I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Oooo. That is pretty amazing/bizarre.
Haha! I think if you’re tall you screw them up. I am pretty close to mesomorphic – I put on muscle super fast and don’t gain weight fast – but now I’ve got it I don’t lose it as quickly as many. But yeah, consequently I’m heavy. About 73kg/160lbs is slim for me, and that seems to be pretty heavy for my height (5’6″). In fact! At that weight my BMI is OVERWEIGHT and my risk for obesity related diseases is HIGH.
How about fuck you, BMI was never meant to be used this way.
LOL I hope not!
I do NOT want to know what evolutionary biologists have to say about gendered behaviour. *twitch*
Eat moar malcontents! Iz good for u!
Oo, if I get to eat tasty roasted malcontents that might be OK. Or is that a threat of violence? O_O
And I can’t resist: this is me with HIGH RISK OF OBESITY RELATED DISEASES
NZ Heart Foundation, you suck.
Here’s a good site to get a sense of cost here. In terms of why they charge so much for Levi’s where you are, maybe just because they can?
On the raw denim – sorry, can’t do it. The hassle I could live with but the germs ick me out. I love the look but I’m going to have to just love it on other people.
Your link didn’t show up. Prices here tend to be expensive compared to the US, though our dollar’s very similar, because of the high cost of real estate here, higher taxes, and a smaller market. It’s a little bit annoying.
NZ we pay way more for lots of things. Partially: tiny island in middle of nowhere. Captive population. Expensive shipping. Weakish dollar (though remarkably strong for what it is). Good-ish labour laws. High taxes on some things coming into the country – so our electronics are seriously about 5x the price.
We have less of a wage gap than the US: our minimum wage is $13.50, but professional level jobs we get paid a LOT less, and I’d guess the average is lower.
Australia they are much better paid again, bigger population and stronger dollar, but still in the middle of nowhere.
Hrovitnir, if that’s you with high risk of obesity related heart diseases, I must be totally ded of fatty degeneration of the heart, or something.
Nice outfit, btw! 🙂
Cassandra, clothes and shoes cost a fortune here, unless you’re buying Big W or KMart or Best and Less crap that falls apart in a month.
lol That was many years ago, I’m pretty sure I should be dead now too. 😀 And thanks – I lent my friend that skirt and never got it back, damnit. Bought it in Bangkok (where I was enormous, BTW. :P)
Don’t get me started on BMI……
Good point about the real estate, lowquacks – an article the other day mentioned the designer Bettina Liano has upped stakes for New York, because she can rent a store there for half what she pays in Melbourne.
Forgot the link.
Might be worth ordering stuff directly from the US even when you factor in shipping.
I have a pair of $5 Big W chinos that fit perfectly and stay together pretty well. They sold for a lot more before going on sale, though.
Just be content in knowing that some New Yorkers shell out ridiculous amounts for the Volleys with the “beater canvas shoes” reputation you can get for $15ish.
Hiss boo to BMI!
My weight doesn’t really fluctuate – only time it did was when I was on holiday in London in ’93, when I was walking a LOT and often enough didn’t have much lunch. I lost a fair bit then, but it returned very quickly. I’ve just gradually gained weight in middle age, more so in the belly with this fatty liver business.
I finally looked at my arse in the mirror recently and was quite happy with what I saw, though. Never really thought about it. “Does my bum look big in this?” is one question I’ve never asked about an outfit! (Sir’s a handy chap to have on shopping expeditions – very patient and he can come into the dressing room unnoticed.)
(and yes he does say if he doesn’t like something, even if I do.)
It is! Got two pairs of jeans, including shipping, for less than I’d have got one for over here just recently.
Strewth, $60 for Dunlop Volleys?
BWAHAHAHAHA there is justice in the world after all.
Holy crap Kitteh! My friend lived in Melbourne for a while – apparently there are so few rentals available there are literally hundreds of people looking and people are going as far as bribing landlords just to get a place. 🙁
And feel free to rant melody: have you SEEN my screeds?!
Being totally this self-absorbed, here’s a picture of my now OBESE (or… MORBIDLY OBESE) self:
Cassandra – it’s the same with books and dvds. It’s cheaper to get ’em from Amazon or whoever in the US than in a bookshop here.
Mind you it’s quicker to get them from the UK – one week from there, six weeks from California. That does not compute. ::bzzzt::
😀 Yay! I am definitely a fan of “weight stays pretty steady” as a good indicator your body’s pretty happy. I have spent enough time looking at fat people and attempting to brainwash myself that I’m actually pretty OK with what I look like. Most of the time.
Wanting to be muscular and more androgynous doesn’t really help however. :/ And the fact I quickly gained 5kg when I started muay thai/kickboxing then pretty much stayed that way for years (while extremely active, to be fair) is a good indicator that something around there should be achievable once I’m more active – I want to lose weight to be able to fight again, not train hard to lose weight.
I remember the era where people were taking home-made cookies with them to bribe potential landlords because there were so few vacant spaces. That sucked.
Kitteh, how strange at only being able to find low rise jeans. I’m in the UK as you probably know and high-rise (so coming half way up the stomach but not to the natural waist) have been the majority of jeans for several years now. I honestly wouldn’t know wear to find low rise ones even if I wanted them.
The jeans I buy are from Uniqlo, they do really good quality skinny jeans with elastic in the mix, so they fit really and are comfy and don’t need breaking in.
I haven’t found that they go saggy at all either and I wear them constantly, I wear holes in them before they stretch out.
I also have a couple of pairs of mens vintage levis. I really like how they fit as the fact they’re cut for men means they are tight on the hips and waist but straight legged. They’re pretty tight though, so I can’t put on any weight if I want to still fit in them!
I only wear them when the weather is warmer though because they can look too bulky in the leg unless you roll them up at the bottom and show some ankle.
If people are baulking at prices fro new Levis look into vintage or second hand ones, you can find some for very reasonable prices in very god nick, try markets or online.
Woah! I have had such awesome experiences with shipping from the US. I do an excessive amount of shopping from the US and a vast majority of the time things arrive in 5 days. No lie. Even though it says an average of 21!
Whereas the UK is a bit spotty: generally pretty good but less consistent. Aussie is consistently AWFUL, which is ridiculous from 2 hours away. -_-
Hey Hrovitnir, someone’s gotta give me a run in the totally self absorbed stakes!
We’re roughly the same shape and size, going by that photo. Yay for the pear!
Love the caption. 😀
I haven’t any good full-length pics of myself, but this is the top half taken recently:
See, when I say high rise I mean things like this.
That’s an 11 inch rise. On me that wouldn’t sit at the waist, it would sit above it.