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Women are Deadly to Hire: The Spearhead’s Many Misogynists Weigh in on Adria Richards

The tech sector fighting off feminism (artist's conception).
The tech sector fighting off feminism (artist’s conception).

So we’ve been talking a lot about the MRA response to the Adria Richards firing over the past few days, but (like a lot of the regulars here, I suspect) I’ve had one lingering question in my mind: what does eminent MRA philosopher Cooter Bee think about all of this? Well I am pleased to report that Mr. Bee has finally weighed in on the subject in a comment over on The Spearhead.

Always a model of thoughtfulness and restraint, Mr. Bee suggests that the best way to deal with the problem of women in technology – rightfully a man’s place – is for men in tech to go on a giant man strike until civilization starts to crumble:

Tech makes female jobs possible. Feminism couldn’t manage without tech. Would it be possible to attack tech and bring it down?

Not talking attack as in military operation but perhaps key males within the industry could be recruited and persuaded not to produce. After all, does anybody really think that any of the current fruits of civilization come from the female mind? Agitate against HB1 visa’s to further weaken it. Eventually, government and other powder puff industries won’t able to replace their dilapidated equipment. Where will the make-work female jobs go when there are no computers? The police state? How effective can it be with pencil, paper and shoe leather alone?

Other Spearheaders have equally enlightened and enlightening thoughts on the matter. Richard attacks women for both getting jobs in technology and for (allegedly) preferring doctors and lawyers over tech geeks.

Women are deadly to hire. Women really have no place in tech. Harsh? Perhaps.

But imagine if all the man-hours (perhaps billions worth) that has gone into soothing (the ultimately un-soothable) grrrrls’ feelings rather than genuine productivity.

And for all the women who hate the sexist men in tech, what about the sexist discrimination by women against tech men vs. say lawyers or doctors?

I’m not quite sure how not liking sexist men in tech counts as sexist discrimination, but I have to admit that I am baffled by some of the more sophisticated forms of MRA logic.

Another commenter who goes by the name David F – and whom I should point out is NOT ME NO WHY DOES HE CALL HIMSELF THAT UGH UGH IT MAKES ME EMBARRASSED FOR ALL DAVIDS WHOSE LAST NAMES START WITH AN F WAIT WHAT WAS I TALKING ABOUT SORRY THIS SENTENCE HAS GOTTEN AWAY FROM ME. Anyway, David F Who is Not Me repeats and elaborates upon an argument first made by Daflory over on A Voice for Men, which makes me think that they are in fact the same person and that David F’s last name is Flory (not Futrelle I repeat NOT Futrelle):

No one ever told Adria Richards that she was at best only an tolerated guest in the world of tech, and she could either play by male rules and contribute, or get lost. Hopefully other feminists in tech will get a similar message.

This and the Anita Sarkeesian affair suggests that hatred for feminism runs very deep in the tech world, and that a great many men and boys are willing and able to protect their domain against hostile intruders. The white-knight tech articles have made themselves ridiculous from the flood of hostile comments they generate. I think it is only a matter of time before some tech sites throw feminism under the bus. It’s not as if they really need women for anything, and if tech writers come to accept that they won’t get sex by pandering to women, what else do they have to lose?

Opus – who I am pretty sure is not actually the penguin from Bloom County – wonders why useless women go to conferences in the first place, and comes up with this explanation:

I can only conclude that women attend conferences for the purpose of being outraged and to shame any unsuspecting male. Is it any wonder men seek to work in female-free environments if at all possible.

Former Man Boobz Troll of the Year NWOslave steps up with some observations that may bring back fond memories of his many contributions to the discourse here at Man Boobz:

Western women, at least in the social media circles, seem to be hell bent on proving women have the mental and emotional fortitude of a four year old girl. Adria Richards and the media backlash is clear proof that women are incapable of functioning more than an arms length from the safety of the nest.

Joeb, meanwhile, offers these cogent thoughts:

The 800 LBs feminist beast in the room is; This women (Adria Richards) is not there to conform to Company norms and a real life work scenario .

She wants to work on her own terms . Off course those terms are the void of all physical and mentally tiring duty’s like actual work .

Its like this , Iv seen Feminist tech write blogs about tech Jobs not because they where technicians , They write blogs because they failed out of the technician Jobs . ( there opinion is useless )

Women want the administration duty’s of the Job but , The power structure changes when you have well trained men doing the work .

You can’t have a women with a BA from POO dunk business college telling a male scientist from MTI how to do his JOB .

Its another feminist leach on the privet sector . Get to many of these leaches and it sucks the life from the Corp.

