I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Argenti: I see that, but even if I’d known, he needs to be told/reminded of just what the fuck is wrong with him. Teddy Bear Cholla swapped in for a loofah would be a good start in his penance.
Cool, Kittehs’!
Though the real question was how long to meltdown, and how over the top would it be. The Galois nonsense was staged, but the rape stuff… I think his Id was leaking out.
Thanks, cloudiah!
Pecunium – yeah, the rape apologia stuff was the real depths of ugliness in trollboy, whether he was Mr Al or just one of his clones. It read like he was getting off on the idea of distressing survivors, or pushing the idea that his fantasies are not really so bad, or justifying something he’s actually done. Whichever it is, or a combination, he can go sit on a cactus forever.
Kitteh — just finished removing the pins from my pants, and time to thread a needle — actually sewing it (designing it was last night!)
Pecunium — fair enough, and sorry if I came off as laughing at you or something, tone doesn’t convey well online, and less so once the booze comes out. Booze I’m going to run out of tonight >.<
“just finished removing the pins from my pants,”
Do you do the thing of using your pants as a pincushion? I used to do that all the time in my sewing days. 🙂
Look! Penguin whores are everywhere!
(That’s a pic of Melbourne street art, but the site doesn’t say where in particular.)
argenti: tone was fine. I took it as, “you’re here, in the way you are usually here”.
Sorry if I had a tone fail.
A week, and continuing, of houseguests. Nice, but stressy.
Using your pants as a pincushion sounds risky.
Yes I’m doing pincushion pants. It’s easy enough on anything that gets ridges, just slide the pin through both sides.
Pecunium — enjoy your houseguests! And meh on the apparent tone confusion? I’m reaching too drunk to thread a needle, so let’s chalk it up to my lack of soberity.
Yes, sliding it through a ridge or pinch of cloth is how I did it. Jeans or long skirts are ideal for that.
Reblogged this on Battered Mothers – A Human Rights Issue.
*does happy dance* Thanks 🙂 I was worried they turned out too messy, but everyone (who’s said anything XD) here seems to think they’re fine, so I am a happy girl. 😀
D’awwww! <3
Me skimming missed this who was doing this. It does sound risky (then again, I don’t do
muchany sowing, so I probably don’t have a good idea on it XD)I should not be laughing like I am in my cube at work. Good one.
Late catching up again, what boggles me most I think is that before devolving into a whinging mess about his supposed Wookie of a girlfriend getting all pissed over him cheating, Jaro was all “but you can’t impose beliefs!” yet, here he is (was? Hopefully?), trying to convince us that his beliefs are superior. I suppose he thinks that this is allowed because he is using “reason” but that’s ridiculous for two reasons. One, his comments are all over the place and not reasonable at all. Two, if we are to believe that everyone thinks they are just and moral, why can we not also apply that to reason? In my experience, that everyone thinks they are “reasonable” is by far the more insidious problem, particularly in a world where “reasoned” thinking has gained more credibility.
Also, the idea that every liberal devolves into Peter Singer – no. This is a slippery slope fallacy the size of Kilimanjaro. This is why, I’d say that you can’t completely disregard either emotion or reason, particularly in the face of moral issues. Emotion can lead you astray, but so can reason. Eliminating all emotion from reason will simply guide your logic along the edges of your own prejudices. This is why I tend to be wary of people who categorize themselves as “reasonable” or “rational thinkers”. Any hack can convince hirself that zie is “reasoned” in their conclusions when really they are simply eliminating emotion from their line of thinking because it makes it easier to come to conclusions that may be hurtful to others. It’s more comfortable to eliminate emotion when it comes to difficult questions.
