sounds like he’s doing the online version of indecent exposure.
Flashing is an excellent metaphor for what many of our trolls do.
Also, shouldn’t David be an ultra-dominant cat? So basically that would make him Greebo.
Bagelsan – LOL yes, David is Uberhundschen Sheepdog!
Okay, catch yez later, must dash. 🙂
It sucks that you have to deal with intrusive thoughts, Jaro, and I wish there was some way to get rid of them. That said, it sucks more that you decided to inflict them on the rest of us.
Did he just…I don’t…
Jaro just said he obsesses over rape right? And was yesterday questioning whether it is really so bad? And claimed we have problems with “debating” if rape is wrong only because liberals go “shut up” to disagreeing viewpoints?
I am following here right?
And that Jaro’s modded which means David saw that last comment and let it through?
…anyone want some of my whiskey?
Argenti, I’ve had modded posts show up in email but not on the thread. Perhaps that’s what happened here? Or is Jaro masking his IP?
You forgot that he invented a troll-specific form of OCD while he was at it. Compulsive desire to hurt people! It’s a legit mental illness, so trolls can’t help it! Why are we all being so mean to the poor, unfortunate boy?
Jaro needs to go to a therapist, not a site where he gets to keep telling people “You don’t understand because you’re liberal and don’t know how to debate.”
Pillowinhell — nope, bottom of last page. (You people have email notifications turned on!? What’s that, 300 emails a day? XD )
Jaro: I know what you think… that I just made this up for the gotcha-effect, but for once it’s really true
And I should care because? Oh, because “for once it’s really true,”? And the rest of the time you are making shit up?
Here it started with a discussion about willpower, to what extent you can control your actions (“Teach men not to rape”) – everything I wrote about that was something I cared about (not that I believe what I wrote, but I have these thoughts), everything else was just trollish nonsense, often so wrong that I couldn’t even pretend I would defend my claims.
And I should care because?
You made the statements. You say you don’t believe them. That makes it worse.
It makes you just as bad as any other troll on the net. It makes you a classic troll. Being a troll isn’t about what you believe, it’s about what you do.
What you are saying you did was to troll. That makes you a, self-confessed troll.
As I said, your inner asshole is showing.
What you are saying now is you knew it was showing when you did it.
So fuck off.
Fuuuuck…I missed a layer of fucked up. He used our reactions to his little “how bad is rape” experiment to excise some “I’m mentally I’ll, I can’t help it”.
Jaro, thank you lucky stars that you’ve got the safety of anonymity and distance, because if you pulled this shit in front of me…well, I’m not usually a violent person, but telling me that you just can’t resist triggering me because of your own damn mental illness? *cracks knuckles*
Well, something like this, but in the tone you use for a bad dog…
Fuuuuck…if I tell him off he’ll enjoy it. I’m not drunk enough for this shit. (Anyone still awake?)