antifeminism boner rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men penises whores women shouldn't work

Manosphere misogynists: Perpetually angry that women can say no?

Women: Not obliged to say "yes."
Women: Not obliged to say “yes.”

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”

They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more. 

Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.

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M Dubz
M Dubz
11 years ago

@ drst- First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

11 years ago

Jaro: Oh, trust me–you self-sabotage quite enough. In fact, I’m inclined to ask you to make better arguments that might actually require some thought to counter, but then, you’re really not worth the effort.

pillowinhell: Oh, there’s lots of racism involved in the whole phenomenon, as you note. The suburban white kids appropriate the symbols without understanding their history and symbolism (thus leaving them culturally vacant); then their parents and grandparents use this as evidence of ‘black culture’ being inherently subversive and dangerous (and thus, to the condemnation of ‘black culture’ that has nothing to do with the actual culture being criticized, but rather, with the distorted version of it created by mass media). How subcultures interact with dominant cultures is a huge part of comprehending social justice issues. It’s this weird, “make it dangerous so you can make it safe” process. I’m just really coming to understand it myself–The Crommunist over at Freethought Blogs has done several columns that have helped me see how the process works, and what the function of it is in maintaining the dominant society.

11 years ago


When you talk about women as adjectives and men as nouns. Even as a completely innocent stylistic affectation, it’s gramatically incorrect. What’s actually so hard about typing ‘women’ instead? It’s even got fewer letters.

I wrote “fellow female student”… what should I write instead? I refuse to use “fellow woman student”.

@drst: All idle talk, you’re doomed to fail anyway. I set my hope on technological progress. Your story will end, end miserably. The possibility to manipulate the human genome will concentrate power to such insane degrees and give it to we-don’t-know-yet, this will crush all your pathetic endeavours. You cannot win.

Funny thing, when the law and the culture (i.e. “traditional methods like social norms and laws”) start treating certain bigoted beliefs as if they are shameful and should not be articulated, people who simply hadn’t thought about it much – the vast majority – who have just accepted what the culture had previously taught them, start changing their minds.

Reading comprehension? I asked you how to prove that these beliefs are bigoted or wrong, because beliefs which are now regarded as extremely bigoted and wrong have been just as easily adopted in the past. Everything you wrote just proves that most humans are sheeps. So it’s not like you give people just a little pat on their moral compass and they realize the truth themselves, you impose your beliefs on others.

11 years ago

All idle talk, you’re doomed to fail anyway. I set my hope on technological progress. Your story will end, end miserably. The possibility to manipulate the human genome will concentrate power to such insane degrees and give it to we-don’t-know-yet, this will crush all your pathetic endeavours. You cannot win.

You’re a terrible science fiction writer. The Gates to Women’s Country already did that story, and did it better.

11 years ago

So it’s not like you give people just a little pat on their moral compass and they realize the truth themselves, you impose your beliefs on others.

Wrong. I myself have gotten a “pat” or two on the moral compass and recognized my mistakes, and I certainly know other people who need as little as a sentence or two of education to change their minds about something. People like to believe both that they are right. If you can properly teach someone a method by which they may ascertain their “rightness” (eg. the scientific method) then they will have the means to correct themselves when wrong, and will often do so.

Changing the culture also prevents people from passing on ridiculous ideas to their children and the next generations; if grandpa believes that black people are inferior, but he knows it’s not acceptable to say so, maybe granddaughter will grow up without it ever occurring to her to think otherwise. Hell, just having a daughter or granddaughter in the first place has been shown to alter people’s beliefs about women and sexism. That’s a very little “pat.”

11 years ago


Great breakdown of sagging. I was gonna suggest that it started with the urban/hiphop culture, but growing up there seemed to be a parallel movement in the skateboarding community. I was wondering if sagging was appropriated by the skateboarding community, or if it was actually parallel? I didn’t grow up in N America so while I was heavily influenced by the growth of hip hop, I was also a little removed from it.

11 years ago

Shadow: I’m less familiar with the skateboarding community overall; I do know that it’s heavily focused in suburban and upper-middle-class urban neighborhoods (where the locals have the means to build decent skate parks, for instance). This would put them at the forefront of the ‘appropriation’ phase I talked about.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Urgh, blockquote fail.