Also, the bit about his girlfriend having a medical condition as a ploy to garner our sympathy… just, wtf? This is something that I cannot believe people of Jaro’s ilk do not see for the bullshit it is. If it pains you to be with your girlfriend, break the fuck up with her. Yeah, you might be lonely, you might be afraid you’ll never meet someone else, never fuck anyone again, blah blah blah (poooor you), but you are not doing yourself any favors by staying with her out of fear and you certainly aren’t doing her any favors by staying with her even though you clearly hate it. I am getting the distinct feeling that Jaro is the kind of person who does a “favor” for someone, pisses and moans the entire time it takes to complete the “favor”, then whines about it FOREVER and holds it over the favor-asker’s head to try to manipulate that person into doing shit for him. That he seems to think the ONLY way he can get another woman he’s actually attracted to to sleep with him is by spending an obscene amount of money on her is also pretty telling. I mean, obviously there aren’t women who are willing to sleep with men because they are attracted to them and/or horny and/or care for them, nope, you have to spend a shit ton of money on the woman you wish to sleep with in order to try to guilt her into sleeping with you. Or else just settle for someone you really don’t want at all so you can guilt her into sleeping with you because it’s not like anyone else would want to fuck a Wookie, amirite?
All of which, coupled with Jaro’s appalling views of rape, kind of proves David’s point. That anti-feminist straight dudes are pissed that the women they want to fuck don’t always want to fuck them and that they can say “no” if they aren’t feeling it. Unfucked boners are SLAVERY.
@Marie – that was Argenti and me. Ze was doing some sewing and mentioned taking pins out of zir pants, and I asked if ze used zir pants as a pincushion, which I did in my sewing days. It’s not as dangerous (or painful, lol) as it sounds – push the pin through a pinch of cloth and it’s held securely. Jeans work very well for that. 🙂
Ostara – I’d do a QFT blockquote, but that’d copy your entire comment!
The bit about emotion and reason, in particular. It’s not just that the “rational thinkers” brigade denigrate emotion and like to pretend they’re above it all (particularly, oddly enough, when they’re out to cause distress), it’s that they’e displaying their ignorance when they do so. Humans don’t operate without emotion – not unless there’s something wrong with them – it is part of all our decision making, part of what we are. It needs to be recognised. Pretending one is a completely rational, unemotional creature is a huge fail. And seriously, who’d want to be a Cyberman? That’s what the reason-good, emotion-bad schtick leads to, surely. Plus, of course, it’s used so much in a men-rational, women-irrational sense: emotion is equated with irrationality and both are seen as bad, weak, feminine.
Unless the emotion’s anger, of course. We know how the manly menz of the MRM like anger (in men, that is – women are never allowed to be angry), since they cultivate it over everything from women working to Scented Fucking Candles.
ok, just one post: It wasn’t about getting myself off, and that being over the top inflammatory was only a disguise (I admit, I’m not able to pull this off in a funny way. So if you confuse your “regular” Mr. Al with me, you have my sympathies. He made a very bad career choice when he decided to become a professional troll…).
The only justification for my behavior that I can give is, that I suffer from treatment-resistant harm-OCD (I know what you think… that I just made this up for the gotcha-effect, but for once it’s really true), that means: intrusive thoughts, that I do horrible things to other people (mostly sexually, but I also obsess about arson and murder). I often have the temptation to engage in discussions online which revolve around the content of my obsessions. I know this makes it worse, but it still happens that I give in to it.
Here it started with a discussion about willpower, to what extent you can control your actions (“Teach men not to rape”) – everything I wrote about that was something I cared about (not that I believe what I wrote, but I have these thoughts), everything else was just trollish nonsense, often so wrong that I couldn’t even pretend I would defend my claims.
Now, what I’ve written in my last posts was extremely repugnant and horrible and I feel ashamed that I can write something like this. It is of course not something I believe, though I often have obsessive thoughts that I could believe it.
“Cannonball, bowties are cool. And a bowtie beats a celerystick any day.”
And therein lies the difference between cybers and daleks. /OT
And pincushion pants? Safer than refilling a hot iron after a couple of drinks (don’t worry, I didn’t screw it up, just laughed at what a bad idea that was)
Totally pasts the wrong Whoverae quote!
“Unless the emotion’s anger, of course.”
Not the bit about celery!
Angry Celery would be another great band name.
Angry, Bitter, Feminist Celery
Is bitter celery a thing?
Huh, ok then!