I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Cassandra, you’re on my imaginary kill file now. Sure, that may sound mean, but you know, it’s “troll* eat troll” here in this comment section.
*this is not a hint that I am a troll… though I consider reclaiming this term… I’m constantly called one here.
That’s nice, dear.
lol Thanks Kitty! I said hi as well but my computer said nooo. I kinda like picking apart troll arguments but it’d take up all my time if I tried it here. >_>
This x infinity!!
I was actually thinking about the libido thing on the bus today. I used to have a ridiculously high sex drive until worse depression + working lots then antidepressants = what sex drive? But when it kicks in, I still have a level of attraction that works super quickly (1/2 hour conversation where I really like the person = would definitely sleep with them) and it so overwhelming I actually go blind sometimes (spots in front of eyes, can’t focus, all black).
I have had discussions with people where I have realised that is not necessarily normal? Or common? Don’t know.
But despite when I was single being 17-18 (sex is 16 in NZ), sexually experienced enough from my first relationship to be confident, slim and fairly attractive, and my approach was always “can I kiss you?” and/or “would you like to sleep with me?” I’ve had men say no either because they’re not interested, they had a girlfriend (I didn’t know about) or in a couple of cases because they enjoyed teasing me (yeah seriously, I know this for a fact. :P)
Despite that, I have never, EVER got angry at someone not being interested in me! I cannot imagine it! And as someone who’s attracted to women as well and intimidated as fuck, I can understand it feels impossible. But that is no one else’s fault! The fucking martyr complex is completely bemusing to me (though I can understand it in theory.) 🙁
lolwut Jaro, were you going for irritating or scary? Because what you succeeded at was bewildering and disappointing.
I can imagine being disappointed because someone turned me down, or even depressed if it happened a lot, but angry? No, that’s not a normal response, or a reasonable one.
3. Cassandra owes Kittehs one (1) glass of iced coffee.
It’s funny, I’ve had the opposite thing happen – I’ve taken forever to think my very low libido (as in, not turned on by anyone ‘cept you-know-who) is out of the ordinary!
The Feminist Hivemind is gonna be soooo disappointed in us.
Not to mention scary. 🙁
Oo, and guess what? I’m doing a flying trapeze workshop tomorrow night! There’s this online group for mostly-outdoors activities in my city and I’ve signed up for this one-off thing, $20 payment going toward a triathlete competing overseas.
I’m a bit nervous because I now weigh 104kg (230lbs) but there was no weight limit, so yay!
lol Kitteh! It’s funny how easy it is to use yourself as baseline normal, and how long it can take to realise, er, no. My step-sister has a very low libido, likes sex very occasionally and also has massive personal space so is pretty much like “OK, leave now”. She was always kind of amazed I work this way. 😛
It is funny that such a mild pair of statements ruffled Jaro’s feathers, though. A bit sensitive, that one.
Whoo, flying trapeze! Now that sounds scary (no head for heights, me). What does the workshop entail, is it like an introduction?
I can just see you and your stepsister doing a sort of “no, srsly?” thing with each other. 😀
You are clearly a terrible person! Censoring men’s righteous rage! Of course, that response was pretty much a perfect example of how right you are.
“Troll eat troll,” now that’s the first funny thing Jaro’s said.
If they did, what would we be left to play with?
(Notes the fact that masturbation jokes are misandry.)
Say, is Jaro an example of the lesser feathered rageboner, or just the common bonerwhiner? The two species are so similar.
(Also notes that when a white women kills two black men, the part that we should really be upset about is that she’s fat.)
Kitteh: some flying action, apparently! 😀 I have a little fear of heights, but nothing that stops me. ^_^ Interestingly, with my sister, she once expressed envy of my uncanny ability to make really quick and intense bonds with men (not women, sadly), something that still happens though to a lesser degree now I’m a fatty fat fatty. I ended up (somehow? Can’t remember) talking about sex with my excessively sexy dentist for god’s sake. But anyway, I pointed out I am super jealous of her ability to make have really close friends. I… am not good at friends. 🙁
CassandraSays: yuuuuuuuup. Hence my kinda non-response there because *gag*. How mind blowingly revolting.
My friends boyfriend doesn’t put out as much as she would like, but she doesn’t hate him because of it.
And while I may not put out I totally have a sex drive. And though I know men who would have sex with me. I do not want to have sex with them.
I also remember being totally into a guy and him not wanting to have sex with me. It doesn’t mean he is a horrible person that is oppressing me by not having sex with me.
Is this the Bethany McKee of the Joliet murders? I know nothing about her, or them, but a quick look on HP says four people, two men and two women, were charged with the murders. So … why all the focus on her?
That is a bizarre problem to have with someone who kills other people. If she was attractive would that make it okay to murder?
Hrovitnir, you must must must tell us how the workshop goes! 🙂
All my friends are online these days. Earlier friends here, well, we all went our different ways eventually, and everyone else lives OS (you inconsiderate swine, manboobzers et al!)
Back shortly, sausages and spuds await.
Every time I think I’m beyond being surprised by how completely fucked up the priorities of these guys are they manage to prove me wrong again.
On the bonding with men versus not so easily with women thing…is it because you’re intimidated? Or do you feel intimidated because you feel like it’s going to be harder to connect? I’m bi and ime there really hasn’t been much difference as far as that initial “hey, I like you, do you like me?” stage is concerned other than the numerical unlikeliness of any random woman who you happen to meet being queer.
One of my friends is frustrated with finding love because it isn’t easy to find someone who is queer, she finds attractive, who finds her attractive back and that she has something in common with.
The other woman involved in the Joliet case was of average weight so…I guess that makes it all OK? Like I said – the priorities, they’re pretty messed up.
And I suppose the white guys involved in the murder were just fine dandy, cos who has a problem with white guys murdering black guys?
@ melody
That’s part of why I guffaw when these guys start ranting about how easy gay men have it. Try dealing with a situation in which about 90% of the people of your preferred gender not only aren’t ever going to be even potentially interested in you, some of them might also try to kick your ass if you even suggest that you’re interested in them, and then we’ll talk.