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Women are Deadly to Hire: The Spearhead’s Many Misogynists Weigh in on Adria Richards

The tech sector fighting off feminism (artist's conception).
The tech sector fighting off feminism (artist’s conception).

So we’ve been talking a lot about the MRA response to the Adria Richards firing over the past few days, but (like a lot of the regulars here, I suspect) I’ve had one lingering question in my mind: what does eminent MRA philosopher Cooter Bee think about all of this? Well I am pleased to report that Mr. Bee has finally weighed in on the subject in a comment over on The Spearhead.

Always a model of thoughtfulness and restraint, Mr. Bee suggests that the best way to deal with the problem of women in technology – rightfully a man’s place – is for men in tech to go on a giant man strike until civilization starts to crumble:

Tech makes female jobs possible. Feminism couldn’t manage without tech. Would it be possible to attack tech and bring it down?

Not talking attack as in military operation but perhaps key males within the industry could be recruited and persuaded not to produce. After all, does anybody really think that any of the current fruits of civilization come from the female mind? Agitate against HB1 visa’s to further weaken it. Eventually, government and other powder puff industries won’t able to replace their dilapidated equipment. Where will the make-work female jobs go when there are no computers? The police state? How effective can it be with pencil, paper and shoe leather alone?

Other Spearheaders have equally enlightened and enlightening thoughts on the matter. Richard attacks women for both getting jobs in technology and for (allegedly) preferring doctors and lawyers over tech geeks.

Women are deadly to hire. Women really have no place in tech. Harsh? Perhaps.

But imagine if all the man-hours (perhaps billions worth) that has gone into soothing (the ultimately un-soothable) grrrrls’ feelings rather than genuine productivity.

And for all the women who hate the sexist men in tech, what about the sexist discrimination by women against tech men vs. say lawyers or doctors?

I’m not quite sure how not liking sexist men in tech counts as sexist discrimination, but I have to admit that I am baffled by some of the more sophisticated forms of MRA logic.

Another commenter who goes by the name David F – and whom I should point out is NOT ME NO WHY DOES HE CALL HIMSELF THAT UGH UGH IT MAKES ME EMBARRASSED FOR ALL DAVIDS WHOSE LAST NAMES START WITH AN F WAIT WHAT WAS I TALKING ABOUT SORRY THIS SENTENCE HAS GOTTEN AWAY FROM ME. Anyway, David F Who is Not Me repeats and elaborates upon an argument first made by Daflory over on A Voice for Men, which makes me think that they are in fact the same person and that David F’s last name is Flory (not Futrelle I repeat NOT Futrelle):

No one ever told Adria Richards that she was at best only an tolerated guest in the world of tech, and she could either play by male rules and contribute, or get lost. Hopefully other feminists in tech will get a similar message.

This and the Anita Sarkeesian affair suggests that hatred for feminism runs very deep in the tech world, and that a great many men and boys are willing and able to protect their domain against hostile intruders. The white-knight tech articles have made themselves ridiculous from the flood of hostile comments they generate. I think it is only a matter of time before some tech sites throw feminism under the bus. It’s not as if they really need women for anything, and if tech writers come to accept that they won’t get sex by pandering to women, what else do they have to lose?

Opus – who I am pretty sure is not actually the penguin from Bloom County – wonders why useless women go to conferences in the first place, and comes up with this explanation:

I can only conclude that women attend conferences for the purpose of being outraged and to shame any unsuspecting male. Is it any wonder men seek to work in female-free environments if at all possible.

Former Man Boobz Troll of the Year NWOslave steps up with some observations that may bring back fond memories of his many contributions to the discourse here at Man Boobz:

Western women, at least in the social media circles, seem to be hell bent on proving women have the mental and emotional fortitude of a four year old girl. Adria Richards and the media backlash is clear proof that women are incapable of functioning more than an arms length from the safety of the nest.

Joeb, meanwhile, offers these cogent thoughts:

The 800 LBs feminist beast in the room is; This women (Adria Richards) is not there to conform to Company norms and a real life work scenario .

She wants to work on her own terms . Off course those terms are the void of all physical and mentally tiring duty’s like actual work .

Its like this , Iv seen Feminist tech write blogs about tech Jobs not because they where technicians , They write blogs because they failed out of the technician Jobs . ( there opinion is useless )

Women want the administration duty’s of the Job but , The power structure changes when you have well trained men doing the work .

You can’t have a women with a BA from POO dunk business college telling a male scientist from MTI how to do his JOB .

Its another feminist leach on the privet sector . Get to many of these leaches and it sucks the life from the Corp.

After reading all these very thoughtful comments from the Spearhead men — and I didn’t even include the openly racist ones or the ones that used the c-word —  I’m not sure how anyone could doubt male superiority, in tech and in everything else.

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11 years ago

hellkell, seriously. I’d even go so far as to be willing to work 14 days a month. That would be so nice.

Unfortunately I work more like 30 days a month to some degree or another. Buttman, can you tell me what these jobs are where I can call in sick two weeks each month and still have a job? I would really like to apply for one. Do I have to show proof of menstruation (like a doctor’s note, or soiled pads/tampons) or will they just take my word for it?

11 years ago

While wit is certainly valued it depends highly on the audience(which, in that case, was one guy, who, for all I know, could spend his free time sharing ‘witty’ memes), so if such a reinforcement takes place it’s probably not the intention(which, I learned, is not magic).
But I’m gonna go and think about this interesting point anyway.

11 years ago

Just a side-note to the excellent take-down of the “It was just a joke” bit that others have been giving.

