I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Jaro, you are truly puke inducing and your banning cannot come soon enough.
So the point of all this is to try to manipulate us into agreeing that rape shouldn’t be punished very harshly. That was a huge waste of time on his part, then.
So like, if it all boils down to just how much damage was done by the rapist… When a rape victim commits suicide as a result we can sentence the rapist to death? Or maybe when they attempt suicide we can sentence the rapist to an overdose with a last minute ressusitation? Are those the results yo want Jaro? They aren’t the the kinds of punishments I want doled out, even to a rapist.
*sigh* Okay, biting the bait again
Ok Jaro, I think we both know that rape is worse than a traffic violation. And you’re right, it is hard to tell whether psychological ‘damage’ was done, but I’m sure there are people whose job that is. Maybe you can try to argue that if the victim isn’t affected as much psychologically there should be a shorter sentence, but it doesn’t change the intent or actions of the rapist. It just means victims, like most people, have different reactions because they are not a monolith.
OT, but my penguin cake is half way made! 😀
Also, since Jaro got ickier, re-offering to ignore, if anyone wants.
Eh, it was obvious where he was going from his first comment, so it’s not as if this is a surprise.
Jaro, how long do you think it takes a rape victim to recover from the experience?
And while it takes a trained psychologist or someone with a psychology background to determine just what degree a victims life is as a result of rape, anyone close to the victim is likely to see a swath a mile wide of damage and deep hurt. So, not quite as hard as you think
I wonder if Jaro wants to be the guinea pig to find out just how bad things hurt. I mean, I’m not willing to tell someone who just broke a finger that breaking a wrist is worse… Or compare appendicitus to a gall stone. All I need to know is that they are in pain.
Proves that some people can’t help themselves and are not salvageable, another hole in you theory. I didn’t chose to be how I am.
That’s a very good point, but the problem is what we do in those cases, where the usual intuitions strongly don’t favour a serious punishment, like in the cases of those bullied kids who committed suicide.
I vote ignore him until the banhammer hits him.
*commencing ignore mode*
Also, I finished my penguin cake (tell me if you guys get annoyed by the updates, I just thought I’d mention it since a) it got suggested here and b) it’s more fun than Jaro. All I need now is for my mom to email the pictures.
Oops, should clarify, ignoring the troll, not you XD
I’ll go away by myself, I won’t get any answers here. As I said we are in the “Shut up!” phase, just now bannhammer-fortified, too.
I’m looking forward to pics of the penguin cake!
You’re never annoying, Marie. At least, not to me. 🙂
😀 (I’m not sure why I’m so worried about it, I’m just a teansy bit irrational that way)
Some bad news, the penguin cake is kinda messy. I used store-bought butter cream icing, and it was rather thin. :/ I work better with thick icing. Not enough control. *shrugs*
Well, you’ll be able to use thicker icing for your next penguin cake! 🙂
Bullfuckingshit. Everyone makes choices; after a certain point, you are actively engaging in behavior and ways of being. This passive actor nonsense is a cop-out and a bid avoid doing the heavy lifting of living your life. You really do want someone else to do it for you, so when it goes sideways, you can point and say, “Not my fault.” Take some fucking responsibility.
You start by sticking the flounce. You were never here for answers, you never asked any questions. Fuck off.
Once I finish this icing XD Store bought icing is *expensive* I just got it when my depression was flaring up and just making the icing was exhausting. (spoiler space, I didn’t get to use it until now.)
Also, me and my mom got a nice new mixer that is super awesome! Hopefully I’ll be able to make more cakes this way XD
What I really should do, is make a cake with the ‘underneath that fun cupcake is a monster’ t-shirt design. And I already have a cupcake design guide thing, so it’d be less trouble. Sadly I couldn’t get any manboob references on the cake I made it for my mom to take to a baby shower. (baby shower, baby penguins, it sort of fits)
Can’t wait to see the cake, Marie!
Perhaps you could do a mammoth cake! That’s very manboobzish. I’m guessing the alpha cock carousel pic would be a huge headache to do in icing. :/
And it should be up soon, cuz my mom’s turning her computer on to email them! 😀
I could do a mammoth cake…but cupcakes are cuter XD Oh well, I’ll see. Either one seems do-able, though alpha cock carousel would be very hard. It would also require zero amount of text though XD
A cupcake with a teenzy mammoth on the icing?
That’d be about the hunting level of the MRM.
Hey, that could be the new rallying cry of the MRM: We hunted the pygmy mammoth for you!