That was supposed to be in response to this.

I wonder, if aside from the usual alpha-, beta-, zeta- and omega-male classification, we should introduce a new category..?

New troll is a little behind.

11 years ago

About the sagging pants appropriation… would this be an example of not-that-harmful appropriation, because it spreads the “criminality” of baggy pants out to include white youth as well (yay?), or is “not-that-harmful appropriation” just too much of a contradiction of terms? :p

11 years ago

I wrote “fellow female student”… what should I write instead?

No one objected to that (although I do wonder why we needed to know her gender in the first place – oh yes, that’s right, it’s so you could be appallingly sexist while trying to pretend that you definitely absolutely aren’t a sexist at all, nosireebob. Like when infants with chocolate smeared round their faces try to convince their parents that they’ve never even seen a cookie jar before).

People object to ‘women’ being referred to as ‘females’ when ‘women’ would suffice and they’re using ‘men’ as the opposite. Here’s a pro-tip, if you ever find yourself typing ‘females’, then you’re automatically wrong, since if you’re referring to a group that are all-female, it would be ‘female [X]s’.

Oh and to actually answer your question, ‘classmate’ would make you look like less of a pompous fuckweasel than ‘fellow female student’.

11 years ago


Fair enough. Back home the skating community was all about Alternative and Punk, and maybe a little Heavy Metal, so the two communities have always been separate in my mind

11 years ago

@Freemage/Shadow (etc.)

I don’t think you can entirely discount the convenience factor. Baggy trousers = easier to skate in = kids who want to dress like skaters wear baggy trousers. Rich and white doesn’t automatically mean ‘all style no substance’.

11 years ago

bagelsan: In some respects, it’s harmless enough–until it starts getting used as an example of how urban blacks refuse to fit in to mainstream white culture, and therefore it’s totes okay to discriminate against them in the job market.

Some cultural fusion is always going to happen, I know. But a lot of the times, when the language doesn’t translate well, things get dicey.

For instance, hiphop and rap lyrics are notorious for their misogyny. This is often ascribed to the black community. However, as I noted above, the driving market force behind the surge in hiphop and rap is the white suburban youth market. It’s kids in Naperville who are looking for videos where women get treated like sexy furniture. If you look at the stuff that’s mostly supported just in urban neighborhoods, and isn’t trying to ‘break out’ to appeal to the white market, it’s not perfect, but the ratio of misogynistic crap and gun-culture paeans to political and social protest songs shifts dramatically.

11 years ago

Oh, for an example of appropriation and how both appropriation and subsequent repudiation work to undermine the subculture, I recommend Natalie Reed’s excellent post from this past month: (*Sigh* I’m so sorry she felt like FtB was no longer the place for her.)

11 years ago

I wonder, if aside from the usual alpha-, beta-, zeta- and omega-male classification, we should introduce a new category..?Dipshit has a nice ring to it…it describes you perfectly.

11 years ago

arrgghh! blockquote fail!

11 years ago

I think I get the appropriation-repudiation cycle thing better now. I was focusing on the first step, which is a bit debatable depending on the context/one’s views on cultural exchange, but one really needs to take into account the repudiation half of the cycle to see the most major problems with it. That seems to be where you get the “…and therefore black people are bad” half of the appropriation.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

” Then I’ll retract that claim and say “motivate” instead of “compel”.

But how much of a difference does it make if other parts of your brain are involved, too? The brain as physical system goes from one state to the next and what if the processes in your frontal cortex result in wrong decisions? ”

Shorter Jaro: boring, goal-shifting bonerwhiner troll who thinks everyone else is as stupid as he is.

11 years ago

The brain as physical system goes from one state to the next

Your brain isn’t a bit that’s either on or off. It has millions of “states” it can be in, billions and billions if you want to count every permutation of neuron activity. How much difference does it make? All the difference.

11 years ago

Bagelsan: Exactly–it’s the cycle, not the initial appropriation. Done properly, in fact, such appropriation can be done respectfully. But it takes thought, effort and time, which most appropriators don’t bother with.

