antifeminism boner rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men penises whores women shouldn't work

Manosphere misogynists: Perpetually angry that women can say no?

Women: Not obliged to say "yes."
Women: Not obliged to say “yes.”

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”

They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more. 

Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.

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11 years ago

i am 9999% sure that when emily made the post about her AA friends who were raped and abused she meant that women don’t have to accept that they made the choice to begin drinking. 9234234324235% sure. infinitely sure. there’s no possible way she meant that their trauma and confusion made the choices available extremely bleak and limited. or maybe, just maybe, her point was that women also suffer from alcoholism at a pretty high level?

i can’t believe a man made me write this post. ugh. i h8 men.

11 years ago

@john-H and tomBcat

those are very strange mental images. Sadly, no matter how hard I try, every time I imagine John H’s, it seems the said boner must be detached as the angry man is holding it and slamming it at the keyboard.

This is not a conversation I ever thought I’d have…

11 years ago


I confess, I really did not follow that post you made…Having a hard time understanding what you meant.

11 years ago

DataWeasel, I hope you will unlurk just to tell us how you made those pretty boxes. 😀

Yes. David is very paternalistic and doesn’t think the delicate flowers ears can stand the truth.

ButtDude, I think he’s more concerned we will laugh so hard at you that we will do ourselves an injury.

11 years ago


sorry… i don’t know how to make a little reply box.

i was responding to buttman’s post insinuating that emilygoddess was saying by mentioning that many of the women in her AA group had suffered rape and abuse that women blame men entirely for their alcoholism.

to insinuate this, of course, would be wrong.

sorry if i confused anyone

11 years ago

Ok. For future reference, rebly box [blockquote] what you are replying to [/blockquote] but with instead of [ ]. or just quotes 😛 ” ”



*prays to embed gods…*

11 years ago

Almost. With this kind < instead of [

11 years ago

MEN have to turn to alcohol or pills to relieve stress. Females will just whine and cry until someone else makes everything right.

Actually I’m pretty sure I read a study a while back that said that women are more consistently prescribed anti-depresants/anti-anxiety meds. But clearly that’s just evidence of women not being tough enough for the male workplace.

11 years ago

Thanks to this discussion of what “dicking down” means, I now have a mental image of one of those old-school Whack-a-Mole games, except the player uses a giant penis instead of a mallet and it is women popping up through the holes. Which, to be fair, could be a pretty good metaphor for the patriarchy.

11 years ago

Funny mental images all around. I just had one about “boner rage.” Essentially, a guy Hulking out — but just in his pants. Boner smash.

11 years ago

Is it just me or does it seem like these guys don’t experience anything about sexuality as being fun or playful or positive at all? Even the way they talk about actually having sex sounds like a miserable experience, and they certainly don’t seem to understand the ways in which any part of sexuality that doesn’t directly involve fucking right at that moment might be fun.

11 years ago


That image amused me way too much XD

Hyena Girl
11 years ago

@ AK
I see your image and I raise you an image of a gender inverted whack-a-mole game.

11 years ago

Funny mental images all around. I just had one about “boner rage.” Essentially, a guy Hulking out — but just in his pants. Boner smash.

It would be hard (tee hee) to walk like that, so I imagine the boner rage guy would just kinda be stuck in place until he calms down. Why can’t this be a real thing? :p

11 years ago

”On behalf of all the amazing women I met in AA, who slogged through hell (guess how many started drinking after rape or abuse?)”

Are you implying that men are to blame for women’s substance abuse problems now? Female privilege is the ability to blame every single problem of yours on a man. MEN have to take responsibility for ourselves.

Yes, if you assume that all men are either rapists or abusers or both.

11 years ago


DataWeasel, I hope you will unlurk just to tell us how you made those pretty boxes.

Misuse of the “

 </pre" - I believe I should only have put them around the emtabs to get the indentation correct.  Instead I put them around the full sentence and scrolled right off the edge.  

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good editor for WordPress?
11 years ago

MEN have to turn to alcohol or pills to relieve stress. Females will just whine and cry until someone else makes everything right.

You’re an awful human being. Fuck off.

11 years ago

Observation – the pre monster may be more capricious than the dread blockquote moster

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

DataWeasel, welcome!

Das Butt – it’s all right, sweetie. We already know you’re an idiot, you don’t have to bust a gut trying to prove it. ::pats troll on head:: ::wipes hand::

Cassandra – “Is it just me or does it seem like these guys don’t experience anything about sexuality as being fun or playful or positive at all? Even the way they talk about actually having sex sounds like a miserable experience, and they certainly don’t seem to understand the ways in which any part of sexuality that doesn’t directly involve fucking right at that moment might be fun.”

The only pleasure I see them getting is from hurting women. Whether they’re actually rapists or not, I’d bet real money (not bitcoins!) that’s the be-all and end-all of their fantasies.

Oh, and I probably shouldn’t have written (“Hey, you! Yeah, you in the black tee! Get over here and dick me down now!”) before, ‘cos Himself promptly changed into a black tee when I did. Everybody wants to be a comedian …

11 years ago

Now I keep thinking that MEN must be an acronym for something, ’cause he keeps using all caps. Muscleheads who Enjoy Negging? Meaty Egg Nukers? I got nothing.

11 years ago

Whack-A-Dick, also a nice theme for a misandrist cake
(incidentally, my auto-correct doesn’t recognize misandrist as a word)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Whack-A-Dick sounds like when we call trolls pinatas. 😀

11 years ago


MEN have to take responsibility for ourselves.

In the nature of disclosure – I’m playing on the easy setting, none the less:

Buttman – grow up and find a clue. You are claiming that women as a class don’t take responsibility for their problems. Bullshit. Some women and perhaps somewhat more men don’t take/shift personal responsibility. Some men and perhaps somewhat more women take too much responsibility. And most people have a mixed record – taking responsibility in some cases and ducking it in others. There are gender socialization differences – in Western-centric societies, those with male socialization patterns are taught to assign blame and claim credit and those with female socialization patterns are taught to minimize blame and share credit (for meta-analysis of gender communications differences, see Canary et al, 97; Baumeister, 2001; Owen Blakemore et al, 2008; etc.).

Amongst adults, however, these differences tend to be known and understood. Albeit imperfectly. Thus the need for… wait for it… I know this is hard for trolls… communication. Starting with talking. Yes. Women and men can successfully talk to each other. With practice we even become good at it.

So, regardless of age, grow up. In your own twisted words, take some personal responsibility. And for fuck’s sake, stop blaming others for your (personal/group/class) situation.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

TomBCat — I’m sorry to report that autocorrect (on iOS anyways) will learn misandrist.

Testing something:

pre works?

DataWeasel — it’s short for pre formatted text, useful for showing code. Just use <blockquote> — we’ll figure it out!

Also, give me one second to put together your welcome package 🙂

11 years ago

Or it could be a recursive acronym?
Men: …(yeah, I’ve got nothing)