antifeminism boner rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men penises whores women shouldn't work

Manosphere misogynists: Perpetually angry that women can say no?

Women: Not obliged to say "yes."
Women: Not obliged to say “yes.”

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”

They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more. 

Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.

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11 years ago


I’m also skeptical that acceptable-looking women can’t practically get sex whenever they want with a wide range of possible partners (ok, lesbians excluded, I feel for them). Sure, stated that way, the claim is vulnerable to be refuted by personal stories or the odd verifiable counterexample… well I don’t care, as a rule of thumb it remains true. And since it’s derailing to argue with research studies, I’m keeping it anecdotal, too.

Of course you are, because you’re a fucking moron.

“Kill file?” AHAHHAHAHAHA. You wish, jagoff, you wish.

11 years ago

High waisted pants? NO. I have a long torso and short legs, they look beyond odd on me. You will take my low-ish rise boot cut jeans off my cold, dead, legs.

I hate the feeling of stuff on my waist. I will cut elastic out of sweatpants and the like because of it.

Today it’s cold here and I am wearing cashmere leggings, possibly the most decadent clothing item ever.

11 years ago

When is it derailing to drop studies here? Is Jaro reading an alternate MBZ, or is his confirmation bias acting up again?

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Studies are facts. Facts are always off topic for Jaro. So are definitions. Words meaning things is MISANDRY.

11 years ago


I’m going for a cultural argument. Except for the early modern age in Europe (A) and contemporary Western culture (B), it was always unequivocally accepted that men very often want to have sex with women who don’t want to have sex with them and not the other way around.

Lysistrata, a play written by Aristophanes and performed in 411 BC, has as its plot women refusing to have sex with men until they stop the war. The plan does not go well because the women want to have sex and the sex strike is very difficult for them.

Again, 411 BC, over 2000 years ago!

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

Hey, while we’re talking about body types, and fitness, and BMI, (okay, that ship sailed a while back, but I don’t care) everybody has seen this video of a 13-year-old girl bench-pressing 240 like it’s no big deal, right?

/shameless necroing of long-gone things to share nifty neatness

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

@melody: Whatever you feel the need to do is perfectly within your rights, but I think you’re already gorgeous.

11 years ago

Viscaria: Hugs. You’re gorgeous, but I know what it’s like to have a messed-up body image. Moar hugs.

I’m more the Nigella body type. Took some getting used to.

11 years ago

Thanks Hellkell :-3

Melody, I forgot to tell you that I think you’re gorgeous.

11 years ago

I kind of want to share a photo as well now.

Partly because I have a really nice new dress that I got in the sales and I want to show it off but it’s far too cold to wear it in London at the moment!

What’s a good site to upload photos to?

11 years ago

I’ve used photobucket before; low barrier to entry but no idea how secure it is.

11 years ago

I just use photobucket. Easy to make an account and easy to upload and share links.

And I want to see you new dress! I love clothes.

11 years ago

Oh, thank you for the compliments.

And as far as security Bagelsan its okay?
If you go through the settings you can set up a bunch of security measures. However, I wouldn’t post anything you weren’t okay with being seen. Just because nothing is ever as secure as you think.

11 years ago

Here’s me from the middle of my head down… it’s sort of anonymous but you get the idea of what I look like. ^^;

11 years ago

melody, did I mention your body is crazy? It’s crazy. 😀

11 years ago

Oh yeah, melody, nothing raunchy 😛 and I may very well never use it again.

I’m very careful about what pictures of me go online, though to be fair I’m such the opposite of a tearaway that I don’t there have ever even been any photos that I wouldn’t be happy with having online.

Bar the unflattering ones of course 😛

11 years ago

Oh melody, and this might be a little personal, but you look kind of like my body type, where it’s easy to put on weight but usually the fat distributes rather flatteringly (hourglass.) I’m currently trying to lose a few pounds (to get back to college weight) but everyone usually underestimates my weight anyways when just looking at me. Does that happen to you? I once got flat out dropped on the ground when these two dudes swore I couldn’t weigh as much as I said I did, and tried to hoist me into the air. :p

11 years ago

@historophilia: no naked kegs stands? *is disappoint*

11 years ago

Ya, people never guess my weight right.
I’m trying to get back to before eating at my college cafeteria weight. The food had WAY to much sodium.

@historophilia is bagelsan right? No naked keg stands? 😛

11 years ago

Oh man, college cafeterias! I worked in one my freshman year for work-study, and reading the labels on some of the prepackaged food was horrifying. Maybe I was naive for thinking that a slice of pie wouldn’t be all the fat and sugar you’d need in two days? I cleaned up my eating habits a lot sophomore year but they still weren’t fantastic.

11 years ago


Wait…….wanting to masturbate isn’t included within your libido math?

It would include that, but as I said, libido is more than just a desire to produce a certain physiological response.


“Kill file?” AHAHHAHAHAHA. You wish, jagoff, you wish.

Yes, she has been put there, not because of her last posts here (those were tame) but because of her general attitude.

When is it derailing to drop studies here? Is Jaro reading an alternate MBZ, or is his confirmation bias acting up again?

you can find something like that in “Derailing for Dummies” and better don’t insist that I quote it, that would end up embarrassing.


Lysistrata, a play written by Aristophanes

Isn’t that a comedy play?

11 years ago

“Lysistrata, a play written by Aristophanes”

Isn’t that a comedy play?

Because comedy is famous for in no way reflecting the culture of the time.

11 years ago

No, no naked keg stands. I don’t think we have those in Britain 😛

11 years ago

Did Jaro just ignored the more relevant part of my post?

My school required you have a meal plan. And since it was a couple thousand dollars I was going to use it. The next year I stopped using the meal plan, but the damage was done.

@historophilia I don’t know if we really have those here either. It probably exists, but I’ve never heard of anyone doing one. 😀

11 years ago

Where are you Melody if you don’t mind my asking? I think you mentioned Ireland somewhere…

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