antifeminism boner rage men who should not ever be with women ever MGTOW misogyny oppressed men penises whores women shouldn't work

Manosphere misogynists: Perpetually angry that women can say no?

Women: Not obliged to say "yes."
Women: Not obliged to say “yes.”

I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”

They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more. 

Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.

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11 years ago

Maybe it’s projection? Like, well, I’m a man and I don’t think I have any standards (this bit isn’t true, but go with me here), so obviously other men must not have any standards either, so it must be super easy if it’s men who you want to fuck! Because we’ll fuck anyone (as long as she’s the right age, the right weight, appropriately dressed, and by the way take a seat because we’re going to be here for a while).

11 years ago

Argenti, I don’t know what you’re like in person but you do not come across as a whiny drunk online. Drunk maybe, whiny no.

Ditto! Though the description did amuse me.

If you feel like reading something depressing, I’m reading the excessively long article on an old sex abuse case that goes into some detail and is generally a revolting description of a teacher using his power to control and abuse young men while administration looks away.

I “love” how the article really does seem to glorify the culture despite the article being about how it was a hothouse for rapists.

11 years ago

@Cassandrasays I think the mentality holds true when men whine about how women can get sex.
Yes, if I walk into a mall and start asking random men if they will have sex with me I will find a man who will have sex with me. That doesn’t mean I will want to have sex with that man.

11 years ago

On the OP:

Unfortunately, this seems to be one of the misogynistic ideas that have the most traction outside internet-weirdo circles. Quoth our Opposition Leader and probable next PM:

‘I think there does need to be give and take on both sides, and this idea that sex is kind of a woman’s right to absolutely withhold, just as the idea that sex is a man’s right to demand I think they are both they both need to be moderated, so to speak’

11 years ago


Or that it’d be looked upon favourably at all by quite a few people. Even if we hold to the patently ridiculous idea that it’s easier for women to get (straight) sex, we must remember that women are far more likely than me to be able to get pregnant and far more likely to be judged harshly for having/wanting sex.

11 years ago

lowquacks: I hate that man. I am so horrified that he is the leader of any damn thing.

11 years ago

Oddly enough. Awhile ago I was a convention and a guy randomly came up to me and asked if I would take his virginity. I declined, but later I found out a woman had taken him up on his offer.
I suppose if you ask enough people eventually someone will say yes?

There is most assuredly shaming for women who want sex. While that shaming really isn’t that prevalent for men (at least in the US).

And yes women run the risk of pregnancy. Birth control in the form of pills or condoms are not 100% effective.

11 years ago

Low rise jeans don’t suit me either, partly because I, sort of a long pelvis and one of those hip-dips between the top of my hip bones and my leg joints so if I wear low rise jeans they a) fall down b) give me massive love handles which aren’t made of fat but of hip bone.

Luckily high-rise jeans are actually much more fashionable at the moment, and more flattering on pretty much any one in my opinion.

Also good because I tend to tuck my tops in.

One thing I’ve always wondered about really low low rise, how do you end up not flashing everyone your arse when you sit down? Or do you wear a thong and flash that at everyone?

Oh and the saggy pants thing on men, dear god is it unattractive. Men being well and tidily dressed (mmm suits and nice shirts) is seriously attractive to me so the saggy look is like liquid nitrogen for my ovaries.

And as to the “women can get sex whenever they demand” thing, I’m 20, slim and while not everyone cup of tea I am relatively attractive by societal standards and I’ve been turned down on several occasions.

And as someone else said, yeah I could go out and ask every man I met for sex and I would find someone willing to do so, but the idea of having sex with someone that I don’t have genuine sexual attraction for makes my skin crawl.

11 years ago

historophilia | March 26, 2013 at 4:34 am
Low rise jeans don’t suit me either, partly because I, sort of a long pelvis and one of those hip-dips between the top of my hip bones and my leg joints so if I wear low rise jeans they a) fall down b) give me massive love handles which aren’t made of fat but of hip bone.

