
So we’ve been talking a lot about the MRA response to the Adria Richards firing over the past few days, but (like a lot of the regulars here, I suspect) I’ve had one lingering question in my mind: what does eminent MRA philosopher Cooter Bee think about all of this? Well I am pleased to report that Mr. Bee has finally weighed in on the subject in a comment over on The Spearhead.
Always a model of thoughtfulness and restraint, Mr. Bee suggests that the best way to deal with the problem of women in technology – rightfully a man’s place – is for men in tech to go on a giant man strike until civilization starts to crumble:
Tech makes female jobs possible. Feminism couldn’t manage without tech. Would it be possible to attack tech and bring it down?
Not talking attack as in military operation but perhaps key males within the industry could be recruited and persuaded not to produce. After all, does anybody really think that any of the current fruits of civilization come from the female mind? Agitate against HB1 visa’s to further weaken it. Eventually, government and other powder puff industries won’t able to replace their dilapidated equipment. Where will the make-work female jobs go when there are no computers? The police state? How effective can it be with pencil, paper and shoe leather alone?
Other Spearheaders have equally enlightened and enlightening thoughts on the matter. Richard attacks women for both getting jobs in technology and for (allegedly) preferring doctors and lawyers over tech geeks.
Women are deadly to hire. Women really have no place in tech. Harsh? Perhaps.
But imagine if all the man-hours (perhaps billions worth) that has gone into soothing (the ultimately un-soothable) grrrrls’ feelings rather than genuine productivity.
And for all the women who hate the sexist men in tech, what about the sexist discrimination by women against tech men vs. say lawyers or doctors?
I’m not quite sure how not liking sexist men in tech counts as sexist discrimination, but I have to admit that I am baffled by some of the more sophisticated forms of MRA logic.
Another commenter who goes by the name David F – and whom I should point out is NOT ME NO WHY DOES HE CALL HIMSELF THAT UGH UGH IT MAKES ME EMBARRASSED FOR ALL DAVIDS WHOSE LAST NAMES START WITH AN F WAIT WHAT WAS I TALKING ABOUT SORRY THIS SENTENCE HAS GOTTEN AWAY FROM ME. Anyway, David F Who is Not Me repeats and elaborates upon an argument first made by Daflory over on A Voice for Men, which makes me think that they are in fact the same person and that David F’s last name is Flory (not Futrelle I repeat NOT Futrelle):
No one ever told Adria Richards that she was at best only an tolerated guest in the world of tech, and she could either play by male rules and contribute, or get lost. Hopefully other feminists in tech will get a similar message.
This and the Anita Sarkeesian affair suggests that hatred for feminism runs very deep in the tech world, and that a great many men and boys are willing and able to protect their domain against hostile intruders. The white-knight tech articles have made themselves ridiculous from the flood of hostile comments they generate. I think it is only a matter of time before some tech sites throw feminism under the bus. It’s not as if they really need women for anything, and if tech writers come to accept that they won’t get sex by pandering to women, what else do they have to lose?
Opus – who I am pretty sure is not actually the penguin from Bloom County – wonders why useless women go to conferences in the first place, and comes up with this explanation:
I can only conclude that women attend conferences for the purpose of being outraged and to shame any unsuspecting male. Is it any wonder men seek to work in female-free environments if at all possible.
Former Man Boobz Troll of the Year NWOslave steps up with some observations that may bring back fond memories of his many contributions to the discourse here at Man Boobz:
Western women, at least in the social media circles, seem to be hell bent on proving women have the mental and emotional fortitude of a four year old girl. Adria Richards and the media backlash is clear proof that women are incapable of functioning more than an arms length from the safety of the nest.
Joeb, meanwhile, offers these cogent thoughts:
The 800 LBs feminist beast in the room is; This women (Adria Richards) is not there to conform to Company norms and a real life work scenario .
She wants to work on her own terms . Off course those terms are the void of all physical and mentally tiring duty’s like actual work .
Its like this , Iv seen Feminist tech write blogs about tech Jobs not because they where technicians , They write blogs because they failed out of the technician Jobs . ( there opinion is useless )
Women want the administration duty’s of the Job but , The power structure changes when you have well trained men doing the work .
You can’t have a women with a BA from POO dunk business college telling a male scientist from MTI how to do his JOB .
Its another feminist leach on the privet sector . Get to many of these leaches and it sucks the life from the Corp.
After reading all these very thoughtful comments from the Spearhead men — and I didn’t even include the openly racist ones or the ones that used the c-word — I’m not sure how anyone could doubt male superiority, in tech and in everything else.
This post may contain some
Make it a penis cake and cut it in half.
Took some work, but I think I found a decent one:
raegus: I’m gonna take one more stab at it:
When you brought up a topic that wasn’t germane to the purpose of this blog (to-wit: mocking misogyny), and at the same time was constructed to steer in another direction, then yes, you were concern trolling, attempting to make the thread about you and your reaction to things (in this case, whether or not the jokes were sexist). At this point in the event, it wouldn’t matter if she had actually misunderstood a legitimate conversation–the reaction is what’s being talked about here, and we literally could not care any less than we already do about whether or not the original comments were properly interpreted.
In short, it’s not, and has never been, to any extent, about you.
I think just the existence of a cake decorated with flowers is misandry. Or you could try, “Donglegate proves that men just aren’t funny.” 😀
How about flowers? Do men hate flowers? They could be pink 😀 Also, I don’t know how to make a penis cake, though I may be able to improve. I’ve improvised kittie’s before, but not a whole kitty cake.
