I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Since the idea that sometimes men might be hornier than women and that’s the worst thing in the whole world upsets Jaro so much I thought I’d give him a little present. Enjoy!
Women are ruining the environment and impoverishing Africa!
And then sometimes we don’t even shave our own legs! Oh, the humanity.
Etienne Dufour. You know, that leader of every bit of the feminist movement everywhere, that massively influential person who… oh, no, I’m sorry, I mean that one anonymous comment that was shouted down by feminists. Sorry, honest mistake. Is there some kind of power differential between those two? I’m not aware of it.
I can dismantle a chicken and I can also cook a delicious Chicken Curry.
It’s the drive to have sexual activity and this includes the urge to relate to certain parts of the world in a rather special way, which means in the most cases, you actually want to have sex with other people.
I now dare to use an evo-psych argument (feel free to criticize that as an unscientific just-so stories or whatever): If libido could be completely satisfied by achieving orgasms through masturbation why does it even exist? It’s raison d’etre is to compel people to have sex together.
If MRAs ever make the giant intellectual leap to stop posting in their blogs and to impersonate feminists instead, oh God…
Guys, I don’t even like cupcakes, okay? I’m the biggest cupcake hater in the Universe. Why, earlier today I saw a cupcake, and I was extremely tempted to steal it and stuff it into my mouth in one giant spittle-flinging bite. But I resisted the temptation! See?
(I ordered cupcakes for the office birthday today. You wish I was your AA!)
So now, post hoc, any urges I have are defined differently based on how I dealt with them?
Sounds totally legit, bro.
Now he’s brining evo-psych into it, a sure sign of a fool and a complete dipshit (non-exquisite variety).
Still waiting for Jaro to explain how actually backing his shit up is derailing…
So… who;s sock do we think Jaro is? He just has that smell about him.
I think 99% of our trolls are one sad bastard.
“Brining” is a good description for what happens to the brains of people who spend too much time reading evo-psych and MRA crap.
Slightly OT, but an American philosopher I know a bit (although we’re not close friends or anything) posted a link to some evopsych bullshit paper on male versus female sexuality on Facebook, and then he and some male friends commented on the paper like “I think it’s so interesting how much actual scientific evidence there is for men and women being completely different” and “It’s also interesting how our male sexual market value will just continue to rise as we go older, since women are more interested in success than looks”. SO I barged in and explained exactly what was wrong with that paper, scientifically – and it turned out that this American philosopher acquaintance of mine had posted the paper because he thought it was hilariously bad, and then he and his friends just went on posting ironic comments… I felt a tad bit stupid that I didn’t get this, but mostly relieved, since I had previously thought he seemed like a nice guy, and now I don’t have to reconsider my impression of him.
A whole raw chicken is rarely the cheapest option. I just checked the flyer for the grocery store around the corner and whole chicken (on sale) is $1.29/lb, while chicken thighs and legs are 99c/lb. The whole chickens at that price are pretty small, too, larger ones are actually more expensive per pound than bulk-pack boneless skinless breast ($2.20 versus $1.99). It doesn’t really make sense to roast a 3.5 lb chicken that costs $4.50 frozen solid when the same size chicken is $5 hot off the rotisserie at CostCo. CostCo and the grocery store are roughly the same distance away from my home, so it’s much more efficient to buy the precooked one.
Gas is so expensive here that driving to a store with a lower price per pound doesn’t really work, the next grocery store is 5 more miles away and driving an extra 10 miles (round-trip) to save 10 more cents a pound doesn’t make sense unless I’m buying at least 16 pounds of chicken. Then I’d have to store all that chicken. I could can it, but home-canning is time-consuming and the results on chicken leave something to be desired. I could freeze it, but it’d take up a lot of space.
I know that my time is worthless since I’m a woman, but my oven uses electricity and that’s not free. There’s also the opportunity cost: when I’m prepping the chicken or scrubbing the roasting pan, I’m not cleaning the house, having sex with my husband, exercising to ensure I stay sexy, or any other MRA-approved activity for ‘females’. Assuming there ARE any other approved activities, I know MRA’s hate children so that’s out.
HAHAHA. Whoops.
Jaro, libido and sexual attraction are two seperate yet closely related things. I understand that you have sexist tendencies so nuance might be a little difficult for you to grasp…but I’m sure that if you just sit down and think about it you’ll eventually understand, honey.
XD. Dayyuum. I hate it when I respond on the wrong thread!
Dammit! I couldn’t remember which thread, so I grabbed the first one in the Recent Comments rss that mentioned Jaro. And it was pillowinhell’s!!!
Now everybody is going to reply to him there, and he’ll wonder where we all went.
Howard, I’ve been ruining mens lives and sowing confusion for decades. Its really what I live for.
C’mon, you guys, we should at least give Jaro a small cookie. He knows how to make curry! Probably not a very exciting curry, but yay, he has mastered a skill that I already had by my mid teens. Now he just has to learn how to do his own laundry and he’ll almost be a functional adult.
You exercise to stay healthy?! But what if you get
visiblemuscles and therefore manly*? I thought us females were just supposed to diet!*It is a scientifically proven fact that women do not have muscles because otherwise men would vomit at the sight of them and no reproduction would occur.
He probably washes his jeans and towels with his dress shirts.
But should we not give him credit for even considering using a washing machine or a stove himself? Remember, if we don’t praise him it’s like we’re trying to exterminate him.
Maybe he can have a snickerdoodle, I don’t like those.
Relationships =/= sex =/= reproduction. They are completely different things that intersect. Big’ol venn diagram. By stuffing all of that into the “libido” box, you’re either going to leap cock-first into relationships that would otherwise be enjoyable without orgasms, or into flings and shitty relationships with people who have nothing in common with you except for a mutual fear of loneliness and celibacy.
Could I have a parade NOT run by PETA? Goddamn I hate PETA.
My favourite film! How did you know? *fast-forwards to five minutes from the end* *retires to bunk*
I like how Jaro responds to the piece about libido being gender-coded differently for hundreds of years, then female sexuality being repressed for the last couple of hundred with “Ah yes, but hormones!”. Y’all need to decide whether dudes are hopelessly hormonal thus NEED sex, or women are so gosh-durn hormonal that they can’t even be trusted to run their own finances because their oestrogen-addled little brains couldn’t cope.
Yes guys, please do. I want to know if my tiny ladybrain should stop doing the household finances, even though with Mr. HK doing them, we’d be living in a box within six months.