Luckily high-rise jeans are actually much more fashionable at the moment, and more flattering on pretty much any one in my opinion.

Also good because I tend to tuck my tops in.

Obviously our fashions are pretty much parallel. I find it interesting how despite not being a big fan of the low-rise thing, you do get used to it. My general body shape probably suits lower rise pants but since I have a belly I really like my pants to come up to my belly button.

I find it so fascinating watching people going from wearing REALLY low pants that don’t suit them – to REALLY high pants… that don’t suit them. Are people incapable of finding clothes that flatter their body type? I am super boring about clothes, I just want to be invisible mostly, but by god don’t wear jeans that give you rolls when you’re super slim and make your arse look small: and don’t wear skirts that make your waist look short and round AND your legs look short. WTF?

One thing I’ve always wondered about really low low rise, how do you end up not flashing everyone your arse when you sit down? Or do you wear a thong and flash that at everyone?

Oh and the saggy pants thing on men, dear god is it unattractive. Men being well and tidily dressed (mmm suits and nice shirts) is seriously attractive to me so the saggy look is like liquid nitrogen for my ovaries.

For the first part… I mostly observe the latter. When they’re suuuper low, anyway. And you know what’s actually worse than saggy low pants on dudes? Saggy waisted skinny jeans that are falling down. How that’s even possible I don’t know, but 🙁

And as to the “women can get sex whenever they demand” thing, I’m 20, slim and while not everyone cup of tea I am relatively attractive by societal standards and I’ve been turned down on several occasions.

And as someone else said, yeah I could go out and ask every man I met for sex and I would find someone willing to do so, but the idea of having sex with someone that I don’t have genuine sexual attraction for makes my skin crawl.

Precisely. It’s such a basic, visceral thing, and even the douchebags whining about being incel know it if they’d just admit it.

11 years ago

Pretty sure I have one of those old souls, because though I do like my pants quite tight I feel most comfortable with them at my natural waist and hemmed/rolled in (hillbilly hem, I think they call it) up to a very short break and that’s it. I like the 511 sort of big-end-of-skinny fit though, and most pants I can find that fit like that I have to compromise on how high I want them. Did have some ’80s black jeans for a bit that were high-waisted and fit like that otherwise, but they did emphasise the girliness of my bottom and I’ve got a pretty girly bottom as is and tend to wear heels which do that anyway.

11 years ago

High rise pants look awful on those of us who’re short in the torso and long in the legs. I always feel like I’m using the waistband as a substitute bra – no thanks.

11 years ago

The skinny jeans that won’t stay up on men thing – I think maybe they’re a size too big, or have too much stretch? They do look hilarious.

11 years ago

Heh, a girly bottom doesn’t sound like a bad thing to me. 😀 Depends what you’re after though.

I think I partially like the higher waist (ideal when my stomach is vaguely flat is about 1″ below my belly button) is because I really like feeling strapped into my clothing. Jeans, belt, tshirt.

That said, I’ve just bought a couple of yoga-type stretchy bootleg-y things off Etsy because they’re somewhat flattering and easy. Good pockets too. I wear them up on my natural waistline, which is probably higher than they’re designed for but eh.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I LOATHE Tony Abbott. He’s the pits, a truly disgusting man.

“Luckily high-rise jeans are actually much more fashionable at the moment, and more flattering on pretty much any one in my opinion.”

They’ve been saying they’re the Next Big Thing for years here and it’s still damned difficult to find them in the shops. Bloody low-rises are everywhere.

“Oh and the saggy pants thing on men, dear god is it unattractive. Men being well and tidily dressed (mmm suits and nice shirts) is seriously attractive to me so the saggy look is like liquid nitrogen for my ovaries.”

BWAHAHAHAHA love that description. Yeah, the whole baggy pants thing is seriously unattractive to me, too. Even without the butt-crack look, the crotch at mid thigh or knee level just makes ’em look like babies with full nappies. Not. Sexy.

