I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Okay, Jaro, I’m going to say this one more time: do not date people you clearly have so much contempt for. It’s not good for either of you. If you’re only staying in it for the sex (reason I assumed from all of your previous posts) buy a goddamn fleshlight.
Failed to notice that bit 🙁 Just assumed Jaro was whining about women being moody and shit. Gah, I hope his girlfriend is okay.
*I normally don’t like responding to things with only lol but here it is my only reaction. Jaro’s poor poor baby delicate masculinity.
from only that info, I’d say yes.
@argenti aertheri
Sadly, no, my troll-to-enlglish isn’t that good.
Sweet! yay for weird mocky mood I have today, which made me say that XD I had fun with my mom and sister but am feeling really worn out right now. And I slept reaaaalllly late.
Hugo? AFAIK he’s from Pasadena… I think he fits in there pretty well… from what I learned about this city from Big Bang Theory, it must be full of creepy guys.
Hugo’s another of his hobbyhorse tells. Hi, Al, do fuck off. You are not wanted here, how many times do you have to be told this?
Blockquote monster is hungry tonight.
Marie: Failed to notice that bit
No worries. It was tossed in later. I think he made it up. It’s a classic bit of trollish behavior… the one-upmanship gotcha. See he was all on about how his GF is hairy. The idea is that we respond, calling him a jerk; then the reveal that she’s got this condition, and we should never have judged him because he’s all saintly and shit.
Never minds that he speaks of her in degrading terms and is using that as an excuse for cheating on her.
His “girlfriend” would be far better off if she were dating a decent human being.
His gotcha kinda failed though, since nobody thought he was saintly for dating a hairy girl.
I know I’m stating the obvious here, but my brains kinda frazzled so that’s probably all I’ll be able to do tonight.
“If I talk about music it will make Cassandra pay attention to me, right? OH GOD I’M SO LONELY.”
@ pecunium
Yep, Alton Brown. Never read his books, but his onscreen persona grates. It reminds me of the bad kind of childrens TV host, the kind that always seems to be talking down to the children.
But remember, it’s impossible to cuddle a long-haired cat.
His gotcha attempt failed because our sympathy lies with that girl, imaginary or not.
In other news, go ‘Cuse! Final Four! *does basketball geek happy dance*
I see what you did there, and I approve of this message.
Marie: His gotcha kinda failed though, since nobody thought he was saintly for dating a hairy girl.
No, we were supposed to think he wasn’t saintly… then he gets to slap us with her condition, and thus we are heels; because he’s putting up with this thing most people would be repulsed by.
But he didn’t set it up right… he can’t; because if all it was is that she was suffering from hyperpilosity no one here would have told her to leave her, so he had to also show what a tosser he is; at which point he’s undermined his point.
ah. I think I have a little hard time understanding troll motives…
It always feels like you should end his comments about Hugo with “and yet he still gets laid more than me, because evil bitches always go for men who’re tall”.
He failed from the get-go by calling her Chewbacca and whining that she’s hairier than he is, and that she has (gasp!) fat around her hips from “all his desserts” (like one chooses where fat goes on the body). So he had no chance at all of getting sympathy or cookies or anything else, because he made it clear he despises imaginary girlfriend.
That might be a tell itself: Mr 90% makes up a girlfriend, but is so ragingly insecure that he has to try casting her as what he sees as some sort of grotesque, because he can’t even imagine anyone else having him.
Seems time for my reminder to those unfamiliar that Hugo. Fucking. Schwyzer. is some face of male feminism who slept with his students and tried to murder-suicide his girlfriend because she’d been raped and was a broken person. But it’s okay guys! That was when he was using drugs, he’s clean now! *pukes*
Jaro, pick a less vile hobby horse.
Random – the hips aren’t where my body fat tends to go. Does that mean I win the Good Woman prize? See, trolls, you have to be nice to me now since I’ve chosen to make my genetics fit your preferences.
For those new to Hugo. Fucking. Schwyzer. here’s why I insist on calling him that — http://arewomenhuman.me/2012/02/21/on-hugo-schwyzer-accountability-not-silencing-dissent/
You’d think trollboy would feel sorry for Hugo since the meanie feminists are being so mean to him, but no, because tall! Good looking! Gets laid more than trollboy! Therefore evil.
But not because he tried to kill someone, that part is no problem.
::pokes hips::
Come to think of it, mine’s mostly on my belly. But then that counts me out, ‘cos all Good Women have remarkably flat bellies.
Not that it matters, I’m too old to exist anyway, which is a bonus where these turds are concerned. Having a cloak of invisibility plus a Death Stare = bonus!
Damn, bonus twice in one para, why I no check that?
The body fat pattern where fat tends to go to the hips and butt (most common in women) is also healthier/safer than the one where fat tends to go to the belly (most common in men), so I guess nature is also a misandrous bitch.
My body fat goes wherever it wants; it’s headstrong that way. I just hope it stays out of my feet because they’re already too big to make shoe shopping easy.