I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Do you find that dark lippy washes you out more as you get older? I used to be able to wear purple and it makes me look like a corpse now, but I’m not sure if that’s just that I’m paler now than in my teens.
CassandraSays, did I hear about bb creams from you here? If that was you, thank you! (If that was someone else here, thank you.)
I just bought some Rimmel bb cream and I. Love. This. Stuff. I have sun damage on my chest (that’s not on my face because I’ve worn foundation since I was a teenager) and so I’ve been wearing it there. I’ve been wearing on my face instead of foundation a lot too. I have had eczema flareups over the last few years and have white patches on my arms and shoulders and this obscures them nicely too, without looking like I have TV makeup on my arms and such.
LOL that’s exactly what I thought – real sable would be brown/black, and yes, it’d look dire. I don’t know if it’d wash me out – my face is redder than it used to be – but it’d look way too harsh. I think it’s as much to do with skin texture as colour, though I could be wrong on that.
Time was I could wear dark, dark purple lippy and not care if the face looked stark white with it. Half of it was hidden under my Gary Oldman specs anyway. These days it’d just look like that pithy old saying “mutton dressed as lamb”.
For those of you anticipating the zombie apocalypse, I think you might have missed it …
Yay, my BB cream evangelism is paying off!
ROFLMAO. What a transition.
I’m more of a kinetics girl, but I’ve done my time in thermodynamics enough to be amused to see where this is going.
Seriously pecunium, assuming you weren’t speaking metaphorically, where did you find those in an adult size?
Oh please tell me it was somewhere near Pasadena.
Speaking of my fair city…
@jaro, voicing every thought in your head is a really bad idea.
joanimal: They were a present*, but now you make me miss living in Pasadena. Esp. right now, when the veggies on this coast are boring (and they never match those of the farmer’s markets, you know of the one at Pasadena HS, yes?). That, and the lack of spring right now. The weather is warm, but the plants are still nervous.
*The tag says, DR. SEUSS, MJC International. The internets do not show them. they are yellow, with an elastic waistband, and a bodkinned drawstring
Is this one on sale on ebay the sort of thing? (It’s XL size if that’s any help.)
No. Those are blue, mine are yellow, which is the classic color for the cover of the book.
Sephora is a good mid-price brand.
The darkest lippy I can get away with now is MFE #14: http://www.sephora.com/rouge-artist-intense-P268702?skuId=1261932 otherwise I look dead. MFE lipsticks are worth every penny, as they last a long time and aren’t drying.
The Smashbox BB works for me, I don’t break out or react to the sunscreen in it, which is something I have to be careful of.
Yup 😉 Everyone knows us ladies only take care of our skin so we can tease
menzMEN. On a related note, I have dry skin too, not terrible, but it was bad enough I had to get a prescription lotion for it. I normally keep good care of my hands and legs, cuz it really gets annoying to itch there, but I also have dry skin on my toes that looks kinda weird I keep forgetting to do anything about cuz it doesn’t itch/ bother me physically. /randomI do that too. Stila color balm lipsticks are the shit. No, I am not affiliated with them, they’re a brand I never paid much attention to until recently.
Clinique’s buttershine lipsticks are great for people with dry skin too.
@Argenti Aertheri:
Well, sorry, you’re wrong. I’m not a sock and that’s it. And I’m not this 90%-of-your-trolls “Al”, because I’m not.
There’s this
cancerphenomenon, where people make a higher pitched, sped-up version of track XYZ (rudimentary Audacity-skills needed), slap on a random anime picture, upload it to YouTube and give it the title “Nightcore – XYZ”. One could think there exists a techno band “Nightcore” which makes that stuff, ok, that actually isn’t completely wrong, but they made only two tracks the rest is from random idiots who stole the name. The same phenomenon is going on with your “Al” here. There was a troll “Al”, he came back as a sock a few times and now everybody who disagrees with you is suspected to be “Al”.@Pecunium:
So… do you even know what that “W” means in the S = k*log(W)?
And not that I would care about my cooking skills, but it seems that you have pretty high standards (you have to be very experienced if you can make a creme anglaise without a thermometer and don’t get any lumps and don’t need to strain it).
And who else than Pecunium made a Napoleon from scratch here? Seriously? Anyone?
I’m still amused about the burek thing, funny… first move Cassandra makes is always some sort of “come on, you don’t know nothing, you just googled that, admit it!” and hopes that it stings (may work in 90% of the cases… depending on the quality of your trolls here).
But imagine if Steven Hawking somehow ends up here, first thing he hears from Cassandra: “oh, Stevie has something to teach us, he found the wiki page about black holes.”
I’m not this “Al”. I’m not this “Al”. I’m not this “Al”.
Does your troll know advanced physics or math? That would be a way to distinguish him from me. Ask me something, preferably applied math like advanced numerical analysis or probability theory. But pure math is ok, too, preferably Galois theory.
Poor Evariste Galois, he was killed in a duel because of a woman, at the age of TWENTY!!
This one, I’ll never forgive you! Yes, I am perpetually angry about this.
If it weren’t for his untimely death, he would have become a second Gauss. Too bad that even geniuses like him are enslaved by sexual urges, by which they are ruthlessly exploited by
succubidaughters of Lilithwomen. It’s them who have the blood of Galois on theirhandspitiless always-no-saying lips.And now don’t tell me that he really loved her, what would a genius like him even have to talk about with a stupid girl?
And another way to distinguish me from “Al”: Does he speak Latin? Because I do, Argenti Aertheri = silver skies.
