I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.Â
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
*reads Jaro’s comments*
… da fuq did I just read?
More interesting than Jaro’s ever been: we had hot cross buns for lunch (it being Good Friday here). nom nom nom
His understanding of moral nihilism is… interesting, to say the least. I mean, he takes it as a given, which is… also interesting. But then even accepting it as a given, moral nihilism doesn’t mean that imposing your view on others is the only evil left in the world. It just… doesn’t. I’m not an expert on moral nihilism, obviously, though I’ve been flirting with it ever since I left religion. But that’s a messed up view of it.
Pretty much like everything he says. He knows just enough about everything to screw it up.
Oh, god, it’s Steele, isn’t it?
On rage boners, Ihaven’t seen that anyone has linked to this explanation: http://oglaf.com/punching/
Why am I a slave? Because my so called class”mates” laugh at me behind my back, all the while they send ahead the female ones to flirt with me and steal my work? Because I have to work with girls who don’t seem to grasp the concept of operator-precedence and think that predator-prey models are “really not cute”? Because said girls still ace the course cause they sleep with the prof all semester?
Believe me, if it weren’t for the bottle of Jim Beam, I hide between my textbooks, and Xanax, I couldn’t make it through the day.
Why am I a slave? Because my girlfriend has more body hair than me but desperate and horny me assured her “no, I’m ok with that, you are beautiful”? Because all my desserts went to my girlfriends hips, but I still can’t dump her? Because I couldn’t bear her constant soul-destroying nagging without the help of my friends Xanie and Jimmy? Because the last time I wanted to have sex with a girl who doesn’t look like Chewbacca, I had to spend what I make in a whole month? Because when Chewie found out, she hit me with my double-boiler and it sent her into superbitch-mode for months?
I guess that’s all you need to know about my life.
Oh, yes, the other arguments. You’re right. I was wrong. As long as you still allow me to bigotly decide solely on the basis of my prejudices, who gets which desserts, perhaps we can get along. Good bye.
PS: I guess I’ll try to make a phyllo now too, but I’ll use it for a börek. You spoiled the streudel for me. And I’ll eat this börek all by myself. All by myself.
Wow, I’ve been skipping Jaro’s comments, but now I see that I’m missing out. It’s like performance art. I particularly like the part where he’s a slave because his girlfriend got mad at him for having sex with another woman. In a just world, she would just accept that he has to sleep with other women, because she’s ugly! But he can’t just break up with her, because reasons.
Uhh…anyone else thinking that Jaro might want to get some counseling for that abusive relationship and brewing drug/alcohol problem, and stop blaming all women for his GF hitting him with kitchen appliances?
Also, sock? Of our “favorite” one? Jaro, do you have a morning height?
Fascinating whine, would skim and snicker at for a moment again.
katz — point noted about just dumping her, but I’m not inclined to go blaming anyone for getting hit with anything, even if they are a royal asshole.
Jaro the only thing you’re a slave to is your self pity. Do your girlfriend a favor and break up with her if you find her so repulsive. And maybe talk to a consellor about the other shit going on in your life.
Sounds rather like a Governments Get Girlfriends sock to me. And can someone explain the dessert thing?
Argenti: You’re right, my bad. Regardless of your behavior, your SO shouldn’t hit you with things.
I’m surprised JaroAl’s imaginary girlfriend hasn’t dumped him.
Since socks don’t actually need food I’ve decided to use my feminazi power to confiscate Jaro’s boreks. If anyone else wants one I’m happy to share.
[raises hand] Borek, please!
::does quick Wiki read::
Spinach and feta, hold the pepper, please! 🙂
They’re actually pretty easy to make, if anyone wants one and they’re not available locally.
If borek specifically wasn’t, spanakopita certainly would be in Melbourne, with our big Greek population.
Jaro: Why am I a slave? Because my so called class”mates” laugh at me behind my back, all the while they send ahead the female ones to flirt with me and steal my work?
Even if this is true, it’s not slavery.
I have to work with girls who don’t seem to grasp the concept of operator-precedence and think that predator-prey models are “really not cute”? Because said girls still ace the course cause they sleep with the prof all semester?
The first part has been addressed. The second (allegations of sex for grades) needs proof. You don’t have it.
Why am I a slave? Because my girlfriend has more body hair than me but desperate and horny me assured her “no, I’m ok with that, you are beautiful”? Because all my desserts went to my girlfriends hips, but I still can’t dump her?
Your self debasement (the act of denying your want’s/desires) isn’t her fault, and it’s not slavery.
Because the last time I wanted to have sex with a girl who doesn’t look like Chewbacca, I had to spend what I make in a whole month? Because when Chewie found out, she hit me with my double-boiler and it sent her into superbitch-mode for months?
Wow… that your partner took offense at you for cheating on her = slavery? This is a defnition I’d not previously encountered.
I wonder how JarAl found the word anyway. Maybe he googled “things to do with pre-made pastry”.
Take some fucking responsibility for your life and stop acting like shit just happens to you with you making choices.
Grow the fuck up.
If this is AL, at least he can’t claim he never had a girlfriend. Someone didn’t spit on him. Why, I don’t know.
He still doesn’t know what the hell slavery is.
All I know is that trolls of any variety/identity don’t deserve either sympathy or pastry. His request for both is denied.
Pass some of that pastry, thanks.
Oh wow jaro’s comment.
I am going against my better judgement and am going to try to dig through all that crap.
re: jaro’s ‘why am I a slave’ shitstain of a comment. Also my fixes will be in bold
Okay Jaro, words have meaning. being laughed at != being a slave. and uh, since this is classmates, how can they steal your work? or do you mean copying you (I was assuming taking jobs you wanted).
…citation needed. Also, again, words have meaning, teaching women (I’m assuming you’re talking about tutoring people, though if this is a college thing I’m probably oblivious) is something you chose to do. The feminist conspiracy is not making you teach women. Since you are actually choosing this, no one is making you tutor women, you are not a slave! ffs, words have meanings, and you’re just wanking about how your supposedly bad life is like slavery and it is the hugest lack of perspective ever.
citation needed. Stop speculating about other people’s sex lives, creepo, it’s none of your business.
if that is an achoholic drink, I’m assuming it is, you probably should get help for that, if you’re actually dependent. I’m not experienced in this, so anyone else feel free to chime in.
man. What do I know. All the fail here. A women having more body hair than you, dear jaro != slavery. God you are dense. Also, if you do not want to sleep with her, do not sleep with her. it is not that hard.
no one is stopping you from dumping her, dude.
Stereotype central! Also, lots of times it seems like ‘nagging’ is just asking guys to do stuff they said they would do. In my world, this is a reminder, and may actually be something one wants to be reminded of, but
menzMEN are all above this. Also, one of the examples of supposed nagging I’ve actually seen was my dad’s girlfriend having him go to the doctor because his side was getting infected and he had shingles and still wasn’t going to the doctor! Keeping men alive, women’s job now?(to be fair, he didn’t know he had shingles before he went to the doctor, and, big part, doesn’t whine about his girlfriend nagging him when she’s just showing concern, because he, unlike you Jaro, is not a sexist bag of shit not worthy to be in my fucking garbage can)
*sigh* again with the hairy women is equal to slavery shit. God jaro at least get original.
Wait, spend what you make in a month? People are paying you? You aren’t actually a slave with little to no control over your own life?
yeah, I thought so.
Is chewie your girlfriend? can you tell her to say hi to han for me?
Okay, gonna post and clear my head, see if I can finish dissecting his shitstain later.