
I‘m beginning to wonder if every single complaint from manosphere misogynists comes back to their rage at the fact that women get to decide who can have sex with them. Take the following comment from MGTOWforums.com. The ostensible topic of conversation? A study reporting that women tend to feel more stressed than men at work. Watch how deftly MGTOWforums “senior member” 7 Deadly Sins turns the topic from “women in the workplace” to “my sad penis.”
They wanted to work so now they’re working. Oh work is too hard and stressing you out? Too bad. You wanted to be career whores, right ? Enjoy. If you give women what they ask for, they still want more. Who cares if they’re stressed out? They can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. Nobody cares what you whores think or feel any more.
Damn. That’s some pretty intense boner rage there, dude.
Just to make it clear to everyone, I let through that one last comment from Jaro, his “explanation” for his behavior. But no more; he’s permabanned.
Thank you, David, that’s a relief!
Thanks David! His manipulation was getting meta.
Thanks, David.
(psss hellkell, I put a pic of the dress in the Reno thread)
I saw! You look amazeballs in it.
I saw your comment there as soon as I posted here – naturally! 😀
::blushes at compliment::
This is what you got, “men are mad because women can say no.”. That’s a tired old saw, “Those bitter losers are just mad because we won’t lower our standards. They aren’t real men. Real men “do”, real men don’t complain.”
Oh, come on? You been looking at this literature forever, monitoring it, panning it, reading it, and this is the best you can do?
What they are mad about it that they were fed a line of crap about women, what women “really” want in a “real man”, then they watch as women do the exact opposite and pick thugs, assholes.
They watch as women throw away earnest men, exactly because they can, because the laws give them every incentive to do so.”
They’re mad because women are deluded, every one of them thinks they are Miss America and deserve their millionaire.
They are mad because have a sense of ridiculous entitlement. They are mad because women act like sluts, drunken sluts.
They are mad because the fabric of society is being torn to shreds.
They are mad because women use censorship, ‘political correctness”, and coercion to get dissenting opinions from every seeing the light of day.
They are mad because this society and this culture has vilified men, marginalized men, ostracized men, minimized men.
They mad because they watch women continuously lie and cry to gain the upper hand in society, in the media, in the courts.
And they are really mad. And this shit getting to a boiling point. So keep playing it down, keep minimizing it instead of addressing the issues that men have with women, keep it up with this horseshit “bitter men”, “angry losers”, and we’ll see how things go.
Because right now, they are starting to see this a fight for survival, her or him. Women are not interested in ‘us’, she is only interested in ‘her’. So if she wants it like that, then baby let’s throw.
Buddy, we grow every day. Men come and touch the literature and it resonates with them, because they see their experiences with women, their daily life, their ’empirical observations” echoed, confirmed, and explained. I point them to it and they put their eyeballs on it and guess what? “Wish I would have known this years ago”, “Jeez, it’s all so logical, it explains my life so well.”
See we talk the damn truth, the hard truth whether you wish to agree or not.
And we need no permission from you, we need no recognition from you, and we need no acceptance from you.
We win by “voting” with our feet. We win by turning our backs on women. We win by living our lives on our own terms. We need no great centralized movement. We do not need to storm the halls of government, the courts, nor take over the media.
Every institution that is worth a shit is this country, every great business, every great technology was built by men. Women sit safe in their houses and secure in their lives because of men. Statistics are starting to bear out, women that have men in their lives are better off than those that do not.
And we aim to see that the women of the future no longer have those men in their life that they struggle on their own, that we deny them the support we once readily handed to them.
We don’t play the game, and we win. We don’t live as slaves. We don’t give a crap about your stupid laws, your stupid courts. And we need do is turn our backs on them. And all we need to do is keep that which we used to give to women for ourselves.
And we live as free men. And you can kiss my bitter ass.
Minty, you really need to learn not to post when you’re pissed off, your punctuation gets even worse than usual.
“We win by turning our backs on women.”
Well, it’s a win-win situation, then. Because women sure as hell win when tossers like you leave us alone. Read this slowly and maybe you’ll get it: we don’t want men like you.
Bye, don’t let the door hit your arse on the way out. It might crack your skull.
“hey can always get dicked down and take some of the edge off. Men can’t get sex whenever they “feel” like it. “
In this specific instance, that’s a direct quote, Mr. Mittens. The guy is angry because women can say no, because men “can’t”, because women can get laid whenever they feel like it. Since that’s the case, he is angry at… that fact. That’s what we got from the direct quote.
