
So we’ve been talking a lot about the MRA response to the Adria Richards firing over the past few days, but (like a lot of the regulars here, I suspect) I’ve had one lingering question in my mind: what does eminent MRA philosopher Cooter Bee think about all of this? Well I am pleased to report that Mr. Bee has finally weighed in on the subject in a comment over on The Spearhead.
Always a model of thoughtfulness and restraint, Mr. Bee suggests that the best way to deal with the problem of women in technology – rightfully a man’s place – is for men in tech to go on a giant man strike until civilization starts to crumble:
Tech makes female jobs possible. Feminism couldn’t manage without tech. Would it be possible to attack tech and bring it down?
Not talking attack as in military operation but perhaps key males within the industry could be recruited and persuaded not to produce. After all, does anybody really think that any of the current fruits of civilization come from the female mind? Agitate against HB1 visa’s to further weaken it. Eventually, government and other powder puff industries won’t able to replace their dilapidated equipment. Where will the make-work female jobs go when there are no computers? The police state? How effective can it be with pencil, paper and shoe leather alone?
Other Spearheaders have equally enlightened and enlightening thoughts on the matter. Richard attacks women for both getting jobs in technology and for (allegedly) preferring doctors and lawyers over tech geeks.
Women are deadly to hire. Women really have no place in tech. Harsh? Perhaps.
But imagine if all the man-hours (perhaps billions worth) that has gone into soothing (the ultimately un-soothable) grrrrls’ feelings rather than genuine productivity.
And for all the women who hate the sexist men in tech, what about the sexist discrimination by women against tech men vs. say lawyers or doctors?
I’m not quite sure how not liking sexist men in tech counts as sexist discrimination, but I have to admit that I am baffled by some of the more sophisticated forms of MRA logic.
Another commenter who goes by the name David F – and whom I should point out is NOT ME NO WHY DOES HE CALL HIMSELF THAT UGH UGH IT MAKES ME EMBARRASSED FOR ALL DAVIDS WHOSE LAST NAMES START WITH AN F WAIT WHAT WAS I TALKING ABOUT SORRY THIS SENTENCE HAS GOTTEN AWAY FROM ME. Anyway, David F Who is Not Me repeats and elaborates upon an argument first made by Daflory over on A Voice for Men, which makes me think that they are in fact the same person and that David F’s last name is Flory (not Futrelle I repeat NOT Futrelle):
No one ever told Adria Richards that she was at best only an tolerated guest in the world of tech, and she could either play by male rules and contribute, or get lost. Hopefully other feminists in tech will get a similar message.
This and the Anita Sarkeesian affair suggests that hatred for feminism runs very deep in the tech world, and that a great many men and boys are willing and able to protect their domain against hostile intruders. The white-knight tech articles have made themselves ridiculous from the flood of hostile comments they generate. I think it is only a matter of time before some tech sites throw feminism under the bus. It’s not as if they really need women for anything, and if tech writers come to accept that they won’t get sex by pandering to women, what else do they have to lose?
Opus – who I am pretty sure is not actually the penguin from Bloom County – wonders why useless women go to conferences in the first place, and comes up with this explanation:
I can only conclude that women attend conferences for the purpose of being outraged and to shame any unsuspecting male. Is it any wonder men seek to work in female-free environments if at all possible.
Former Man Boobz Troll of the Year NWOslave steps up with some observations that may bring back fond memories of his many contributions to the discourse here at Man Boobz:
Western women, at least in the social media circles, seem to be hell bent on proving women have the mental and emotional fortitude of a four year old girl. Adria Richards and the media backlash is clear proof that women are incapable of functioning more than an arms length from the safety of the nest.
Joeb, meanwhile, offers these cogent thoughts:
The 800 LBs feminist beast in the room is; This women (Adria Richards) is not there to conform to Company norms and a real life work scenario .
She wants to work on her own terms . Off course those terms are the void of all physical and mentally tiring duty’s like actual work .
Its like this , Iv seen Feminist tech write blogs about tech Jobs not because they where technicians , They write blogs because they failed out of the technician Jobs . ( there opinion is useless )
Women want the administration duty’s of the Job but , The power structure changes when you have well trained men doing the work .
You can’t have a women with a BA from POO dunk business college telling a male scientist from MTI how to do his JOB .
Its another feminist leach on the privet sector . Get to many of these leaches and it sucks the life from the Corp.
After reading all these very thoughtful comments from the Spearhead men — and I didn’t even include the openly racist ones or the ones that used the c-word — I’m not sure how anyone could doubt male superiority, in tech and in everything else.
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Also, let’s just touch briefly on pretending that a woman making a vagina joke is equivalent to a man making a penis joke.
Okay, done with that.
But, seriously, there’s a power differential at play. Both are unprofessional, but the ‘boy’s club’ nature of the dick joke makes it a totally different thing.
But talking about power differentials is admitting that women have been marginalized in the work place for a long time, and they want to pretend that the differential is the other way around, that men tiptoe around women in tech work, not the other way around.
Wow. And I posted my last comment before I found out buttman thinks periods last two weeks. I am so glad they do not buttman.
YES. Thank you!
Yes! This too.
I feel like all I’m really contributing in this comment is ‘this, all this’ but that’s okay. It’s not my fault you guys are being awesome 🙂
I am so glad I wasn’t drinking anything when I read that…
It’s ok raegus, I get along with non-sexist men just fine 😉
Sorry if I’ve done it before. I’ll keep an eye for it in the future.
