I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Jaro, that’s what diaries are for. You can write whatever you like in them and it bothers no one. Here, you’ve trolled about rape being not that bad and likely left several rape survivors, male and female in a bad place. And if you’ve ever stopped to read much of the blog, you know that there are rape survivors here. And knowing that, you said what you said and stirred the pot to see ust how far you could get.
We aren’t your therapy group. And you have no right to spread such misery to others even though you suffer from obsessive thinking. You have some very serious boundary issues right there.
I extend to you a hearty wish that you fuck off and not post here again.
Jaro sucks hard, but I’m kind of pissed that David just moderated this jackhole, he needs a banning. David, I know it’s your house, but thinking rape is just peachy is beyond whatever small pale we have here.
Jaro: as pillow in hell said, we are not your therapy group. I don’t care what nasty shit you have running around in your head, I don’t like you thinking you have the right to spew that shit here and have us deal with it. Fuck right off.
Has David been contacted? Honestly, jaro sounds a lot like he’s trying to legitimize rape and his fantasies.
It made my blood run cold, and I’m used to reading a lot of vile shit and I’m not a rape survivor.
Seconding what pillow and hellkell said.
Jaro, after what you said, you don’t get any sympathy from me whatever condition you have. You long since lost any claim to be a decent human being. Fuck off, go tell your therapist what an arsewipe you’ve been, work on your problems with someone paid to listen to you.
I’m still inclined to think Jaro’s just Mr Al pulling his old oh-woes-my-mental-state schtick, especially after that little giveaway about “what Cassandra always does”. Even if he isn’t, that says he’s been lurking here long enough to know the place, and hence can’t pretend he didn’t know there are rape survivors here.
Repeating: go fuck yourself, Jaro, whether you’re Mr Al or just someone unpleasantly like him.
Wait, did he come back and comment again since he was moderated? You guys sound like you’re responding to a comment that I can’t see.
But yeah, he’s nastier than our usual trolls (aim high, asshole), and although I’m not feeling triggered I’m betting someone is. So I’m going to repeat the “fist of an angry god” comment that pissed him off in the first place. Kid – you deserve a lot more than moderation, and I hope you get it.
Pillow, I asked David yest to ban him, and that’s how he got on moderation. I think it might be a good idea if more people asked.
Cassandra, it’s a little ways up on the previous page, and has just come through, I think. I didn’t see it earlier. He’s full of oh-woe-I-have-OCD shit.
David, please ban the fucker.
Isn’t it fascinatingly coincidental that I happen to have OCD too? Even more oddly, I don’t allow my OCD tendencies to hurt other people. I guess I’m just weird that way.
I asked yesterday too.
Cassandra: he came back after being modded.
CassandraSays, isn’t it just amazing!
I’m aware some OCD conditions are harder to control, I’m also aware that rapists and would be rapists use obsessive thinking to dodge responsibility. I don’t know which way it runs for him, and I don’t give a shit. Knowing he has those thoughts is PLENTY of reason to stay away.
This probably isn’t the best place for someone with OCD who thoughts run in Jaro’s direction (I’m aware not all OCD manifests the same).
*whew* Well, at least it’s mostly safe.
@Argenti Aertheri
Wow. 😛 I think my worst brain blooper was when I was three inches away from forgetting to put gloves on before removing something from the oven XD
That’s just because you’re actually being a decent human being. Well, you’re an awesome human being, but this is just the part that passes the decency test.*
*like, I know everyone knows this, but I’m just all rambly today, so whatever… 😛
Also, whatevering Jaro to be banned.
Now hellkell’s turned into a little blue Scottish Fold! Squeeeee!
Hellkell’s new avatar is basically subliminal “go feed your cat now” advertizing.
How did you get the nose? I don’t remember there being a nose option.
I think the all Japanese kitty maker has more options.
There isn’t. I used the paint dropper to make a triangle of little spots, then filled it in with a bigger spot.
Okay, on the off chance this isn’t a gotcha effect like you said, you seriously need to get help.
When my depression is flaring up, it makes me angrier (like I seriously sometimes don’t feel like myself), and I’m more likely to be an ass to other people* But if I hurt someone, it is my fault. I cannot say “well, you know how depression can make you really angry, so don’t blame me”. I say “Shit, man, I’m sorry”. Or if I’m in a mood where I can’t calm down and apologize, I remove myself from the setting. Then I ask myself how I can not wind up in the situation that got me angry again, or how I can stay calm next time.
Obviously, different strategies work for different people, and OCD is different than depression, but my point is a) you need help, and b) people have already made it clear that here’s not where you’re going to get it because you have already acted horribly towards us.
*gah, you did not want to live in our house before 1-3 years ago, it was awful.
And addendum (to Jaro). That’s an explanation for your behavior, not a justification. Nothing justifies what you said. And now that you know why you’re acting that way, it’s on you to fix it.
Curses! My name changed randomly
*hopes this changes it back*
WordPress has an obnoxious habit of changing names.
If I’d known that, I would’ve picked a less dorky wordpress account name. XD
(that’s what it keeps randomly changing to, right?)
And you can tell I only made a wordpress account to get a kitty avatar.
OCD has nothing to do with refusal to honor other people’s boundaries.
Little as I know about OCD, I’m guessing it doesn’t put people into an “I can’t stop myself posting publicly about all my most horrible fantasies, especially in a place where I will hurt other people” let alone actually carrying them out … yes? No?