Using the notion of “real men” and the issue of “masculinity” as somehow being tangentially related to other people’s approval and subject to being removed at the slightest instance is a terrible thing, and an issue of generalized kyriarchal / Patriarchal thinking. The Head Of the Household Mustn’t Show Fear, So Real Men Do…
Feminists fight that notion.
In the case of a direct quote, yes.
In the case of a generalized, narcissistic impulse to use any given statement as a platform to rage against women being sluts, is THIS the best you can do?
Other people’s choice of partner relates to you… how? Men being Men and Women being Women and the two having no overlap, and women being submissive, weak and demure fey folk who’d like an upstanding, white collar, college educated, sexually inexperienced man is a statement of binary gender constraints, easily enforceable, and also a problem contained in the notion of Patriarchial Thinking.
The Head of the Household Is Virtous, And People Follow Him For Being So.
Feminist fight that notion.
They watch as women throw away earnest men, exactly because they can.
Mark, serious for a second – do you prefer a world wherein women can throw away men or a world in which they can’t?
If it’s the former, you’re a fan of slavery. That’s not allegation I make idly, it’s not some snappy retort or a witticism or an attempt to impunge your character. You’ve mentioned before being associated with racism is a bad thing, and you wouldn’t want to. So… let me clear: In the case, of the second instance, people are reduced to chattel to be owned and that makes you, stating that, a fan of slavery. So are you?
I didn’t think so, either.
Also it’s fun how you specify “earnest”. Earnest means showing conviction, wanting something – so what you’re really saying is that women throw away men who show conviction in desiring them.
As if every other quality besides the importance of being earnest was secondhand to genuine desire
I’d be upset too if someone thought they were Miss American and deserved a millionaire. Well, I’d be amused – certainly – and if their behavior got me stuck in a bind I’d be upset, yeah. Beyond that, what does it matter what other people want and desire if what they want and desire is unrelated to you? If your neighbor next door wants to be Miss American, then… why can’t you let have her have that dream?
It’s funny how you’re almost correct in that first line, if you had remembered the “They”.
“They are mad because they have a sense of ridiculous entitlement”.
Why are they mad because women act like sluts? Do women not only date thugs, assholes? Why would someone being a slut make you mad? At best, you’ve got a higher chance of sleeping with her – she’s a slut, right? Sluts sleep with people – at worst, you’ve lost, what? Unless you believe that women having intercourse have some kind of non-fungible, tangible esoteric influence on real world events. As if people sleeping together degrade the ozone layer.
Mittens, are you mad because women treat you badly, or are you mad because women sleep with other people? If you want to own them, and have them sexually bound to you, forever, you’re a fan of slavery. You’re not, I know you’re not, because that’d be wrong to be, so clearly you must just be mistaken. If your next door neighbor sleeps with someone who isn’t you, what’s it to you?
The fabric of society is made of stern stuff. At best, the medium of society is changing it’s pH balance. The worry about societal decline have done more harm than actual societal decline. The fabric of reality is not women being chaste and men being manly. That’s a raw deal, and you’re against it (your first point), and it’s something feminists try to fight against.
I’ve covered this in the other thread, but I’ll repeat. Political correctness is not censorship, it’s not causing undue offense. Calling someone something sexist as in insult (slut) is not being cool, it’s using an informed attribute of a word to denigrate. Political correctness implies having a modicum of respect for others around you, and not using words and gestures and statements that would make them upset when there are plenty of others available. Mittens, coercion is bad!
Men being Men and Women being Women and Manly Men doing Manly Things is all coercion, and it’s something feminists fight against.
A man’s the president, and it’s only ever been a man. Men are the only people who have ever set foot on the moon.
Men are the main characters in 87 % of books.
:] Mittens, you are factually mistaken.
Some women do, and those women use coercion, and coercion is bad. Some women don’t, and those women are not bad.
This is not hard.
“Women” and “Men” as a group are binary thinking that causes some friction. It amuses me that you rage against Men Being Manly Men because it implies they can fail and are not, and that you should consider the individual merits of each manly individual… but women don’t get the same treatment, because women you despise.
Isn’t that wrong? :]
Any society fights against those who lie.
Is that a threat?
“Boiling point”, “keep playing it down”, “we’ll see how things go”?
“If you keep doing what you’re doing, I will boil over, and some things might happen”.
Are you making me responsible for your emotional reactions to things? Are you saying I have the ability to control whether or whether not you “do things”?
Are you threatening me?
Please don’t threaten me. It destroys our ability to have a conversation. And it makes me inclined to think you and the MRA are not shy of using violence to back up your means.
