I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Those vintage jeans sound epic. I LOVE mens jeans like that – they’re flattering and comfy. Only problem is… that’s when I was a 34″ waist. Finding jeans, and especially 2nd hand clothes, at 40″ waist, pretty much sucks. 🙁
I haven’t even tried shopping for new jeans since I got over 36″, they basically don’t exist in fancy jeans shops. (I hate shopping in real life: the internet, I love.) But last time I looked there was about 1/20 styles without a low waist.
Actually! I have looked at mens jeans on a couple of occasions, and lower waist jeans still dominate there. Definitely the high-waisted look is a big thing as of… some times end of last year?
This is making me so angry because it just hurts men so much. I was reading about this study by the CDC on tumblr and I had to concede that the instance of males being forced to penetrate was close to the same numbers as women being raped in the 12 month period (though the lifetime numbers were complete different which is weird). A HUGE factor in why a woman could justify doing that is this prevalent mentality that men like this spread that women can get sex whenever they want because all men are always up for sex with any woman. That having sex with a man is doing him a favor. He’s too drunk? He’s unsure? He says no? Doesn’t matter in the eyes of men like the one quoted here, according to him men are desperate for sex and it doesn’t matter if they didn’t want it because at least they’re getting laid, right?
JFC, don’t even pretend to care about men’s rights if this is the kind of mentality you spread around. Either you care about the rape of men or you believe in the kind of bullshit this dude is saying. You can’t have it both ways.
So, it’s you evil lot in NZ mucking up my US deliveries, sending out your powerful beams of Parcel Theft! Just keep yer greedy paws off my dress wot I bought from hellkell’s friend’s website.
I have had huge issues with my body for a long time. I’ve gained a lot of weight since high school. I’m a size 12 at the moment.
I wish I had more body confidence…..I wouldn’t be totally discounted by conventional beauty standards,
Haha, Kitteh! You look kind of… shocked? It’s a nice picture though. You have amazing colouring. And we totally have the same body shape: I bought a vaguely similar top for my grandparents 50th anniversary a few years back and looked very similar. But baldy (I have a #1-2 haircut now). 😀
I would LOVE jeans that high! They wouldn’t show, ‘cos I don’t tuck tops in, but they’d feel secure.
About the only new jeans I get now are from Katies, which means a special trip to find ’em, since they’re not in the city these days. They do okay stretch jeans in larger sizes. Only trouble is the elastic gives out at the waist fairly soon. I adopt my sister’s method – chop a hole inside the band and keep pulling and pinning that stuff until it will stretch no more. 🙂
I can’t stand the feeling of pants sitting on my waist. You’ll pry my low to medium rise pants from my cold dead hands! You’re not seeing the jeans that sit right on the waist in Aus, though? The fashion press has been trying to sell them for a while here, but apparently most other women feel the same way I do about them.
Most recent full-length pic I can find of me is this. Again, Standard Nerd Figure #1 but a little bigger in the legs/shoulders and not quite as defined anyway. Looks the same with clothes on, really, but a little floppier without them. A very “European” bodytype, I guess.
This one’s before the depression/Zoloft weight gain but I look pretty similar bodywise (all the hair’s different now.).
lmol Yeeeees, that’s it! That stuff is pretty epic. I didn’t get around to looking at that link before. I prefer fairly fitted stuff because I think it’s more flattering so long as I’m willing to show my belly… but I do like flowy sleeves and stuff very much. 😀
*hugs* if you want them. It fucking sucks. I am a pretty confident person in a lot of ways, and I at least fake it extremely well. I’m pretty confident about my body and wear clothing that conforms to my rolls and belly. My ideal would be to have low body fat and pronounced muscles, vascular arms and broad shoulders, not a tiny waist and big breasts.
BUT I still have been known to cry about being fat and ugly. Wanted to have breasts that aren’t simultaneously a big cup size and small on my rib cage. Even though my confidence means I still noticeably attract people, it does hurt that people who previously would have been attracted to me… are not.
There’s no real way of being totally unaffected, I think. Jenna Marbles, a YouTuber who is a go-go dancer, is slim and has abs, has put on an unnoticeable amount of weight since splitting up with her boyfriend and feels *ashamed to wear a bikini*. Fuck.
You’re allowed to feel shit. But we don’t care if you were actually ugly, which is really fucking unlikely. Because you’re a cool person.
Hrovitnir, thank you! 🙂
The colouring’s all out of the bathroom cupboard and hairdresser’s, I assure you. It’s better than the natural mouse-rapidly-going-grey plus rosacea cheeks look. 😉
The dodgy expression is me trying to find a halfway decent look for photos taken on timer, lol!
melody, all the hugs. If I’ve got my US sizings right, we’re about the same size (12 there = 16 here). I didn’t have huge body issues but always assumed I was plain and my body unattractive. It seriously wasn’t until (warning: kittehs-on-repeat stuff ahead) Louis made it very clear he thinks I’m queen sexypants that my attitude changed. I couldn’t knock the internalised shit alone, even knowing it was just internalised shit. Which isn’t much help to anyone else, only saying I know it’s bloody hard.
