antifeminism boner rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men penises whores women shouldn't work

Manosphere misogynists: Perpetually angry that women can say no?

Women: Not obliged to say "yes."
Women: Not obliged to say “yes.”

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”

They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more. 

Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.

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11 years ago


Sadly I don’t. I either skimmed it, or totally didn’t follow troll-thought transition.

11 years ago

I guess it would help to read rather than skim his comments, but they’re just too dull.

11 years ago


I’d do that too, but they’re kind of fascinating, in a ‘how can one be that wrong’ kind of way.

11 years ago

Probably because you’re still relatively new to our particular brand of trolls. After a while the wall of blah effect sets in and it becomes background noise, like when you live near the airport and stop noticing the planes.

11 years ago


You’re probably right. Still like poking him XD Though tell me if you want me to stop.

11 years ago

Nah, go ahead if you’re having fun. If you fisk his comments it saves the rest of us from having to read the original blah.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Yes Jaro, the root is æther not aerther, but I liked the typo.

11 years ago


As it turns out, nothing in this world will guarantee you a babe of any kind. It’s not just that you’re not entitled to a woman (although it’s true, no one is entitled to a lover of any gender). It’s that lovers, like jobs or friends or pretty much anything else, must be earned.

Sure not guarantee… but, if somebody whines about not getting a job, that’s not so frowned upon, there’s no word like “Nice Employee”. Also anti-discrimination laws restrict the freedom of the employer, for some reason it’s not an argument to say “it’s his choice”.

On a related note, does anyone have evidence that ex-convicts and pedophiles are statistically more likely to have (a) partners and (b) attractive ones, or is this one of those “everyone knows” facts?

Well, no, but I’m always amazed how many get one… one would think they should have no chances at all. How on earth do those guys do that?

So rape and abuse are cool with you? Surely that’s not what you meant?

I’m still in the learning phase… but not so much, no. Don’t feminist think men have to learn not to rape?

Have you ever experienced a hostile or unsafe environment? I’m not talking about the ridiculous “he told a joke and got fired for sexual harassment” straw-man* people like to use when the subject comes up; I’m talking about feeling like you might actually be harmed (yes, even “silly, subjective psychological harm”) every time you go into that situation.

Well, no!


Wow two words I am truly impressed. /sarcasm

Hey, I read Tibullus (another one of those enslaved idiots)!

God, go pet a cactus. It is a sexual OFFENSE no goddamn scare quotes.

they deserve a scare quote: look at one of the rape victims of the infamous Paul Bernardo (who also filmed his acts). She described the journalist Stephen Williams, who illegally viewed the tapes of Bernardo’s crimes as “worse than Bernardo.” Seriously, a 55-year-old man, who never did anything criminal in his whole life before, only did his job as an investigative journalist (a rare breed today), is as bad as a serial killer? Seriously? That’s how ridiculous it is, to think psychological harm is a measure of the seriousness of the crime.

11 years ago

“who illegally…never did anything criminal in his whole life…”


11 years ago

you forgot the “before”

11 years ago

Sure not guarantee… but

“Guarantee” was your word, not mine.

Well, no, but I’m always amazed how many get one

So in response to my request for evidence, you responded that you had none, then went on to assume it was true anyway. OK. That’s nice for you, I guess, but added literally nothing to the discussion.

So rape and abuse are cool with you? Surely that’s not what you meant?

I’m still in the learning phase… but not so much, no. Don’t feminist think men have to learn not to rape?

I’m not sure what your question has to do with my question. I was responding to your statement that homicide was where you “draw the line”.

Have you ever experienced a hostile or unsafe environment? I’m not talking about the ridiculous “he told a joke and got fired for sexual harassment” straw-man* people like to use when the subject comes up; I’m talking about feeling like you might actually be harmed (yes, even “silly, subjective psychological harm”) every time you go into that situation.

Well, no!

Then maybe shut up about the sexual harassment thing, unless you can either speak from experience or grow some empathy.

11 years ago

Is Jaro still nattering on about the inconsequential?

Wish me luck guys… The building I live in has been sold (and eventually all the tenants in three building will have to move), so Beloved has been looking at new ones annnnddd, we think we found the perfect place so we’re applying.

