I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Wow Jaro is at that point where all of his wrongness and horriblness starts collapsing on itself til he’s a blackhole of wrong.*
*I know I use this analogy a lot, but wtf, Jaro
…I…I think killing babies is bad. Unless you’re talking about fetuses, which are not babies.
Um, dude, it is always wrong. There is no fucking excuse for raping someone. None. You’re waving your hate flag again.
I just wonder if it’s tiring to argue with that many strawpeople at once.
Jaro, the only people that have to be taught not to rape are the rapists. That being said, it would help remove rapists if society at large stopped helping rapists to hide, or offering rapists protection by victim blaming. Most people get the idea of consent in general terms (although some really don’t like it) and just need a slightly better idea of how to broach getting consent and knowing that they definitely have it.
Also, it would be a house I’d be moving to!!!
With a yard! And a nice little neighborhood! And its gorgeous!
Thank you all well wishers.
Jaro: it’s not liberal whatthefuckever to think you’re shit and tell you to shut up. In fact, it’s the right thing to do. So shut up.
If you get a yard we want pictures!
And now I will return to admiring my own feet in a bitter, angry, unrealistically liberal way.
Well, Peter Singer “proved” that it’s ok to kill born babies.
Well, you just assert that. It was seen differently in older times, like in the Bible when Shechem raped Dinah, we don’t actually know if he really used violence or threats, the hebrew word doesn’t distinguish precisely between rape and parent-disapproved consensual sex.
The yard is big enough to hold a soccer match in.
I’m willing to make offerings to any household rental gods that care to ensure we get the place.
Jaro, we aren’t using a definition of rape from two thousand years ago. Our society and law clearly distinguishes rape from not parentally approved sex. Try again dipshit.
Aren’t you an apartment manager, though? Does moving mean giving up the job?
Cassandra says, yeah I’m the building manager. Which means that when they toss us I’ll be out of a place to live and a job. I’d rather move on my own terms than wait for the final notice to go out.
well clearly Peter Springer is an asshole (so are you)
Also, ummmm….I fail to see how something that happened 2000 years ago in the bible is relevant to this?
Also, I probably shouldn’t bite the bait, but when the fucking fuck would rape be justified? I mean, I know it’s never, I’m just morbidly curious what your pathetic little mind thinks.
Fuck off, Diogenes, you’re not anymore interesting under another name.
So it’s just some kind of slogan this “Teach men not to rape!”? Nothing but a mere manner of speech? How disappointing…
Because I saw such banners at the slutwalk.
Well, that’s not what I meant, because I think there’s erm… strong bipartisan support for outlawing rape. What I meant was when you question homophobia or whatever bigotry, you use rational reasoning. But at some point suddenly reason isn’t allowed anymore, it’s just emotions, intuitions nothing else. So what’s so bad if somebody starts with using emotions at a different level, I wonder? That seems to be the only disagreement, the so-called sociopath, uses it later than you, the so-called bigot uses it earlier than you.
Did it even occur to you that people might be yelling “stop” at your moral ambiguity on rape, not because they’re intellectually dishonest, but because they’re rape survivors or have lived with the threat of rape hanging over their heads? This isn’t an intellectual exercise, philosobro, this is people’s actual lives.
Oh look the goal post shift.
Listen Jaro, the hokey pokey dance is only cute when little kids do it. Its pathetic when the hokey pokey is all you got to back up an aurgument for a rehensible act against another human being.
Jaro, the point of those banners is putting the focus on the rapists* not the victims. I think it’s in response to those ‘teach women to avoid rapists’ bs we’ve been hearing for years.
*Most rapists are men, not all
Jaro, do you seriously need to be explained to why rape is wrong? Because it fucking hurts people. There. You are no enlightened.
*now enlightened.
@Pillowinhell, good luck with the home application!
I just don’t have the patience for another game of pin the tail on the asshole.
I keep trying to figure out how to respond to this, but I’m not drinking heavily at the moment, and that’s the only way I could possibly think this makes any sense. Is there some weird monster I don’t know about that’s attracted by too much reason and just eats it all up? We’re only allowed to have a little bit of reason or all the reason gets taken from us and we become Peter Singer? What’s that thing where people call you a hypocrite because you don’t agree with them? This is just like that, multiplied by the power of the slippery slope argument. Cubed.
Pillowinhell, I hope you get your place!
And in my fashion news, I’ve been looking for a white denim jacket for years because I always want one in the summer when we travel somewhere cool, and I finally found one Friday. It was half off and the last one in my size, too. I’ll probably where it when it rains in hot weather here too.
Wear! I’ll wear it, not where it.
Yay on finding a jacket 😀
It would be difficult to completely justify it, but the more problematic question is not if it’s wrong, but how bad it is… which would make a difference, like if you send somebody to prison for ten years or punish him like you would do for a minor traffic violation. Not all coercion is equally bad, for sure, so if there’s no bodily harm, only psychological harm can make the difference (quite a lot of sexual assaults don’t do any bodily harm).
Psychological harm is very, very difficult to measure. So we’re mostly just left with the bare intuition that rape is very, very wrong.
Another suspicion… but wrong again, because I’m not a sock. Also, was Diogenes a math major?
Hi claire! Glad you’re recovering from surgery and you found your jacket!
Jaro: WTF is wrong with you? Did you miss out on some hugs as a kid? Sorry, but we’re not here to wipe your ass and tell you you’re brilliant. You are very much not brilliant.
No, but he claimed he found X at ten. You?
So you’re not a sock. You’re still a turd. Happy?