Yeah, I probably should have thought about that in my last comment :/ I guess I was just going with direct anatomy reference.
@marie I don’t care about being called a troll it was more the asshole attitude I received. I said that the guys were assholes and wanted to know if women find those kinds of jokes sexist, and everyone started crying that I don’t care about women because I’m not spending enough time condemning the misogynist onslaught that happened afterwards (calling them misogynist assholes apparently means I agree with them because I’m a man and men = bad). My fee fees weren’t hurt, evidently yours were.
Dude. Raegus. People have already told you why they don’t like those jokes. It is not my fault you have the reading comprehension of a goldfish.
Raegus: fuck off.
Yes and I was happy with their answers. Then people like you started being assholes because I wasn’t spending enough time talking about the misogynists.
May I propose ‘saddlesore’ as an alternative? As in: MRAs are saddlesore from riding their latest metaphorical misogynistic hobby horse all day. 😛
Ok, raeugs, I’m going to try to explain this to you, even though I’m 99.999% sure you aren’t here in good faith. This is not the place to talk about what she may or may not have done wrong. Every time someone says ‘yeah, I know X is bad, but lets focus on what the victim did’ it is victim blaming. Because now is not the time to be focusing on whether she over reacted, or the jokes “really were” that bad. Because so many people say that they know the attackers were wrong, but they don’t actually follow through on it. It’s not an acknowledgement, it’s a throw away line so they don’t get called out on their victim-blaming behavior.
@creative writing student.
well, I like it 😀
I don’t have that association with “butthurt” but am happy to stay away from it, and I apologize for using it. Das Butt seems like a good alternative.
raegus, in my opinion you were derailing a conversation that was (rightly) focused on misogyny, including death threats. Also, calling well-liked regulars here assholes — hey, it’s your right, but it isn’t going to end well in terms of how you’re perceived here.
…..except I’ve blamed nothing on her.
*headdesk* Did you even read what I wrote? I said this isn’t the place to be talking about the joke/ whether she was overreacting. Those things are kind of not very important when she is receiving rape and death threats and having her personal information revealed.
@Marie, Well, at least you can say you tried.
I agree they pale in importance compared to the later events but I don’t see why that means I can’t ask a simple question which is still relevant to the topic. Which was answered ages ago. You act like I’m constantly bringing it up when I mentioned it once, like 5 hours ago and didn’t bring it up again. I wanted to ask a few women’s opinions on whether those jokes were seen as sexist or not, contrary to apparently popular belief men aren’t implanted with a chip that tells them what’s sexist and what’s not at birth.
Dude, men can learn what is sexist and what is not. It is not that hard. It may take time for them to correct themselves when they slip up, but actually learning isn’t that hard.
And you are definitely concern trolling. TBH, I’m done trying to explain stuff for you, because I actually want to enjoy my day off. That whole ‘I don’t see why I can’t ask a simple question’ shit is concern trolling, especially when I’ve already explained to you how you’re victim blaming.
Now, shoo troll, or get more entertaining.
It’s a bit hard when you get accused of trolling or receive asshole-type attitude whenever you try to learn about it. I’m not trolling anyone, if you can’t handle different opinions that’s your fault not mine. I didn’t bring this up again, you did. I was content to let it rest, you wanted to discuss it some more not me and then you want to call me a troll because I’m not agreeing with every single thing you type.
FALSE. You opened by proclaiming that it wasn’t sexist and she was overreacting, then you asked for opinions. You’re aware that we can still see your earlier posts, right?
Yeah, I also always thought butthurt was about having received a verbal spanking, though it doesn’t take a genius level to realize it might have other connotations in the homophobic doodz crowd. So I’m ambivalent about it. I’d use it and not see a problem with using it if the people who are doing so aren’t clearly exploiting the homophobic potential of it, and would certainly be fine with changing the term I use around people who are not happy with that word.
Earlier raegus:
I’m just trying to understand the people making death threats and calling her a c**t. [loud sigh]
Look no one was “outraged” about the joke, even though it was part of a pattern of making tech conferences into boy’s clubs. Misogynists got OUTRAGED
oh well, what’s everyone besides raegus doing today? My mom wants us to make flowers w/ royal icing for cake decorating, but I need to think of a cake to put them on first and she says it doesn’t matter, b/c they keep so long anyway, but she does not understand! I cannot make flowers with nowhere to put them 😛
Anyway, how about the rest of you?
posted too soon!
Misogynists got OUTRAGED that a c**t dared to complain about the mens’ public behavior, and started issuing spewing their typical misogyny, racism, and rape & death threats. Standard-fucking-MRA behavior.
Then feminists got OUTRAGED by THAT.
What’s hard to understand, raegus?
Clearly, Marie, the answer is to bake a cake and then invite us all over for cakes and tea.
Hehe. I could bake a cake, it’s just normally I bake a cake and make the icing while my mom’s at work (neither of us are today though) and then I’m all worn out, so I’m like ‘you do it, I’m too blah’ 😉 Though the last time I tried was when my depression was flaring up, so hopefully it’s better now.
What’s something nice and misandristic to put on a cake?
<blokcquoteYes and I was happy with their answers. Then people like you started being assholes because I wasn’t spending enough time talking about the misogynists.
You really wanted our opinions when the entire fucking internet is full of opinions as to why this is wrong?
And you call US the assholes? Physician, heal thyself.
Shoter Raegus: I just wanna LEARN, and you bitches are being mean to meeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
No, you don’t.