I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Evolution: u’re learning it wrong
Well, here’s an article in the paper that will have NWO frothing. Its all about a study done that shows women CEO’s make better decisions, strive for a fair bargain for everyone involved, have better team work skills AND are more likely to see new solutions and therefore new opportunities.
It also notes that women in these positions are outnumbered by male counterparts three to one.
Oh, and here’s another one about how people spend more time and attention educating little girls than little boys about toddler age.
This is something I find unfortunate, and it needs to stop.
@ thenatfantastic
I want to see if the fact that Luisa can’t help laughing during 2 of the 3 sex scenes, and the reason why she’s laughing, will provoke RAGE. But yes, the bit that you’re talking about is also fun to watch.
If I find Bernal more attractive than Luna even though Luna is much taller (and in that movie richer) is that misandry or do I get a cookie of my very own for not being hypergamous?
So anyone willing to take a punt at why Jaro describes the XKCD comic he linked to as rape apologism? I’m stumped.
@CassandraSays I don’t really find either of them melt-your-pants-off sexy. But both of them together? Be still my beating vagina. Yeah, explain THAT, evo-psych.
Slash and yaoi and hot guys making out as a thing women like in general, confusing the hell out of sexist dudes since at least the 70s, because it’s never occurred to them to ask women why they like it instead of trying to figure it out via what beetles or baboons do.
I’ve been meaning to ask what yaoi is. I’m terrified to google it.
That would explain a lot.
O_o Not going to touch your cliched arguments, but I don’t want your feels, bub.
*channeling mra*: bu-bu…how will we make arguments now?
XD This amused me too much.
I…my brain keeps reading that as she has a super long crotch. And her legs are also dislocated.
I think I’ve found what styles are not for me XD
Gah. Hugs if wanted.
Weid that the links you posted I ended up liking 😛 different tastes I guess XD
Internet hugs if you want. That sounds hard to go through.
O_o Judging you.
Wait, those feelings were supposed to be unpleasant? I’ve been doing it wrong this whole time!
Dude, if you want to at least pretend not to be sexist, stop calling women females.
If this is true my brother definitely owes me dinner 😛
I’m confused. I confess I’m kind of skimming here, but is someone trying to kill you? Take away your rights? cuz I haven’t seen any of that happen yet.
…bwuh. Are you trans*? Or, more accurately, are you a monolith of all trans* people ever, and their respective libidos?
This I know is a lie. I’ve seen both my mom and my sister pulling the skin of chickens themselves, and it’s not a terribly pretty site. I don’t do it, but this still means 2/3s of the women in my house do, so….
…I may have missed it, but how is this rape apologia?
and this comment is too long as it is. Sorry for posting before finishing. Sort of. I do that all the time, so if it’s bugging someone, feel free to speak up 🙂
@thenatfantastic I do remember some
wankintense debate about that comic when it came out, and whether it was promoting the Nice Guy meme or criticizing it. But I also seem to recall Randall (the creator) saying he did’t mean it to be pro-Nice Guy and that he understood why that meme is problematic – so while I’m sure people can be, and are, upset by it, I also suspect that Jaro is playing SJW “gotcha” or making fun of ~oversensitive~ feminists or something similarly disingenuous.Also, is this the thread where LBT mentioned asking for someone’s Thoughts On Yaoi? I wanted to acknowledge my fellow Wanka.
Yes, it’s horrible. The idea that the reason why sex drive exists is that it compels people to have sex and so to procreate — complete dipshit. In a few minutes some idiot will come along and tell us that we feel hunger so that we don’t starve and die.
I quote Derailing for Dummies: “If you really want to excel as a Privileged Person® you need to learn to value data, statistics, research studies and empirical evidence above all things, but especially above Lived Experience©.”
@Dvärghundspossen: a lot of evo-psych are ridiculous and that’s recognizable even for a layman like me (yeah, I admit it, now go for my throat). But what people here pretend is that they like, studied philosophy of science and biology for a few years (and no, that’s not actually the case) and that it’s their well-founded, personal opinion that evo-psych is 100% wrong (while in reality even the most uncontroversial parts just threaten their pet ideology).
For me, from a common-sense point of view, it’s just outright denial if you claim that you can’t even explain the most fundamental urges with evo-psych.
Irony really dies online, I’ll never learn. But Cassandra, I can also make a true Bavarian cream, can you do that? (admittedly my most advanced dessert… ;-)) oh, I forgot, you’re supposed to be plonked.
Maybe T and oestrogen have different effects?
But you would say that, wouldn’t you?
Yeah Jaro, and I’m sure it’s nice to have sex with other people* but you can’t do that all the time. I mean, sometimes, even when partnered up, your partner may say no. And then if you are still horny there is a solution.
*I mean, I assume 😛 Virgin here. XD
Never found an official definition, but to me it just seemed like pictures or w/e of sexy/ pretty men making out or other stuff. *shrugs*
um, if I tried to make a baby every time I libido’ed, I would have plenty by now… this theory seems a little flawed. Cuz if I had them, in this evo psych bullshit, I still wouldn’t have resources to care for them.
Jaro: you are a complete dipshit, thanks for proving it with every comment. Your mangling of Derailing for Dummies and social justice term fuckery proves it even more.
Why dont you go off an try to come up with better material? You’re weak sauce, bro.
You’re an idiot, and you just did, so thanks?
Oh, dear, it seems that Jaro is unable to stick to his vow to not talk to me. Whatever shall I do now?
My libido doesn’t seem to want me to make babies, since it tends to be strongest at the point in my cycle where I’m least likely to get pregnant.
I forget, what was Jaro’s original argument? I mean he seems to be really going on this “libido only exists so straight and cis men and women can have sex with with each other”, but how did it start?
Nvm, found his first comment (I think) myself
Okay, so ignoring the fuckedupness with the worst thing about a women killing two kids is that she’s fat, was his shtick pretty much “bitches won’t fuck me and here’s why its justified to whine?”
Fade: Also, let’s not overlook Jaro’s totally repulsive use of the word “boy” when describing two black men. No racist connotations there, no siree. Totes gives lie to his man of the people (except bitches) schtick.
Those were men?! I didn’t read the article, so I assumed they were 8 or 9 year old… boys.
Gah, that is even worse.
^even worse in terms of his comment, not in terms that kids didn’t die, just for the clarification
Nope, both victims were 22. Jaro seems to be determined to hit every point on the asshole spectrum.
Show me for taking anything a troll says as true. 😐
I’m with fade in that I assumed they were still kids/ teens from his phrasing :/ Bad troll, bad.
Yeah, 22 isn’t really “boy” territory anymore, especially when the phrase is already loaded.
” It’s [sic] raison d’etre is to compel people to have sex together.”
Compel? Compel? FAIL, it doesn’t compel anything. Don’t try pulling that line of shit. Nobody is compelled to have sex, creep.
Marie – “I…my brain keeps reading that as she has a super long crotch. And her legs are also dislocated. ” That’s how I read it!
Thank god I wasn’t the only one XD