We have so. Many. Fingers and toes crossed.

11 years ago

So, since most people seem to be as bored with Jaro as I am, want to see my adorable rainboots that it’s finally wet enough to wear?

11 years ago

I’m not sure what your question has to do with my question. I was responding to your statement that homicide was where you “draw the line”.

Well, I’m really torn about this issue, to be honest, I don’t know if I should be ok with rape and abuse…

11 years ago

Jaro: not being OK with rape and abuse is sort of base line for being a decent fucking human, You fail. You are lower than shit on my shoe. Fuck off.

He’s a good beginning chew toy, that’s about all he has going for him.

11 years ago

“I’m torn.”

What a pantload.

11 years ago

If you’re serious: fuck you.

If you’re being sarcastic because you’re offended that anyone would accuse you of being OK with rape and abuse: you’re the one who said you drew the line at homicide.

11 years ago

Option 3 – thinks it’s hilarious when women get upset and/or angry about rape and abuse.

11 years ago

I definitely think he’s in favor of Option 3. Only a truly privileged shithead would think that rape and abuse are for lulz.

11 years ago


Sure not guarantee… but, if somebody whines about not getting a job, that’s not so frowned upon, there’s no word like “Nice Employee”. Also anti-discrimination laws restrict the freedom of the employer, for some reason it’s not an argument to say “it’s his choice”.

dude, I know this is hard for you, but relationships are not jobs. One needs a job, or some source of aid/ income to survive or have a house/ living space ect. Relationships are nice, but not necessary.

Well, no, but I’m always amazed how many get one… one would think they should have no chances at all. How on earth do those guys do that?

*cough* treating women like they’re people *cough*

I’m still in the learning phase… but not so much, no. Don’t feminist think men have to learn not to rape?

No. If I thought men had to learn not to rape I would never want to be around one again.

they deserve a scare quote: look at one of the rape victims of the infamous Paul Bernardo (who also filmed his acts). She described the journalist Stephen Williams, who illegally viewed the tapes of Bernardo’s crimes as “worse than Bernardo.”

way to prove you aren’t an asshole. /sarcasm. Also, one woman did something you don’t like, therefore all sexual offense isn’t real? wtf?


Wish me luck guys… The building I live in has been sold (and eventually all the tenants in three building will have to move), so Beloved has been looking at new ones annnnddd, we think we found the perfect place so we’re applying.

Good luck!


So, since most people seem to be as bored with Jaro as I am, want to see my adorable rainboots that it’s finally wet enough to wear?



Well, I’m really torn about this issue, to be honest, I don’t know if I should be ok with rape and abuse…

hint: you shouldn’t be. You have an extreme case of lack of empathy. I recommend a full personality transplant.

11 years ago

Pillow in hell: good luck with the new place!

11 years ago
11 years ago

Ooooooh, I like. If it was wetter here, I’d buy them. It would make more sense to set money on fire than but rain boots in my part of TX.

11 years ago


Those are so cute! Sadly I’m just focusing on their heels, and I cannot wear heels. (even little heels throw my icky back in a bad position).

On the topic of shoes, I saw these reaaaaallly cute shoes earlier while shopping, but they were heels 🙁 I want to find more like them, w/o the heel.


11 years ago

Sure, and another onslaught of proponents of liberal ethics, always believing their positions are noble and founded on reason, and if I would just think about it rationally, I would become one of them.

The problem is… if you really think about it, not just think about it more than your average bigoted loon, but think it to the bitter end, you’ll end up where Peter Singer is (that means you will become a bestiality-approving vegan, who thinks that killing babies is not that bad but you have no right to possess an iPad as long as there are still people on this world who don’t have food or shelter). And then there’s also no taboo about asking if rape is wrong anymore.

To not let this happen, there’s always this angry, emotional “Shut up!” moment with liberals… that what we witness now.


Jaro: not being OK with rape and abuse is sort of base line for being a decent fucking human, You fail. You are lower than shit on my shoe. Fuck off.

Then it seems that you don’t have to teach men not to rape?

I definitely think he’s in favor of Option 3. Only a truly privileged shithead would think that rape and abuse are for lulz.

It’s not for the lulz.

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