I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.Â
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
enjoy your break! 😀
The brand is sephora.
hmmm…make up questions…So far I’ve been wanting to test out eyeliner and possibly eye shadow. Maybe lipstick, too, but I don’t know where to start there. I guess my main question would be are there an tips you think I should know? Idk, I feel like I’m still at that point where I don’t know enough to have questions to ask XD
Yay, I shall look at that brand! Thanks for recommendation.
as a testament to my make up newb-ness, I will confess I only understood about half of what you just said XD
Have you tried that brand, Cassandra? The eyeliner sounds interesting, but I’m wary of claims that the stuff won’t come off. I tried one of the pricey brands years ago -Shiseido, I think – specifically because it claimed to be unsmudgable, and so on. The sales rep painted some on my inner arm and rubbed, and sure enough, it stayed put.
It flaked and smeared off in no time when I wore it on my eyelids. I ended up with the usual grey smeary shadow under my eyes.
I think the jeans are just raw denim. There are a lot of denim washes with a slight sheen out there right now, which I love.
(Pants that are made of real satin are a bit hard to wear, show every bump and underwear line + easy to crease.)
In terms of base I’ve been doing nothing but BB cream for a while. Won’t cover anything big like acne, but if you have pretty good skin and just want a more even look + moisturizer + sunscreen it’s great. I use this one and it just feels like wearing a basic moisturizer.
BTW, Marie, if you like pink and purple and sparkly stuff you’re going to be like a kid in a candy store at prettyandcute, especially the Holika Holika stuff.
@ Kittehs
It works exactly as advertized for me. I rub my eyes a lot in the spring and summer because of hay fever and it hsan’t smudged yet. It’s a technological thing – it doesn’t paint your lashes, it makes little tubes around them.
Marie LOL! Makes a change for me not to be the one who doesn’t know much about makeup.
Invisible Zinc is a brand of sunscreen. I wear it ‘cos I have rosacea, and need to wear sunscreen and moisturiser. This does both, and it’s tinted, so it masks the red patches on my cheeks a bit. It’s also just zinc-based rather than having oodles of chemicals that make rosacea worse (ie. breaking out in acne that takes months to heal up with antibiotics). I knew nothing about all this until I read a site called Paula’s Choice, which has all sorts of useful makeup info.
The cream-to-powder is just a compact, you pat the stuff on and it dries to a powdery surface. I use it ‘cos the Invisible Zinc dries rather shiny and I don’t like that look. I just need to have a light touch doing it, or it goes all too dry and strange-looking!
Cassandra – it wasn’t the mascara I wondered about, the one I use (el cheapo from the supermarket) works fine; it was the eyeliner.
I love the image of tubes on the lashes though. I keep thinking they’d rattle. 😉
I LOVE pink and purple sparkly stuff. I was debating getting the purple sparkly eyeliner today, but the silver was more sparkly, so I got it instead 😀 btw, thanks for the link (again) XD
and thanks for the explanation 🙂 I just got super confused. XD
OK so this is black but it’s still the cutest mascara I’ve ever seen.
I love watching the blinc mascara tubes come off. The eyeliner didn’t smudge on me, but I’m not sure if it would if your skin is oilier (mine is dry).
Oh god that would be worth buying just to keep the tube! 😀
My skin used to be combination, but it’s dry now. Joys of perimenopause and all that.
Oh, the cruelty! Mum’s talking about putting my overnight backpack in a cupboard just ‘cos it’s mostly used as a bed by Mads. How can she contemplate depriviing a PLC* of her resting place?
*Poor Little Cat
So cute!
Ask your mum if she really wants to deal with a whiny, irritated cat.
Cassandra – we do anyway … :/
Sephora is very good makeup, pretty much as advertised, which makes the price worth it.
OT – here’s an Easter Bunny that’s a whole lot less creepy than the ones cloudiah (?) posted before.
I’m all about the BB cream these days, which I would never have heard about except for this place. My skin is pretty good (except for the rosacea), so I like having something lighter.
I am very blond, so can’t easily wear black mascara — I usually go for brown or brown/black. I rarely wear lipstick, but when I do it is usually as a moisturizing agent so I don’t think I can take a “too dry” lipstick off of anyone’s hands. 😀
Kittehs’, We’re posting at the same time! That was me posting creepy bunnies. This is better.
I thought so! Those bunnies were the scariest things ever. I saw this one on Feministe (!) and had to post it here.
How’s the BB working for your skin? I’m guessing it’s good, from what you said.
My cat is so weird. I’m wearing really low rise jeans, and she keeps putting her paws up on the seat of my chair and rubbing her nose against the bare patch of skin between jeans and shirt.
The lipstick is so dry that it feels like my lips would start cracking if I wore it for long. I had to take it off.
Weird kitty indeed. 😀
Dry lipstick, yeah, urgh. I wear it as much as a moisturiser as anything (and usually forget to put it on again after a coffee or whatever). I like Satin brand. They have my colours and are $5 each, which is about one-fifth of the price of most brands around here.
Warning about BB creams – since they usually have sunscreen, you’ll want to check what kind if your skin is sensitive. Chemical sunscreens make a lot of people itch or break out. If that tends to happen to you then you’ll want a physical block like zinc instead.
I normally only wear lipsticks that are as much balm as color, or that are super moisturizing, so this one freaked me out. Looks great, but it hurts to wear.
Well, I’m glad I happened to choose a good brand 😉
That’s a nice easter bunny XD
And sadly I must sleep now. G’night manbooberz.
Well, I am always tweaking things to figure out what works for my skin. I have to be really careful about things with alcohol in them, but a few of the BB creams seem to be okay.
Of course, I am just trying to be hypergamous and lure men in with my good skin even though I am not a HB10 or whatever they say…
Off to read myself to sleep now!
Niters Marie! 🙂
cloudiah, of COURSE you’re hypergamous. Aren’t we all?
I wear mid-toned lippy these days, in the brownish-pink range (my favourite is called Sable, though it’s nothing remotely like sable). Adds enough colour for a bit of emphasis without being too strong.
That’s a funny name in that I don’t think a lipstick the color of an actual sable would look good on you at all. Definitely not for work.