11 years ago

This is the problem with “we don’t want people to be sexist dickwads”, traditional methods like social norms or laws don’t get someone to BE something, you’ll only succeed in silencing people.

It would be a real shame if people didn’t feel like they could spew sexist crap…

If I look at this Joshua Miner guy, I wonder, if aside from the usual alpha-, beta-, zeta- and omega-male classification, we should introduce a new category..?
I would suggest kappa-male, for a criminal male who uses the physiological hybristophilia of women to his advantage. And like the alpha-male has beta-males in his pack, the kappa-male commands lambda-males. So the lambda-male in that case would be Adam Landerman. Another example would be Charles Manson (kappa) and Charles “Tex” Watson (lambda)…

This… makes no sense. Why are we tossing in more random Greek letters? I mean, at least Alpha and Beta made semi-sense, because it was first letter of the alphabet, second, in terms for first in rank and second, and omega was last, for all those wahwah guys the evil bitchez won’t sleep with who are surely last in rank (ignoring the fact that none of this alpha/beta stuff is real). EVEN IN THE SYSTEM WHERE PEOPLE THING THIS IS REAL, IT DOESN”T MAKE SENSE

Ah, what else… oh yes, since when is using “female” as an adjective considered wrong?

You use female to describe animals. Female bee, male bee, female wolf, male wolf, yadda yadda. When you use female and man, you are dehumanizing the woman.

I wrote “fellow female student”… what should I write instead? I refuse to use “fellow woman student”.

How would you refer to a man who was a student?

I asked you how to prove that these beliefs are bigoted or wrong, because beliefs which are now regarded as extremely bigoted and wrong have been just as easily adopted in the past.

Um… so because people have been even more sexist,racist,ablist,homophobic, whatever, in the past, people still can’t be that now? That doesn’t make any sense.

11 years ago

*sigh* Preparing to pull apart some of Jaro’s shit sandwich of a post…

This is the problem with “we don’t want people to be sexist dickwads”, traditional methods like social norms or laws don’t get someone to BE something, you’ll only succeed in silencing people

…Wait, apparently not wanting people to be sexist is silencing them? This superskeeves me, though I can’t put my finger on why, but it seems like you take people who actually get silenced about their experiences and act like not wanting to hear sexism is the same thing? I mean, I’m probably rambling here, but I just bwuh… I guess with people throwing victim blaming and death threats (oh god I hope I remembered that one wrong) at the Jane Doe in Steubenville is trying to shut her up, try to tell women/ girls not to speak about their rapes, and you think telling Judgybitch she’s a shitstain of humanity is silencing? You are so full of lack of perspective I wonder how you have room for anything else in your body.

Now how do you change her attitudes?

Imo, I *don’t* try to change her attitudes. I try to change the attitudes of someone who says ‘I know it was horrible but what was she thinking wearing that’ or something a little more mild. Judgy Bitch can only change herself, but (in my experience) if you explain what’s wrong with victim blaming or slut shaming you can change some minds.*

*actually happened with me. Me and my sister ended up getting in a talk about why slut shaming was bad w/ my mom and she actually listened, and tried to change. So…definitely has happened, Jaro.

Ah, what else… oh yes, since when is using “female” as an adjective considered wrong?

You aren’t using it as an adjective you’re using it as a noun.

Female? female what? I have some female guinea pigs, those may help.*

*with cuteness! (and sorry if this is a cuteness tease XD I still haven’t taken pics yet)

I wrote “fellow female student”… what should I write instead? I refuse to use “fellow woman student”.

um, why? what’s wrong with ‘fellow woman student’? though personally I’d just go with ‘fellow student’. Sounds less awkward, imo.

@drst: All idle talk, you’re doomed to fail anyway. I set my hope on technological progress. Your story will end, end miserably. The possibility to manipulate the human genome will concentrate power to such insane degrees and give it to we-don’t-know-yet, this will crush all your pathetic endeavours. You cannot win.

I…for the life of me I cannot understand this comment.

Everything you wrote just proves that most humans are sheeps.

o god not the sheeple argument. /mild annoyance.

I hope Jaro comes back on soon. I had a bad day and want a chew toy.

11 years ago


Howard Bannister
11 years ago


Misogynists, of course.

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