antifeminism boner rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men penises whores women shouldn't work

Manosphere misogynists: Perpetually angry that women can say no?

Women: Not obliged to say "yes."
Women: Not obliged to say “yes.”

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”

They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more. 

Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.

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11 years ago

pillowinhell: Reading that story, the most aggravating thing is that there were a few items on the list which arguably could be grounds for a reprimand (most notably, the allegation of showing a student’s file to someone not entitled to see it–those rules exist for a reason). But they got mixed in with a bunch of horseshit that makes the whole thing almost impossible to evaluate fairly.

Side-note: It pleases me that the program that puts little red lines under words it doesn’t recognize when I’m typing in this box has no objections to ‘horseshit’.

11 years ago

“The subjects were 12 primates: 4 chimpanzees, 4 humans and 4 bonobos. There were two MEN and two females in each group!”


11 years ago

Same went for ripped jeans. What kills me is that I have to pay more for jeans with holes in them than a pair without.

“Factories in the Philipines// are tearing holes in brand new jeans// Rich kids in the West you see// have no sense of irony…

The Oysterband:

“Here comes the Flood”

I can’t get jeans that really fit. I am too tall/not proportioned right for “asian” jeans, and to small for wester jeans. So I wear, “tactical” pants; which have lots of pockets, and are possessed of some elastic in the waistband, which means the 28′ waists are really 27-29, and so get small enough.

I am pretty much a textbook ectomorph; long, lean, tolerably toned,and possessed of very little body fat.

11 years ago

Yes I’m ignoring Jaro, I’m already 2 Ativan into today and don’t feel like needing a third (got my SSI hearing notice earlier, they didn’t update my file with the info I sent in January, I need a lawyer and to send them the same shit all over again, I swear to all the gods they employ the biggest idiots they can find)

Hugs, Argenti. It must be “deal with idiots day.” I wish someone had told me and an ativan would have been nice. 😉

11 years ago

Time for the cMRA (chimpanzee MRA)then??

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Clearly I should get on that. I hope the feminist hive mind sends me a cat, or something, for my loyalty. XD

Argenti Aertheri
Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

*teleports an Ativan to hellkell* pretty sure it’s only illegal to share actual drugs, virtual ones should be safe! And thanks.

Well it sure isn’t going to be bMRA as bonobos get plenty! Huh, they are sorta matriarchal though, so maybe they would have MRAs?

Wait, did talacaris just manage to say something funny?

11 years ago


what cute kitties <3

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

“Once upon a time I was a “pro-life” Catholic Baptist with more conservative leanings. Clearly I’ve only been SILENCED into becoming a pro-choice atheist/pagan liberal hippie. It wasn’t at all a conscious choice based on learning to reassess information I gleaned from others.”

Yes, I’ve totally been silenced into going from agnostic-atheist to spirit-channelling, earth-Spirit-commuting blogger and sometime cat medium.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help


How could one tell the difference between one lot of screaming poo-flingers and the other?

11 years ago

I probably should have used sarcasm tags.

11 years ago

@ Fade

That’s how I read his comments too, as background noise.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

gelar – no, the sarcasm was clear. 🙂

11 years ago


I assumed you were mocking him, so it worked for me. Though I suppose sarcasm tags always help clarify.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Two things we need here:

sarcasm code (though that’d probably create a Sarcasm Monster)

the kitty smiley that’s in the forums but doesn’t work here WHY WORDPRESS WHY

11 years ago

Forumkitty always looks like Forumbunny to me.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Either is good! 🙂

11 years ago

sarcasm code (though that’d probably create a Sarcasm Monster)

I think it would. can’t we just use /sarcasm. Though I suppose sometimes that sounds more awkward, I just don’t want another monster chasing me XD

you guys have a kitty smiley in the forums! *envy*

11 years ago

Well it sure isn’t going to be bMRA as bonobos get plenty! Huh, they are sorta matriarchal though, so maybe they would have MRAs?

It’s important to keep one’s priorities straight. Of course, because they get laid all the time there is no need for bMRAs.

11 years ago

For example let’s take our fellow blogger JudgyBitch, she thinks what happened in Steubenville isn’t a big deal and that the punishment for the two guys is excessive (also check out the posts “Why don’t we have a Dumb F*cking Wh*re Registry? Now that would be justice.” and “You weren’t raped. You’re a wh*re. Join the club.” which add several new interesting aspects to the discussion…).

Now how do you change her attitudes?

