I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
There is no middle ground between “rage boner” and “unrealistic utopia”. Nuance, what’s that?
Nope. Didn’t work.
Derail away, Marie! That’s the default here and, unlike trolls, regulars’ derails are interesting.
I’ve never seen Spongebob Squarepants but can imagine that being stuck watching any show aimed at little kids would drive me up the wall in short order.
Well, unless it was re-runs of some of my favourites from when I was that age, of course … 🙂
I really want green bean casserole all of a sudden.
The blockquote monster has been feelin’ its oats this week.
I blame historophilia, she’s been feeding it oatmeal and raisin cookies while we weren’t looking!
@Jaro dude, I LOVE pretentious wankery! All those concepts you name-dropped added nothing to your arguments, but they sure do make you look smart, right?
*skips most of conversation to talk about fashion* The “saggy waisted skinny jeans” thing on guys is because skinny jeans are ridiculous. If you have very skinny legs and a wider pelvis, you can get them to sit fine. If you’re like me, and have a narrow pelvis and bigger thighs, you have to get a pair which is too big round the waist to fit your legs in. Then they fall down.
I like skinny jeans, however, because trying to find a pair of baggier jeans with a 28-inch waist is an exercise in frustration. Moreso when you have short little legs and don’t want an extra foot of material at the cuffs.
(side note: hrovitnir, what part of NZ are you from, if you don’t mind me asking?)
Probably something evil, invented by feminists no doubt 😉
Actually, there are some shows aimed at little kids I like, or at least don’t mind. (don’t know age rage of target audience I’m going by). I like My Little Pony *blushes*. I didn’t mind this weird show that was on, it was like, Team Umazumi, or something, seemed targeted at younger kids, there was a lot of teaching how to count. But sponge bob is especially annoying, even if you don’t like kid shows (imo). And it’s super hard to blot out and do your own thing >:( (not fun, try typing in a second language that you aren’t very good at while sponge bob is playing in the background.)
hehe. Someone* is cranky today XD But I think I’m also kind of sick too, and migraney. Feel kind of sorry for the kid I was babysitting, I think I let him watch waaaaay to much tv cuz I was feeling all blah.
*me! it is me.
What a sad little attempt at self-valorization, but it sure was dressed up all fancy.
We have no lives, yet this jagoff is here lecturing us. Ohkay.
Yeah, most boners aren’t sad and angry. It’s just the MRA ones.
Migrainey? That’s no good! 🙁 Hope it doesn’t get any worse.
WeeBoy – I used to have real trouble with getting jeans to fit in the days when I had a waist. Biggish hips and thighs meant I always ended up with very loose waists and had to wear belts. Same problem with the legs, too. It seems only recently that some jeans makers have grasped the idea that being bigger than a size 10 does not automatically mean you’re six feet tall. I’d swear they used to just scale up ALL the dimensions.
That sounds like Mr. HK’s problem. He has a HELL of a time finding a 30 inch inseam.
We scour the thrift shops for expensive jeans for him–which seem to fit better–and he has ridiculous good luck at Old Navy.
Yeah 🙁 It wasn’t a full-blown migrane, just bad headaches, but it felt like it could turn into one. And the kid couldn’t understand why I didn’t want his volume so loud >:(
I’ve got problems with pants fitting too. I have short legs, wide hips and a smaller waist. Either they fit around my hips and thighs and are loose by my waist and waaaaaayyy too long, or…well, that’s the only option, since I choose hips+thighs over them being too tight.
Does this make him a ragejagoff? 😉
These types of troll always make me laugh so hard. They turn up to whine or froth at us and talk out of their arses, yet we – the people enjoying each others’ company and having fun and commiserating with each other over rotten things and sharing recipes and insights and clothing links *cough* and all sorts of stuff, the ones who’ve made good differences to each others’ lives, are the ones who do not apparently have a meaning of life.
NB that was laying out the difference between us and the trolls, not attempting to justify us; we need no justification. It’s like the saying about the best revenge being a life well lived, and I think MenBoobz (thank you lowquacks) are excellent examples of revenge on misogynistic dickheads.
I’m also not holding my breath for the latest incarnation of Dipwad Troll to answer my questions about just what this meaning of life is, and how he knows none of us have it.
Kitteh’s: HA! Kill the blockquote monster!
I really think that these types of trolls hate it when they see people just getting along and being basically cool with one another. I think that just flies in the face of everything they believe–everything with them is adversarial and some sort of competition to see who can be the angriest.
I used to wear girls jeans a lot, but now I can’t find women’s jeans which arent either high waisted or skinny legged. I have a feminine body shape (like all the men in my family) so it was good for getting small waists and wider legs. But with super tight jeans they’re cut to accentuate curves I either don’t have, or wish I didn’t have.
High-waisted shorts look good on exactly one type of body IMO – Very petite long legged girls. My niece, for instance, looks fab in hers. She is also 13, very tall, and very thin. In a year she won’t suit them so well, and I really hope she doesn’t get an idea that going through puberty and changing body shape is a bug, and not a feature.
So they’d fit right in on Tumblr /zing
@ WeeBoy
2 thoughts on your jeans issue. First, have you tried on any Japanese or Korean brands? Since you’re thin and not tall that might be a good option for you. Also, do belts help at all?
The guys I see here with the saggy skinny jeans they look like they’re too big all over, not just the waist. Could be partly that the fabric stretches out over the day.
emilygoddess: rimshot!
I’ve looked at a couple of Asian stores, but their jeans don’t take into account having rugby thighs or a good bum. I’ve gotten into the habit of looking through op-shops or expensive stores when they’re having a sale, and then if I find a pair that fits, buying them even if I have “enough” pants or they’re quite expensive, because I can go six months without finding another good pair.
I like belts. I have a booty, so sagging my jeans is just tragic. For guys with no bum, sometimes belts don’t help unless they’re too tight to be comfortable, but mainly guys just seem to sag their pants cos it’s fashionable.
hellkell – and it’s even worse than that, ‘cos it’s WOMEN getting along instead of competing for menz attention, and even more worserer still, it’s PEOPLE OF ALL GENDERS getting along.
No wonder they’re so devoted to their rage-boners. Everything in the world in space gives ’em one and their only conception of happiness is the debased one of hurting other people (something they also get 1/10 for most of the time).
Troll Schadenfreude, I haz it. ::laughs evilly::
I’m of the no butt tribe so I know how it can happen, it just looks so bad when someone’s skinny jeans have the crotch hanging at mid thigh. Jeans are one of the hardest things to find good fit for, so I totally second the idea of buying multiple pairs when you find some that you like. This is part of how I acquired so many jeans.
If you’re big in the thighs none of the Asian brands will work for you, so you may be stuck just hemming everything.
On sagging – guys, if you’re going to do that could you remember to wear underwear that’s worth seeing? Baggy old boxers + sagged jeans = no.
It looks so bad when any jeans have the crotch at mid thigh. Full nappies, they are not sexy.
Lately I’ve been seeing jeans where the low hanging crotch is part of the design. Someone please make it stop.