I should make a kitty cake.
You guys feel free to change the derail from cakes, I’m just so done trying to explain to raegus. You all can still feel free to poke him though, if you want.
Marie: That’s easy–SCENTED CANDLES.
Yippee, I can just make a flowery cake like I was going to! *confirmation bias engaged*.
I’d do that last one, but sadly I don’t think my mom would understand XD
I could basket weave the sides, or do rossets all along tehm. which one sounds better?
Alright, I give up. It’s clear from your responses that me being a man = I’m evil.
That’s a good idea 😀 I wonder what my mom would think of a scented candle cake.
I should make cupcakes that look like scented candles…
citation needed.
That’s OWLY’s schtick, you thieving bastard!!!!!!!
Didn’t we JUST have a dude with hurt fees who thought our response to him was because of his dudeliness, not because he was a clueless twerp?
Is Raegus Do Re? If so, Platypus over in the other thread was special snowflaking you.
Yes! I think we did! But I’ve already forgotten who it was… trolls blur together so much.
“Like sands through the hourglass, so are the trolls of our lives.”
Uh, yeah. That is the topic of this post and, indeed, the blog as a whole: mocking misogyny.
Wait, I thought it was women who were supposed to be irrational, emotional, and perpetually seeing themselves as victims. The manosphere lied to me!
Wait, this just hit me now.
If reagus’s being man= him being evil, how does he explain other men who post here?
raegus: @kittehs I’m not saying she overreacted therefore she deserves everything she got. I’m discussing her actions only,
Convenient that; It lets you say she was wrong, and claim a piece of moral high ground.
She didn’t overreact. The jokes were innuendo: I’d fork that repo was aimed at a female speaker. Contextually he was using jargon to say, “I’d tap that”.
But you want to pretend it was a valid comment about code. What code? The speaker was discussing women in tech. There was no repo to fork.
You are being more than a little dense, if not disingenous, if not lying through your teeth.
By isolating the one thing (her tweet to the Pycon hashtag), and ignoring the other (as if it were somehow not connected) you are separating the effect from the cause. That’s bullshit. She got the treatment she did because people like you say it’s an overeaction and then ignore the terrorism sent to her, and her employer in repsonse
And it’s bullshit. If it was an Italian American who heard a “wop” joke, and tweeted about it I don’t think you’d be saying, “he overreacted” in isolation from the death threats and DDOS, and doxxing threats against her company, and their clients: for something none of them had anything to do with (the one guy getting fired. As to that, his coworker; the dude he was making those “jokes” with, didn’t get fired. Same company, different response. That implies they had reasons to fire him, apart from just that joke).
You are letting the actions of the people who terrorised her employer (and continue to terrorise her) slide.
Because of the two events (the tweet, and the terrorism) I know which one seems more important, but you don’t.
I’m not here justifying anyone’s actions I just wanted to get the opinions of women on those kinds of jokes.
Oh, really? Because when women gave you their opinions on those sorts of jokes what you did was tell them they were wrong.
Not caught up but:
“Alright, I give up. It’s clear from your responses that me being a man = I’m evil.”
Howard, Pecunium, Falconer (and one twin, the boy), our other male posters; LBT, mxe, me, etc, depending how our new friend defines male; all evil!
Where’s my crazy evil other tweedle?
Shhh, Marie, everyone knows we’re all women. Otherwise our trolls might have to consider the possibility that it’s their words that we’re reacting negatively to.
I’d twirl my moustache if it were still movember.
Ah, that explains it. I am glad the hivemind is keeping me updated on this XD
Caught up!
FTR because idk if it made sense to non-geeks, BlackBloc’s joke about forking and kill -9 is, I think, implying the forker withdraw before finished (or, more precisely, be forced to stop before finished).
I’m torn between kill -9’ing implying it wasn’t wanted in the first place, and suggesting kill -15 since it’s a more polite “please finish cleanly” option (kill -9 is a non-ignorable kill command best reserved for once kill -15 doesn’t work…like, in actual command line use)
I reserve kill -9 for flash panic (fucking adobe on a fucking mac) — normal “go away now” is kill -15
And I’m being pedantic…sorry.
leftwingfox — just stroke your chin knowingly then!
I prefer to display my evil with a Megalomaniac Laugh, preferably with the Lightning&Thunder package deal.
reagus: …..except I’ve blamed nothing on her.
Bullshit. An overreaction is an unwarranted response. It’s, at the very least, a mistake. At the worst it’s an intentional act meant to cause something to happen.
You said she, “overreacted”. Which means you think her reaction was, at least, inappropriate; and in error.
That’s victim blaming, and it’s exculpatory of the misogyny (note I didn’t say they were misogynist. I don’t know them. All I know is what they did in that moment, which was misogynistic behavior).
That’s lending actual support to the people dumping on her for, “not doing it write” and tacit support to the terrorists who are attacking her.
when you say shit like this, “I don’t know, I’m just trying to understand the outrage on both sides,” you are adding false equivalence to the mix and the support to the terrorists becomes less tacit, and more actual because there is nothing to ‘understand’ about people issuing death threats for someone being offended at sexism.
Alright, I give up. It’s clear from your responses that me being a man = I’m evil.
Nope… you being a jerk means you are a jerk. You being oversensitive means you don’t like it, and thus you choose to self-valorise; blaming us for being man-haters, instead of disliking stupidity. If all you wanted was someone to accept your idea that this wasn’t a big deal, and besides she started it by overreacting first… this wasn’t the place to come.