No… you won’t proceed like if she were wrong about the Monty Hall Problem! You’ll call her out and if that doesn’t help, you’ll mock her, then shame her, paint her as the “bigot she is” and bash her until she keeps quiet.

Bash her until she keeps quiet?

Bring it.

Please do.

I’d love to see you try.

11 years ago

@marie & fade*

um, why? what’s wrong with ‘fellow woman student’? though personally I’d just go with ‘fellow student’. Sounds less awkward, imo.

How would you refer to a man who was a student?

Acually the use of female here is gramatically correct since he’s trying to specify the gender of the student. “woman student” doesn’t work because you’re using two nouns together, as opposed to “female/male student”, which is adjective+noun. Of course, his not so subtle reason to specify the gender of his classmate, OTOH, just reeks with his sexist agenda

*how often do you get the chance to address twins, that you’ve never met, at the same time. Ahhh Manboobz, you are the jewel of the interwebz

11 years ago


That makes sense. Thanks for explaining 🙂 I just tend to…ignore grammar. Like, a lot.

11 years ago

@Marie, it’s my understanding that, if you send David a request via email (click the big head!!), he can grant you access to the forum. I don’t actually participate there anymore.

11 years ago


Thanks for info 🙂 Maybe I’ll try when I want to, I’d like to, but I don’t think I have much time atm. XD This is taking up my free internet time…that and really poor time management.

11 years ago

For example let’s take our fellow blogger JudgyBitch, she thinks what happened in Steubenville isn’t a big deal and that the punishment for the two guys is excessive (also check out the posts “Why don’t we have a Dumb F*cking Wh*re Registry? Now that would be justice.” and “You weren’t raped. You’re a wh*re. Join the club.” which add several new interesting aspects to the discussion…).

Now how do you change her attitudes?

Oh… the tone argument. Fuck that noise.

Here’s the deal… we tried taking her at face value. Logic, reasoned arguments, mannered responses to her vitriol. As you may imagine it didn’t work.

Being tolerably well versed in these sorts of things I didn’t expect them to work, but I did it anyway. But there comes a point where you realise that the judgybitches of the world don’t have open minds (and yes, I know that you will level the same charge at us. All I can say is I’ve seen people here come to new understandings of things, so my experience says your assertion is invalid. I know your mileage varies. It’s why, in a couple of weeks (at most) you will almost certainly not be here. It’s hard to maintain delusions in the face of evidence. One can maintain cognitive dissonance, but it’s hard when the dissonance has to be rectified, again and again and again and again).

When that moment comes why bother treating them as honest actors? At that point treating them as such validates their opinions more than giving them the bum’s rush does. It gives the veneer of respectability to their inanity, their dishonesty and the Fountains of Wrong which cascades from their ever busy fingers.

If they leave in a huff, to tell people how mean we were… well they were going to crow anyway; that ship sails when they show up. Other people, however, might see the treatment of their arguments as completely serious, and meriting attention, as some hint of actual merit.

Which is wrong, and it would be foolish to let that linger. So some of us (quite rightly) jump on that shit the moment it shows its crappy head.

Which is what happened to you. You aren’t being treated unkindly. You are, actually, getting better than you deserve; because some people here enjoy taking apart shitty logic, some enjoy making sure the crowd at large (the lurker whom we know to exist) has ammunition to take away to the other parts of the world/internet they inhabit (that, BTW, is some of the, “real meaning to life” you dismissed earlier), and some enjoy backhanding the stupid when it shows up.

Since not everyone does the latter (or at least not immediately) you were spared the sort of treatment Mr. Al, Virgil, NWO, Meller, et al. get. If you want to join that company you have to work at it. I don’t think you have the chops. That is, in its way, a compliment. If I am wrong, well stupid is as stupid does.

“Wrong” convictions that are challenged in this way don’t disappear, they only become hidden and may find other ways to express themselves, which of course you will want to suppress, too.

Nope. I don’t care what people think. I care what they do. Shame is a useful thing; when someone does something wrong. Michael Crook, or whatever his name is, who was tweeting stupid shit about Stuebenville made his twitter feed private. I’m ok with that. He was a shitheel.

The thing is, and this is the hard part, proportion matters too. No one targeted his job, or told his employer to fire him or be put out of business. He got a spanking, and he went to his room. Nothing will stop him from making his twitter public again (I suspect he could do it now, but by May Day he won’t have any worries). Then he only has to worry about stepping on his dick again.

Because letting people make public displays of sexism/racism/homophobia, etc. perpetuates it.

You seem to be fine with that.

I’m not.

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