antifeminism boner rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men penises whores women shouldn't work

Manosphere misogynists: Perpetually angry that women can say no?

Women: Not obliged to say "yes."
Women: Not obliged to say “yes.”

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”

They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more. 

Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.

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11 years ago



Or I could make an actual cupcake with a mammoth on it, but that’d be a little small and I think I’m taking this too literally XD

I have still yet to figure out how to make cupcakes that look like scented candles.

11 years ago


But pygmy mammoth sound so cute!

11 years ago

And penguin cake pictures here! (lets hope I do this right):

I don’t like the way the grown up penguins turned out, but I like the way I got the babies. (those white blobs on the side are supposed to be eggs :/)

11 years ago

Those are adorkable!!!

11 years ago

Cute penguins!

11 years ago

Pls stick the flounce, jaro. If you have so little experience with self discipline that you are not even aware that it is a thing you need to study up and get to work on it right this minute. You are late getting started by the length of your life so far.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago


Time to take the tinfoil hat off. I’m not Jaro.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

They are so cute! Especially the baby between the adults. What a little darlin’!

11 years ago

…I love the penguin cake. It’s pretty awesome.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

It’s a day of creative successes! I’ve made a completely new pic of Mr K, from scratch. Nowhere near as difficult as baking and decorative icing, but pretty pleasing. 🙂

11 years ago

Thanks for compliments 😀 *blushes*


Yay on picture!

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I’m still on page “maybe punish rapists based on level of harm done” and need to know the level of punishment that one gets for causing this conversation to require an Ativan.

And then sentence makes no sense!

What’s Jaro’s punishment for being an uncaring triggering asshole with an utterly absent sense of empathy?

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

If anyone wants to see it, it’s here.

Dedicated Whovians might recognise the jacket. 😉

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, this page is short…

Lovely penguin cake!

Oh gods, not 9’s jumper! I like it about as much as Dickens did!

11 years ago

Argenti: is Jaro’s having to live with himself punishment enough? Because that’s all it looks like he’s getting.

11 years ago

His rationalizations as to why people keep telling him to shut up are funny. If only they were more original.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

I suppose? I’m just pissed he’d spew all that and then blame us for going “oh hell no” — like finding his behavior utterly repulsive proves that liberals just go “la la la la can’t hear you”

Typing on my iPad without the case is weird, but I’m working on a Steampunk style cover for the case (it makes sense, I swear)

And Jaro? You don’t have a right to an iPad while people are starving. Technology is a privilege, deal with it.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

LOL about the jumper – I didn’t see enough of Nine to know he had one like that, but it’s not unlike a purple cashmere Louis has anyway, though his is a stronger shade of purple than in the rather washed-out pic I used here. I pinched this ‘cos it was a wallpaper-size good quality shot, and the leather jacket is not too dissimilar to his real one (which he copied from the original Life on Mars series, but is hard to find good, big pics of).

Jaro’s entire schtick was “so, you people who’ve been raped, tell me why it’s so bad and I shouldnt do it?” He was looking for explanations to wank to. I really hope David bans him; I sent David an email about it before. Enough is enough.

11 years ago


Nice job on the picture 🙂

I hope David bans him too. He’s passed ‘unintentionally funny’ to ‘creepy as fuck’ by a couple miles by now.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
The Kittehs' Unpaid Help
11 years ago

Thanks, Marie!

11 years ago


Time to take the tinfoil hat off. I’m not Jaro.

You’re right, I apologize. Jaro was slightly more interesting than you, Diogenes.

Do you have a google alert set up for yourself, oh dull one?

11 years ago

I didn’t even notice him show up, that’s how memorable he is.

Diogenes The Cynic
Diogenes The Cynic
11 years ago

Still modded. Its why I’m not posting.

11 years ago

I know right?

11 years ago

seconding the didn’t notice him show up. I was wondering if he was moderated for a moment cuz I’m like ‘why didn’t I see that the first time’ but I guess I just filtered it out.

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