I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
As if your smug, stupid self has any say in the attitudes you encounter here. Perhaps if you weren’t such a pompous, sexist, blowhard know-nothing, our ‘tudes would improve.
In the words of the great philosopher king Ice Mothafuckin’ Cube: check yourself before you wreck yourself.
Any over/under action on when Jaro implodes and gets bounced?
You are thinking of someone else. I’m from the west coast of the US of A.
I have family not from here though. My grandma was originally canadian. And my cousins husband is Australian.
I’ve read that someone was from Ireland on this thread too though.
I’ve heard of keg stands, but never seen it. No one has ever mentioned doing naked keg stands though.
HellKell, I don’t think there will be a meltdown anytime soon. He’s not posting very often, which likely means he doesn’t have anything particularly invested in what he posts.
Basically, he’s the equivalent of that guy who races past in his car shouting insults at women and then snickering to himself about it.
well, quote: “instinctual psychic energy that in psychoanalytic theory is derived”
I’m not sexist! Just last week a fellow female student showed me some code she wrote that mysteriously (or not that mysteriously, actually…) didn’t work. Well, the reason was, though we’re doing this now for one, yes, O-N-E year, she hasn’t even grasped the basics of operator precedence and left-to-right precedence. Simple version: she doesn’t understand that if you write 1.0/2*2 it’s not one fourth, it’s one. Now she made this mistake multiple times, over and over again.
There was an enormous temptation just to say “You really are extremely stupid, you know that? [some drivel telling her to go back into the kitchen] just let me write it for you!” but all I said was “Hey, I think you just forgot parentheses… here!” (pointing at the first occurrence, pretending I hadn’t noticed that this wasn’t a careless mistake).
So that’s how I always am, nice and respectful. And how am I thanked for this? Etienne Dufour wants to exterminate me, I’m called smug, I’m even accused of “benevolent sexism”.
Now, do I really need to refute this argument? Ok, one hint: what’s perceived as comical isn’t often realistic.
Jaro, what does the story of one womans careless mistake actually prove? Beyond the idea that she may not be cut out for the job?
Also, you didn’t tell her to get back into the kitchen. Wow. That must have been. So. Hard. The fact that this idea pops into your head should be something you are concerned about.
Everyone else: oh goody! He might be more fun to poke than I thought!!
@Bagelsan – lovely photo!
@Melody, my apologies, I overstepped the mark saying your parents were being asshats. Well, maybe your dad is, but your mum’s coming from a different place, so yeah – I apologise for that.
@Historophilia – Photobucket has private settings, but I don’t know how secure that is. I’ve come to prefer using imgur for posting here, simply because it can bring up a photo on a separate page for linking, rather than showing a page from X’s album. Imgur’s also got private settings.
Not only has the dumbass troll know nothing about Lysistrata, he knows nothing about ancient Egypt’s love literature, either. Reluctant women not wanting sex? Riiighht. Nothing like imposing 19th century attitudes on most of history.
“Waaah! Don’t suggest my manly man libido can be helped by jacking off!” Like I’ve said before, funny how these wankers seem to know nothing about or be actively hostile to the idea of masturbation.
More entertainingly, Mads has just been trying to use her Wiles of Cuteness to tempt Fribs into a game/fight. Fribs however is untemptable*. Or rather, completely unimpressed.
*of course it’s a word
Once again Jaro (and any other lurkers who haven’t quite grasped concepts a five year old would be insulted by):
Not being a douchehammer doesn’t mean that you should be handed everything you want on a plate for the rest of your life. It’s just meeting the minimum fucking standards of human decency.
I mean today my partner asked me if I’d move out of the way so he could get past me and I could have spat in his face and kicked him in the shin, but I totally didn’t you guys.
(Also Jaro, why would your classmate’s issue with work make you think about kitchen jokes? I mean, you’re not a sexist so there must be something I’ve missed. Are coders statistically proven to be good at cooking? If they are I have a lot of friends who now owe me dinner.)
Hey fuckwit, would you have been tempted to tell a man who couldn’t grasp the subject he should get out, not be working, get into some demeaning role in life? No, you wouldn’t, so even allowing for hyperbole in your example, it doesn’t prove you’re not sexist – rather the opposite. You’re conflating ability to do a subject with gender.
Ohohoh and also, have an article all about the stereotype of women being much more sexual than men, which continued until the early 19th century and flipped for political expediency but was then used to denigrate women from the other side.
History is fun, when you’re not just pulling it out of your backside.
Jaro, your shitty attitude is so common it’s a stereotype. This has been linked before…. and will be again, no doubt. http://xkcd.com/385/
You were barely human and she didn’t give you a blowjob? Your life is so HARD and THANKLESS. How do you carry on?
You’re not worth exterminating, you’ll die out all on your own.
So, is it worth scrolling back and reading, or is Jaro as tedious as he sounds from this page? I have another 20 minutes or so on my lunch break…
On college weight—good gravy, sophmore year!!! That food was terrible. But so tasty!
….it is?
….IT IS?
Am I doing it wrong? What the hell else is there? What the hell is it? Don’t keep me in suspense, man! Tell me what you know of this language we call English and these bodies we call human that I somehow missed in those English and biology classes!
Or is this your own idiosyncratic definitions? Are you including the human desire for intimacy there? Because… those aren’t the same things. At all. That’s CONFLATING. (I’m sure you can find a dictionary somewhere….)
cloudiah: Jaro is every bit as tedious and then some. Brandon Jr.
That bit there about libido? He’s been going on and on about it, and still won’t establish the most basic definitions of what it IS, then. Just keeps saying ‘don’t give me that, it’s not just libido, it’s more than libido, don’t call libido just libido.’
No, seriously.
It’s TEDIOUS. Allcaps.
Here is a visual illustration of how wounded I am by Jaro’s negative response to my tone.
Truly, he has cut me to the core.
Good. I’m just going to stick to reading your amusing takedowns of his … can we really call them arguments?
No they’re not arguments. They’re not even larval arguments. It’s all ass droppings with this one.
“Tantrums” would be a better word than “arguments” in this case.
it wasn’t a careless mistake, that’s the problem… I just pretended that I hadn’t noticed that. I didn’t want to make her feel so embarrassed that she wished a hole would open and swallow her up.
I just demand the fundamental human right for life for being so nice, because Etienne Dufour even wants to deny me that.
I’m still unimpressed, what about what transitioning trans* people tell us about their libido? MTF: down. FTM: up (on average)
Not coders, apprentices of the purest of all sciences, only in rare occasions do those leave the crystal palace of eternal truths to visit the dirty hovels where “coding” is done.
But to be honest, I thought that she as a woman would be useful for cooking. Probably you’re right, that’s just a stereotype. Just have a look at modern Western women, they are even too fussy to dismantle a chicken. So they buy chicken breast, the legs are loaded into refrigerator vessels and shipped to Africa (bad for the environment) where the cheap imported legs ruin local poultry farmers.
No. You. Are. Not. You are not linking to rape apologist web comics, are you?
Aw, it’s monkey-see monkey-do social justice warrior!
This is what popped up when I searched for “parade for treating someone right:”
So um there?
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said in rather a scornful tone. “It means just what I choose it to mean – neither more or less.”
“The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”
“The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – that’s all.”
Bullshit. You are such a drama queen, all you MRAs are.
Aw, lookit. As if Western men could be assed to dismantle a chicken. Can you do anything besides choke it?