Haha, you are industrious! I feel like I would be suffocated by jeans that high. My belly does go noticeably in around my belly button though, so something squishing me right up to there is perfect. 😀
lol I think it’s what you’re used to. I always wore medium rise when I was a teenager, never went for the low rise thing really, but wore some higher waisted pants for work and got addicted.
Definitely seeing a lot of high waists like that here in NZ! I am back at uni though so lots of young people. But it’s everywhere, and totally bemusing.
That outfit is epic. 😀 I can see what you mean about vaguely feminine lower body proportions, but I think it looks nice. I especially approve of the boots and leather pants.
What I find extra funny looking is super high waisted hot pants. It just looks hilarious to me from a proportional POV.
Hrovitnir, I love them, and they were an incredible find. I was visiting a market in the South of france and there was stall piled with them for 10 euros a pop!
I got two pairs and kind of regret that I didn’t get more in some bigger sizes to put away for when I’m older and have expanded.
According to my Mum when you have kids your rib cage expands… Seriously! Argh!
@Hvrotnir – the pants are women’s pants, which probably doesn’t help, and the boots are beat-to-shit salt-damaged RM’s that almost looked crocodile-y I picked up for $5 at Vinnie’s.
Are we posting links?
I’m beginning to pooch a little. Its because I haven’t been going to the gym and whatnot.
I have noticed US sizes have a smaller number than others.
It would be cool if we could all meet. *sighs* I have met a few internet friends before, but mostly anime fans because I went to conventions.
Jenna is super thin.
lowquacks, awesome photo!
::envies the long hair::
You could be right about the European body type, or at least, that pic suggests you’re similar to Sir, minus three decades and the odd century. 😉
Hrovitnir – I’m just worried that dress will look fitted on me, lol. Luckily the top’s very soft reused jersey knit, so it should stretch easily. It’s made for a slightly smaller bust than mine.
Yup, been there about feeling ugly and unloveable. Not to the point of tears, not because I was looking for anyone else, but just ‘cos.
Your mention of that dancer reminded me of a type of dance that is so good for women of any body type – belly dancing. My bff in LA does it semi-professionally (as in, part of a troupe, but it’s not full time for any of them ‘cept their leader). I’ve been to a couple of their performances and seen some others here, and everyone doing it, doesn’t matter their size or shape, looks AWESOME. I thought about investigating it myself but with my leg problems, I don’t think it’d be a good idea.
See, I find it pretty sexy from a pin up model kind of perspective. That doesn’t mean it works on most people, or in most situations. Seriously.
Mm, shopping luck. ARH, what foetuses do to your body. O_O Before I decided I just quite simply do not wish to gestate anything, I was already dubious as shit about it because I’ve had a dodgy back/joints from a young age: I just KNOW all the terrible side effects would happen to me!
I know someone personally who has hip dysplasia and 24/7 pain from her last baby. FUCK YOU anti-choicers. -_-
Even better. 😀 I think the women’s pants are a good look. My partner wore women’s leather pants for a dress up party once. It obviously creates a shape that is noticeable if you’re looking for it but I doubt anyone consciously notices anything normally.
Those do look odd proportionately but can make round bottoms looks particularly nice. That, and Taylor Swift in hotpants like that converted me from someone who didn’t really understand how either legs or Taylor Swift could be particularly sexy while not being at all against either to someone who really though both could be quite appealing in a pantsy sort of way.
Horses for course, I guess. That and the insatiable lowquacks desire to stick up for Things Wot Young People Wear These Days you’ve probably seen here before.
Oh. My god. I really hope you don’t think you’re fat. How old are you? It’s normal for women to have fat on their bellies like that, and you look young enough your body could have still been changing. And your body shape lends itself to that.
I don’t want to be creepy but you are SUPER hot. I am not just saying that, you are gorgeous. O_O
US sizes are MEANT to be 2 sizes smaller: I think generally 4 sizes and perhaps at high ends more? Because otherwise size 0 couldn’t possibly exist. I know people who weigh 42kg (92lbs) and they barely fit size 6 NZ.
And I wish all the awesome people I met online didn’t have to live far away too!!
Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a machine that would tell you if it worked.
I love pin up styles.
anti choice sucks.
I think most people don’t know what they would do in a given situation. It is easy to preach when you aren’t in that situation.
But, you guys…
Some people will of course look great in anything, but I maintain that super high rises aren’t very flattering at all on most people.
Lovely pic, melody!
You have a waist. I used to have one of those. 😉 These days it’s sort of a swooping curve out in front – another reason I don’t like low-waisted jeans, they press uncomfortably there. Some days I just have to shove the band under the belly, hence needing long tops!
Aww, Kitteh, leg problems? What’s wrong? 🙁 It seems like belly dancing would be good for most things, being a lot of core strength, but I guess it depends.
And you will post pictures of ze dress if you like it? 😀
Okay, those shorts just look … strange. Like there’s a piece of cardboard shoved down the front to keep ’em soft, and her legs aren’t really attached to her body.
I think you’d look great in some pin up stuff but I don’t think the high waisted thing would work. It would just ruin the effect of your hips. I think that particular look is more petite person, small hips, round butt.
lolwut Noes. That doesn’t EVEN look good on the model. I mean, she looks OK, but those shorts are the devil. I see what people mean when they talk about them looking like nappies!