antifeminism boner rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men penises whores women shouldn't work

Manosphere misogynists: Perpetually angry that women can say no?

Women: Not obliged to say "yes."
Women: Not obliged to say “yes.”

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”

They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more. 

Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.

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11 years ago

MEN have to turn to alcohol or pills to relieve stress. Females will just whine and cry until someone else makes everything right.

Alcohol is okay for relieving pain or stress, its hard for me to judge because i haven’t drunk any in judgement reducing quantities yet due to being under 21, but I’ve read some people use it to help them with their fibromyalgia pain. Which if I remember correctly, affects primarily girls, so I guess it’s not real MANLY MAN PAIN.

Real manly man pain is unsatiated boners, as opposed to something that feels like hot coals stuffed in your joints*

Um, oh, yeah, I was going to address the original quote here, too. Which is that if you’re talking about women (excuse me, girls) “whining” as in feminism to try to fix a sexist society, um, people have to do something, man. Guys (in the same position as girls in terms of class, race, ablebodiedness) have always not had to “whine” to fix society because it was already in their favor!

*With respect to people who would describe it differently. 😛 That’s just my go to description.

11 years ago

I am continually amazed at the way these guys see partnered sex as some kind of magical activity that, in addition to always being satisfying and resulting in earth-shaking orgasms, also cures stress and any other ailments and problems you might have. I’ve had sex a few times, and so far it’s always been vastly more stressful and less enjoyable than masturbation. In some cases, less enjoyable than graph theory homework. Hell, I’ve had sex that was so bad that I started crying from sheer boredom during it. Sex isn’t some kind of wondrous cure-all, it actually takes effort to be good at it & it can be pretty damn terrible if you’re not.

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Asteroids? Wha?

Also, nudibranches really are gorgeous.

On topic — yes, MRA whines come back to their boners.

11 years ago

I have to admit, if I were a man in Buttman’s world, I would also develop a drug and/or alcohol addiction. Those poor guys, constantly breaking and/or losing limbs and then having to go into work anyway. I don’t think even the best sex would be enough to de-stress from that, even if you could get it literally on demand.

11 years ago


Are men in buttman’s world like those lizards that can regrow tails? Cuz if so many men were walking around with their limbs falling of I think I would have noticed, but maybe they are just regrowing them.

11 years ago

@ Merle- Good point and no offense to any trans people reading, I’m sorry. What I meant was: I have reasonable evidence that I’m biologically female and since I’ve never felt like my gender is a mismatch to my birth sex, being male would come as a considerable surprise to me.

11 years ago


Yeah, I assumed that’s what you meant, I just wanted to point it out for future reference 🙂

11 years ago

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them.

Be fair now, David. They’re also upset that women get to decide not to make them dinner and not to do their laundry.

11 years ago

The world does not work this way. This may be the most delusional part of a completely deluded belief system these fools peddle to each other.

I’m trying to imagine how they see this playing out. Say I walk up to the bus driver as I’m handing him my fare and say “fuck me right now, because I’m a woman and I deserve it”. If he doesn’t call security, and he’s willing to have sex with me, how does that work? Does he just stop the bus for half an hour while we get busy? Do the other passengers just accept this because hey, female privilege?

11 years ago

/…emerging form deep lurk

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them

David, I think you are only partially correct. From my reading, the manosphere is ultimately driven by their rage at the fact that women get to decide anything . Which in turn seems to be based on their belief that:

	A) Only males can be fully realized adults (and even then only when acting in within approved male norms).

– or –

	B) It sucks to be me and it must be someone else’s (or perhaps more accurately some other’s) fault 


11 years ago

Also, they know that gay men exist, right? What if I’m horny and at a party where all the men are gay? How is this supposed to work then?

11 years ago


well of course. Though the other women on the bus might also start choosing their own sex-buddy. Female privilege also means never having to be bored while *other* women are having sex.

11 years ago



Like the Kevin Bacon game?

I have actually seen a variant of the Wikipedia game with a “six steps or less” rule.

Semi-related: I watched the first half of a special on the science channel about how closely all humans are related, and they got Kevin Bacon to narrate it. I was amused 😀

@whoever said this:

MEN have to turn to alcohol or pills to relieve stress. Females will just whine and cry until someone else makes everything right.

Female alcoholic here. On behalf of all the amazing women I met in AA, who slogged through hell (guess how many started drinking after rape or abuse?) and dragged themselves to sobriety without whining or waiting for someone else to fix it: fuck you.

11 years ago

“So, are dass butt and feminizm rulez bro on moderation? I’m guessing that, just checking.”

Yes. David is very paternalistic and doesn’t think the delicate flowers ears can stand the truth.

11 years ago

he’s so right, whenever i come home from a shit day at school i just run out in the street and cry and say “PLEASE FUCK ME!” and then i get “dicked down” and i feel totally un-stressed, just like housewives never had any work-related stress before those nasty feminists started working in the 20th century, which was the first time in history women started working.

11 years ago

” On behalf of all the amazing women I met in AA, who slogged through hell (guess how many started drinking after rape or abuse?)”

Are you implying that men are to blame for women’s substance abuse problems now? Female privilege is the ability to blame every single problem of yours on a man. MEN have to take responsibility for ourselves.

11 years ago

I’m curious about what specifically it means to be “dicked down” and why it’s supposed to be fun for the person on the receiving end. The image it calls to mind is of someone smacking another person on the head with his cock, and only people with rather specialized interests are going to enjoy that.

11 years ago

“I’m trying to imagine how they see this playing out. Say I walk up to the bus driver as I’m handing him my fare and say “fuck me right now, because I’m a woman and I deserve it”. ”

The bus scenario could happen but most women find that too crass. What is the more likely scenario is that a woman queues up fuckbook or craigslist and a line of suitors line up.

11 years ago


Actually, I think if someone is drinking because of abuse or rape, the abuser or rapist would play a pretty damn big part in it. Manly fucking men don’t have to deal with that shit as often (though when they do patriarchy gives them hell too because women aren’t supposed to be a threat to men, and men are always supposed to want sex.)

Go pet a cactus, butthead.

11 years ago


Hello! didn’t see your comment here earlier, but welcome 🙂

11 years ago

Are you implying that men are to blame for women’s substance abuse problems now? Female privilege is the ability to blame every single problem of yours on a man. MEN have to take responsibility for ourselves.

Learn some reading comprehension, ButtWeasel. That’s not what Emilygoddess said, and you know this, motherfucker.

11 years ago

Jerk Alert.

11 years ago

Are you implying that men are to blame for women’s substance abuse problems now?.

Buttman, you’re disappointing me. I thought we were all females, not women.

11 years ago

The words boner rage created an image in my head of a man angrily slapping his penis on a keyboard and I think it fits the mrm pretty well.

11 years ago

Really? For me it was a guy screaming violently at his screen while ripping off his pants, then running boner first through a closed door(still screaming, of course).