Feminists fight the notion that men need to die, and it helps them not suffer too.
Alimony payments don’t kill people. But on the point, it’s based on the notion that women are the primary care givers and “need” the “Money”. So you should join feminists, and bust that!
And yes, women are not interested in “us”. Men are not interested in “us”. No one should be interested in “us”.
Hey Mittens, calling for people to put their own self and well being below that of the group is cultist and an appeal to sacrifice for your own gain.
That’s coercion.
Wasn’t that bad?
There are 249,000 old order amish in the world. They are growing every day.
There are over 14 million Mormons in the world. They are growing every day.
It is difficult to find precise measurements on Bronies. They number in the thousands. They are growing every day.
There is one adherent of Fibinischiasm. My roommate just joined my religion. My growth is 100 %.
Statements of growth relative to others mean nothing.
The fact that people find your sites and your words compelling mean little, because explanatory power is a good source of converts. You are still factually mistaken and wrong, no matter how many people shout you are not.
Your cred and cult doesn’t change this.
Your truth sucks. It denigrates men, women, others, it shames trans people, cis people, asexual, sexuals, young people, old people, brown people, blue people, green people, it ridicules fat people, skinny people, thin people, large people, it makes a mockery of the joys of strange people, weird people, focused people, odd people.
Your truth takes the world as it is and uses a series of just-so explanations to make it worse, shittier, your truth led to you, coming here, and staying just short of being in favor of slavery.
Your truth, Mr. Mittens, is a dreadful, debased mockery of the term “truth”.
Your “truth”, and this is not hyperbolic, causes more misery than anything I have a first hand experience with and I have worked with drug addicts, veterans, hospitals and abuse and computer programming.
If the truth is “hard”, you are not “realistic” for following it. If the truth is “harsh” and “hard” and “cruel”, you are probably overstating your case.
The truth just is, it has no emotional value, because it’s the simple facts of the matter and your truth is no truth.
Claiming otherwise is coercion.
Coercion is bad.
I thought you didn’t do it.
Nope! You don’t. Respect to your self determination. Awesome!
(But you do need recognition and acceptance from the ‘Sphere, that’s where ManBoob gets you all your Cred, right?)
You like being liked by people you like, not by people you don’t like.
Nice, Mittens.
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
All of that is true.
Go on :]
And people who have more than 2 house plants in their home are less likely to be sick during the summer.
Internet Explorer is used less and less as Wicca becomes more popular.
People who have other people in their lives are often better off.
Your truth is deluded.
Ah, so you’re in favor of misery, is it?
The women of the future, people who have done you NOTHING, you want them to suffer for the slights of the people today?
… How very quaint.
Yes. Oh hey, slaves You don’t want people to be slaves?
I thought so too!
What a shame the Truth you expose tends towards believing that.
Is it a very bitter ass, or is it more like a slightly snarky ass?
Using a simple quota as a statement for a platform is obdurate.
“And people who have more than 2 house plants in their home are less likely to be sick during the summer.”
And here I have a Dixie cup with two tiny baby cactī in it! Would our new friend like to improve his mood? Warning though, they’ll grow up to be prickly. (Yeah I get that at best it’s a correlation)
Also, I have ice cream, if it’s flu season where you are you might want some. Studies have shown that flu rates drop as ice cream consumption increases.
(And zombie zombie Argenti posting increases as insomnia increases)
We can graph it!
We have technology!
The less sleep –> hallucinations –> inspired posting.
It works! Science q:
If your greatest hope is that someday you will make a bunch of people who haven’t even been born yet really unhappy…wow, dude, what a miserable excuse for a dream.
Mark sounds upset that no one’s slutting around with him. These grapes, they are sour.
Must respond to Mark, in feminist J. Timberlake song, My freedom to chose who touches my vagina–da,da,da,da,da, I’m lovin’ it…
I thought this line was the funniest. Sluts are shredding the very fabric of society. They’re even destroying the space time continuum itself. If sluts don’t stop being so slutty, they will leave the ghostbusters with no other choice than to cross the streams, or make Marty McFly run into his future self, either of which is less harmful than sluts being all slutty.
what fada said was not in on point as it may sound.
What Brian said needs to be translated into English.
Or math. I’ll take math (and then, the way today is going, ask pecunium to help me make it make sense in English *shakes head*)
Maybe WeeBoy could translate it into Gallifreyan.
I’d rather say they are angry because all they’ve heard is ‘no’.
In other words they are mostly very sad losers who are trying too hard to save face.