People who are all up in arms about teh Menz (never mind that it’s only one of them, really, since the other apparently didn’t have a record, in-house, of screwing up) keep using the phrase ‘private conversation’. I can think of no better illustration of the concept of privilege in the social justice meaning of the term. This wasn’t a ‘private conversation’ for the simple fact that it wasn’t being held in private.

What these guys were doing was treating a public space as if it were a private place where they could speak and act like they didn’t have to worry about anyone else. That’s privilege in a nutshell.

11 years ago

Thank you, freemage. I was just thinking about that “private conversation” wank.

11 years ago

Private conversations? Oh, yeah, those things where you say it audibly in the middle of a crowd of strange professionals. Those private conversations. Super private. Practically undetectable. The CIA should look into that awesome privacy technology.

11 years ago

Can’t men and women just get along ;(

11 years ago

Can’t men and women just get along ;(

No! Because we are from different planets and also are opposite in every way!. Are you a man? Then I hate you, too! Eat a lego!


11 years ago

Hey guys, check this out, two male MRA neo-nazis fighting over a female MRA neo-nazi. Doesn’t get better than this!

11 years ago

Uh, a brief, off-topic response (and apologies if this has been brought up many times in the past), but can we do our best to avoid the term butthurt? I know, I know, “Buttman,” but it’s rude, it’s kinda homophobic, it’s rape-culturey, and it’s potentially triggering.

11 years ago

I’ve always associated the term “butthurt” with a whiny five-year-old crying over a well-earned spanking, and thus more infantilizing than rapey.

That said, I’d encourage folks to oblige tedthefed’s request, because triggering is triggering, and it’s easy enough to find other terms useful for the purpose of mockery.

11 years ago

It’s always brought to mind constipation, to me, but alternatives might be good. And funnier.

11 years ago

How about sore ass?

11 years ago

What do you think, Buttmoose? Got any preferred mocking monikers?

11 years ago

Maybe I’ll call him Das Butt. I find old submarine war movies almost as boring as he is.

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

I just saw Das Boot, the director’s cut, for the first time. 4 hours of interminable boredom suddenly turning into claustrophobic horror.

I approve Das Butt.

11 years ago

Das boot was awesome

11 years ago

Or ICan’tBelieveIt’sNotButtman. Because he’s essentially as witty as pretentious margarine.

11 years ago

Yeah, maybe it was a bit of claustrophobia, but I didn’t ever finish that movie. ^^; /fails at classics

Howard Bannister
11 years ago

But the end is the most harrowing and hardest part to watch!!! Who would want to skip that?

(I totally love harrowing movies that are hard to watch)

11 years ago

The police state? How effective can it be with pencil, paper and shoe leather alone?

Ask Napoleon, or Stalin, or Pol Pot, or Hitler, or the US (vis a vis slaves).


11 years ago

pecunium, are you implying that the internet/Twitter/Facebook may not be the only weapon at humanity’s disposal? I mean, I’m pretty sure propoganda didn’t exist before smartphones!

11 years ago

I like Das Butt.

11 years ago

I like Das Butt.

And I cannot lie…

11 years ago


You other posters can’t deny…

11 years ago


unless men are forbidden from joking about their own body parts in private conversations between themselves now.

That’s okay, raegus, I have found your problem. It wasn’t a private conversation, it was a tech conference.

but it seems nobody wants to say she was overreacting.

God, people venting on the internet. This is horrible I tell you, just horrible.

So I don’t see why it’s different from a woman making a period joke or any joke about a female body part (but I’m more than open to hear why you think it is).

This is just bugging me, raegus. I guess periods are related to crotch anatomy, seeing as how that’s wear they come from, but I think the equivalent of a (cis) man making a penis joke would be a (cis) woman making a vagina or clitoris joke.

, we don’t need to wonder if rape and death threats are an overreaction because we already know they are, lol.

Shorter raegus: I know she’s getting rape and death threats, but but but, lets focus on what’s more important, a man’s fee-fees.


When my friend was young, similar douchebags (incl. physicians) were telling her the dysmenorrhea was all in her head.

Ugh that sucks. >:(

Why must I be a troll because I’m asking for the opinions of people who have a different perspective from me?



I thought they looked like mutant sugar gliders, about as unlikely a vicious flying beastie as one could imagine!

*squees* the one with it’s babies was so cute!

What do I actually have to say to communicate to you that I think they’re in the wrong? Call all men evil? Say anyone born with a penis should be tortured?

*sigh* raegus is totally unoriginal. I wonder if while I was gone he turned into ‘I knew it, the mra’s were right about you!’ *confirmation bias engaging in 3, 2…*

Kittehs I’m not asking to be coddled, I’m just asking to be treated like a human being.




no. You are asking to be coddled. The fact that you think people calling you a troll is equivalent to not treating you like a human being shows your extreme lack of perspective, especially when you’re whole shtick is ‘I know she’s getting sent death threat,s but lets focus on the important thing: she may have been overreacting!’

Which I don’t think she was. When I try to hold my tongue around dumb sexist jokes, normally the last person to do it gets what was meant for, idk all 3 of them or whatever.


Yes, the angry sugar gliders are about as threatening as the four kitties of the apocolypse.

Now I want to see the four kitties of the apocolypse…


How are women suppose to be get equal pay when they don’t do equal work? That’s what feminists want.

damn right they don’t do equal work, they go to work and do most of the damn housework and child care too. We should be getting more than equal pay!*

*actually, I’d just go with equal pay and equally splitting the house work, but, like whatever.

Be right back to finish this thread, gonna post so my internet doesn’t kill me though.

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