I don’t notice suits so much, but a nice snug-but-comfortable pair of jeans on a nice French butt …

11 years ago


I do like it to an extent. I’m just very oddly proportioned for a man. I’m around 80kg and wear size 36 or 38 jackets (if bigger, it’s for my broad shoulders) and size 30ish pants, which would suggest extreme Brad-Pitt-In-Fight-Club muscliness with very little fat, but I’m actually more the slobby-undefined-yet-thin Generic Nerd Body type. All the extra weight’s in my bum.

11 years ago

Also, on the skinny jeans that won’t stay up – belts. Belts are nice.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Hrovitnir – lowquacks once described his former hairdo/tache look and I had to go hide in the Creepy Person Who Would Totally Stare At You On The Street’s corner of shame.

I seem to recall I had to make room for Argenti, and now it looks like there’ll be at least two, maybe three of us right back in that corner after that jeans-and-girly-bottom description. 😉

Cassandra – if you wanted a really bad look you could do the jeans hitched up and add a pair of braces.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

buggrit, italics fail!

I blame Fribbie, she just launched a deadly gas attack.

11 years ago

But if you go the belt route you have to have many of them. Or I do.

I have a ton of different styles of wide belts for cardigans and/or dresses.

I have a very curvy rear and find jeans with stretch is the only way to go. I mostly wear dresses though. Jeans are almost entirely worn for work.

11 years ago

I have nothing against pants that sit just below the waist, but the ones I’m seeing now are starting to approach 30’s and 40s levels of wow you look like you have a really long ass – it creates a sort of funhouse mirror stretching effect. Do not like.

11 years ago

lol lowquacks – my brain will not compute that mental image one bit.

BUT it does make me think of the waist-hip ratios and somatotype crap we’ve been doing in human sexuality class. YOU SHOULD SEE the pathetic studies we’re being shown. In fact, I might share when I download the lecture notes.

Cartoon figures of ridiculously exaggerated waists to show .6, .7, .8, .9 WHR: no possibly way they could attempt to have pictures of women with different body shapes in the same ratio to see how results panned out. Oh, and they’re comparing side by side multiple studies, one of which is dismissed because they used INCREDIBLY shitty pictures… and the results were inconveniently 0.9. HA.

It’s not like I care if there is a loosely preferred preference for a particular WHR! Or for straight women to prefer taller male partners! These things are not inconceivable. But the HUGE amounts of bias and the extremely lame research methods make me say ARH.

They’re also talking about somatotypes (in men, in relation to attractiveness to straight women – not that they ever specify “straigt”) = skinny, muscular, and fat. THAT IS NOT HOW THEY WORK. Fuck you, you’ve oversimplified to the point of erasing the entire point of somatotypes. *face-palm*

11 years ago

Whereas I like jeans with just enough stretch to allow me to bend my knees without ripping them, and can’t stand the ones with elastane. Then again I don’t have much of a butt.

11 years ago


I’m thinking of going back to that look! A wonderful young woman I’ve been flirty on OKCupid with liked it, I’ve been fully-bearded for too long, I’ve got nice cheekbones, and my supremely-ethnically-ambiguous father (he’s pure English Anglo but has been mistaken for just about every race) has given me beard genes that require quite extensive trimming twice a week already at 20. I feel sorry for my brother – he’s 16, and stays clean-shaven, which is easier, but I swear he could grow a full Rick Ross-esque beard in a matter of days if he wanted to. I tend to get judged as about 24 or 25, and I’d say he appears older than me. World’s thickest ponytail all the way down his back too. Very striking person.

11 years ago

So if I ideally like men who’re skinny but kind of visibly toned, but with no bulk at all, do I just not exist?

11 years ago


Nobody quite understands how I weigh what I weigh, either. Very dense bones? Some weird cyst thing? Who knows.


Stretch without elastane – is there some other substance added, or are we talking 100% cotton that happens to be thin enough for a little bending and stretching?

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