I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Compel? Compel? FAIL, it doesn’t compel anything. Don’t try pulling that line of shit. Nobody is compelled to have sex, creep.
Are you saying that people have something called a frontal cortex, which does things like make decisions about whether or not we follow through on our urges? Crazy!
“Have sex with me! My vagina compels you!”
It’s like a reverse sexorcism.
Wow, a new troll (or a new sock on an old one; really, they all read from the same playbook, so I’ve stopped trying to differentiate for the most part). And I missed the pinata session, mostly. Ah, well.
I will note that he first claims that there’s a thing he calls “libido discrepency” that’s very, very important, and then goes on to state that libido can’t be measured on a scale. This level of self-contradiction is impressive.
I think his references to Derailing for Dummies is his way of acknowledging that he’s a troll, as if this gives him validation when we respond, but he seems to fail to understand that providing us with a misogynist troll target to mock (see the banner, dipshit) is, in fact, not derailing the site at all.
“The power of my parts compels you! Come into the vagina in God’s name!”
I wonder if we could get Linda Blair to make a YouTube video?
If the sexorcist saw Clifford’s sick abs, the possessed girl wouldn’t be the only one projectile vomiting.
I’ve long thought the power to projectile vomit voluntarily* would be really useful.
*I’d say “at will” but I don’t think he’s done anything to deserve that.
I giant reply! Fingers crossed for many blockquotes.
The horror! *shudder*
Yup. That’s pretty much me. 🙁 I feel you.
Super awesomeness! <3
You are lovely, Bagelsan. ^_^ Also, very different to how I imagined you. Don’t know how that is, but you’re more feminine, maybe?
Hahahaha. So true.
It’s a mystery how he copes so manfully.
That word you use… I don’t think it means what you think it means.
😀 😀 Awesomeness.
Aaaaand, fail.
Only one missed out of, what, nine? Ten? That’s better than my 100% fail rate the other day! 😀
Damn, I wish I hadn’t had to get to bed last night. The thread was awesome (apart from witless troll, of course).
::yawns and has day’s fourth cup of coffee::
Om nom nom, coffee. 😀 I totally skipped my chem tut this morning after such a late night. *shamefaced*
Heheh manboobz haz u in its clutches!
The judge at the court I work at can top that-not only does she sentence everyone equally she is also paying for a masseuse to come out and give everyone massages in a month.
It’s really not about what I want, absolutely not.
It’s about those people here, who since they seem to lack a genuine meaning of life, try to find it by some kind of collective self-realization, by pursuing an utopia without conflict, tensions and now even inappropriate feelings. Something like a rage-boner is just an affront to this ideal.
Now how could they get rid of all that “negative stuff”? By guiding people with superior arguments to insight? Though they claim all their beliefs are rational and you have to be stubborn not to accept them, they know very well that their ideas don’t have the power of Plato’s Form of the Good who once realized, just compels people to do the right thing. They need strong social norms, laws… oh, not that again.
As technological progress continues, such utopias would actually become realizable, because (probably in the not too distant future) it will be possible to genetically reengineer the species itself. But what will really happen will depend on the random outcome of power struggles between states, big business, cults and organized crime, just another twist in evolution and not some conscious, godlike control of destiny.
damn… that was not intentional for once.
So how does it work, kitty, your brain consists of matter, atoms, elementary particles… what determines how your brain goes from one state to the next?
I hope it’s not Bowen technique massage – had that done at work once and ached for the rest of the day! 😛
It’s a little early for him to be this drunk, no?
I once had a boss who gave us massages himself. That wasn’t cool. The boss who made us martinis on the other hand, he was awesome.
(We kept vodka in the work freezer.)
So…. this seems kind of hard to understand. Is it like “people here want to pursue a utopia* and a rage boner is an affront to that utopia**”?
*aka we don’t want people to be sexist dickwads
**aka people will call you out when you be a sexist dickwad.
I mean, if that’s what you were trying to convey, you got the message across. The only problem is you act like that’s a bad thing
To quote Bagelsan, whose comment you’re obviously too fucking lazy or oblivious to read:
“Are you saying that people have something called a frontal cortex, which does things like make decisions about whether or not we follow through on our urges? Crazy!”
You claim libido compels us to have sex. English is one more thing you don’t understand.
Incidentally it’s Kittehs, not kitty. Don’t be presumptuous, little moron.
Ok, did I miss something, or did Jaro just say that trying to encourage basic human decency is trying to turn this world into a utopia where everyone has god like levels of self control?
Also Jaro, I have no problem with people having boners, though I am curious why you think rage is a crucial thing here. Cuz the rage boner thing seems to imply bigger problems, especially if they’re like elam ‘fucking your shit up’s boners.*
*that was the right person, right? Or am I misremembering my mras?
“It’s about those people here, who since they seem to lack a genuine meaning of life, ”
Oho, we’re a Great Philosopher as well as a mind reader. So tell us, O great one, what is a genuine meaning of life, and what qualifies you to decide, and whether anyone here either lacks it or even agrees that life has to have one?
C’mon, you can do it. Keep digging. It’s a moderately entertaining distraction from work.
Marie – yup, that’s Elam(e).
Seconding the whole rage-boner bit and why loserboy thinks it’s something that has to be defended … I mean, really? Boners + rage = a good thing?
For some reason I never feel bad about derailing threads trolls are already derailing, so off topic ahead. Feel free to ignore if annoying.
After a week of babysitting, I can now confirm that sponge bot square pants is the most annoying show to ‘grace’ the face of the earth. I can’t wait til I find out how to hook my internet up there.
I’m not seeing why “boner” and “rage” need to be tied together. This has not been my experience with most of the men I’ve encountered in the past. Most men seem to quite enjoy being turned on.
(Side question – if boner + no sex immediately following = rage, why do strip clubs exist?)
I wonder if jaro is going to ‘explain’* why that is a good thing, or keep going on about how human decency is a chore/ utopia.
*I feel like I’m using sarcastic air quotes a lot…