So now that I boasted about my knowledge and skills (which still don’t guarantee me even a medium babe 4, something chomos and felons regularly land…) I feel a little better and my self-esteem is restored.
Even mentally wanking in this comment section is better than a fleshlight.
Actually I do not like him because of his attempted killing. Homicide is where I draw the line.
I have more sympathy with male feminists who are in it for the chicks (ok, that was true for Hugo, too) and end up committing a sex-“offense”, like sexual harassment, where only silly, subjective psychological harm was done, which will forever elude our objectifying grasp.
Jaro is totes like Steven Hawking, you guys.
Are we having a Pell Incident? Idk, Pell legit didn’t know Latin, but I’ve explained my nym so anyone lurking could know it (also, interesting take on the typo’ed Aertheri)
“‘Oh no, he’s definitely a troll, and definitely socks enough that he just might be 90% of our trolls. As to the first question, it’s already been answered.’
Well, sorry, you’re wrong. I’m not a sock and that’s it. And I’m not this 90%-of-your-trolls “Al”, because I’m not.”
He = Mr. Al
“‘What? Can anyone translate that into English?’
There’s this cancer phenomenon, where people make a higher pitched, sped-up version of track XYZ (rudimentary Audacity-skills needed), slap on a random anime picture, upload it to YouTube and give it the title “Nightcore – XYZ”. One could think there exists a techno band “Nightcore” which makes that stuff, ok, that actually isn’t completely wrong, but they made only two tracks the rest is from random idiots who stole the name. The same phenomenon is going on with your “Al” here. There was a troll “Al”, he came back as a sock a few times and now everybody who disagrees with you is suspected to be “Al”.”
And no, not “a few times”, unless you mean a few times a month. But hey, at least that Nightcore nonsense had a point, albeit an irrelevant one, but a point all the same.
Anyone want to explain Mr. Al’s tells? Because I’m pre-coffee (and my typing fingers hurt since I was up all night sewing)
This has to be Al.
Al’s tells:
Overengaging with Cassandra and I/ Cassandra more so usually, and to a creepy degree. Does not like to reminded of his boundary issues.
HF Schwyzer.
He’s a math major.
Female privilege.
His hobbyhorses and tells are pretty much the same.
Jaro, your days of wank here are about to end.
@CassandraSays: Sure, there’s a difference between a whale and a hippo. But if you think those animals weigh one pound, you’re very wrong in both cases.
What’s typo’ed about “aerther”? Isn’t that o- declination like ager, agri, agro agrum agro ?
That’s partially Cassandra’s fault, she seems to hang around here the whole day and ironically tells me that I’m lonely and have no life… projection? Also she’s snarky like I’ve never experienced anybody before.
btw, how exactly was I creepy?
Now, that’s a stupid accident. What about physics, does he know that, too?
What about German? I also speak a tiny bit German… would that free me of you suspicions?
(= Ich spreche auch ein klein wenig Deutsch, würde mich das von Ihren Verdächtigungen befreien?)
I’m sorry for something that someone who happened to share one of my (very common) characteristics did something a long time ago.
Where does this belief even come from? Are we (by which I mean the woman-type Boobzers) all just lying about our sex lives? Did I hallucinate having sex with my partner last night?
Seriously, dude. (Most) women have sex. We like sex. Sometimes we like sex with men. This idea of women as vindictive cock-blockers is just ridiculous.
This is why I’m not sure I should even take you seriously. I can’t tell if you’re being deliberately inflammatory, or trying to cover your hatefulness with a facade of “just joking”, or what, but it’s weird and annoying.
As it turns out, nothing in this world will guarantee you a babe of any kind. It’s not just that you’re not entitled to a woman (although it’s true, no one is entitled to a lover of any gender). It’s that lovers, like jobs or friends or pretty much anything else, must be earned.
On a related note, does anyone have evidence that ex-convicts and pedophiles are statistically more likely to have (a) partners and (b) attractive ones, or is this one of those “everyone knows” facts?
So rape and abuse are cool with you? Surely that’s not what you meant?
<blockquote?…a sex-”offense”, like sexual harassment
Have you ever experienced a hostile or unsafe environment? I’m not talking about the ridiculous “he told a joke and got fired for sexual harassment” straw-man* people like to use when the subject comes up; I’m talking about feeling like you might actually be harmed (yes, even “silly, subjective psychological harm”) every time you go into that situation.
Do you object to safety regulations in the workplace? That’s all sexual harassment policies are: another form of workplace safety regulation.
*Of course, it’s not only men who commit harassment, sexual or otherwise. I just worry that “straw person” might not be clear.
tl;dr: Jaro is wrong again
Of course it would be “argenti aetheri”…
You don’t get out much, do you?
Anyone have any idea what that whole whale/hippo thing was about? Sorry, I don’t speak dumbass.
Again with the everything is slavery shtick. Get a new one, bub.
You’re waving your hate flag again. Please tell me you aren’t one of the trolls who wonders why people call him a misogynist.
Women are terrible! Why won’t they fuck me?
God, people getting along. The horror! The horror!
Wow two words I am truly impressed. /sarcasm
Dude, if you want to get a ‘medium babe 4’ start with acting like women are human beings. Probably what the ‘chromos and felons’ do.
Cry me a river. Women aren’t your fuck toys.
God, go pet a cactus. It is a sexual OFFENSE no goddamn scare quotes.
Luckily, I’ve found out why you have so much trouble getting laid: You are a truly despicable human being with no redeeming qualities. You could be the smartest fucking person in the world and you’d still have trouble, even though more women would have heard of you, because no amount of skills or looks can cover your rotten personality.