After reading all these very thoughtful comments from the Spearhead men — and I didn’t even include the openly racist ones or the ones that used the c-word —  I’m not sure how anyone could doubt male superiority, in tech and in everything else.

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11 years ago


Now that would be a truly scary permutation.

I think part of the issue here is certain techies not realizing that management skills are different from technical skills. Where “not realize” is much too kind of a phrase.

11 years ago

@ thebewilderness

It really depends on what they majored in.

MIT has a business school too. The business students and mechanical engineers find it difficult to talk to one another though.

M.E.: “But you said X!”
MBA: “But X implies Y and I said it while doing Z with my facial expressions indicating that I meant Q! It’s a clever subcommunication I learned this week!”
M.E.: “That’s really complicated. I’m going to measure how things dent when you drop them.”

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Cute puppehs!

11 years ago

Does Mr. Bee think the world only started existing with the widespread use of computers? Because for the majority of human existence things have, in fact, been done effectively with pencil, paper, and shoe leather alone.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Teh menz invented everything on computers, including mammoths!

11 years ago

I love how Butthurt misgenders BlackBloc, AND decides that “she” only thinks the MRA jokes aren’t funny because the MRAs making them aren’t attractive. Dude, you do know we can’t see you guys over the Internet, right?

Butthurt is not too bright, is zie?

Anyway, the JohntheOtter comment was supposed to refer to a “kangaroo court” (a reference he also gets wrong, BTW) but he calls it a “court of kangaroos.” Which made me picture first a court of law where the judge is a be-robed and be-wigged ‘roo, and then a tennis match played by kangaroos in short skirts and Izods. Dude, use the phrase that means something to people; don’t try getting clever with words. You don’t have it in you. You were going for threatening, and instead you get something out of a Lewis Carroll fantasy.

11 years ago

Wait, so we’re missing work due to menstruation… which is somehow an STI?

11 years ago

LOL at “court of kangaroos.” Did the roos have boxcutters?

11 years ago

Is butthurt or w/e in moderation? cuz I keep missing zir comments 😛

11 years ago

This women (Adria Richards) is not there to conform to Company norms and a real life work scenario . She wants to work on her own terms . Off course those terms are the void of all physical and mentally tiring duty’s like actual work .

The guy’s inability to compose a coherent sentence aside (because learning how to write is girl work, I guess), I do love his logic. Out of the three people involved in this clusterfuck, obviously the two making childish jokes and giggling during a lecture were the serious, responsible employees, and the one who got angry at them because she was trying to pay attention to the lecture was the goof-off.

Poo Dunk University is going to be my favorite name for everything from now on.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Butthead is still working hard to show just how clueless he is I see.

Dude, menstruation and the health problems it sometimes causes is NOT a sexually transmitted infection.

And I have yet to see men going in to work with falling off limbs, or even broken limbs that haven’t been set.

11 years ago

I want a Poo Dunk University sweatshirt.

11 years ago

The Honourable Ada Byron – brought up by a single Mum – was introduced to Mr Charles Babbage. He invited her round to his place to see his Universal Difference Engine. Ada thereafter agreed to take notes of Babbage’s lectures and cut the cucumber-sandwiches. This is how a woman becomes the founding figure in programming.

Ha! Now I want to see them explain Grace Hopper. Especially since a bunch of the guys on that thread are now debating which programming languages are the most manly.

11 years ago

Only Buttman would think a period is an STI. I’m thinking the women he interacts with or knows is an incredibly small number. Like zero.

11 years ago

another example of men going to work, through the ages, with limbs falling off. (hat tip to Kitteh)

Apologies if link doesn’t work, I’m on my tablet.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I wonder if he thinks* virgins don’t get periods?

*I’m using the term very loosely

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

BWAHAHAHA yes, all men are the Black Knight!

‘Tis but a scratch.

I’ve had worse.

It’s just a flesh wound.

11 years ago

hey, MRAs are the Black Knight, and non-misogynistic ass hats are White Knights….I see their cunning plan (now I’m crossing over to Blackadder)

Argenti Aertheri
11 years ago

Oh, I can translate buttman “logic”, this one is simple.

… I don’t think STI’s…”

Genius thinks dysmenorrhea is an STI.

11 years ago

I work in a library, and I’ve stayed at work even when I’ve had a REALLY bad paper cut so take that, Butthurt!

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

Argenti, its a peculiar brand of genius to conflate dysmenorrhea and gonorrhea (sp?).

Did butthead EVER pay attention in class? Methinks not.

pillow in hell
pillow in hell
11 years ago

I’ve always preferred the Black Adder to Monty Python. Although, Monty Python does have its moments.

I believe its time to introduce Miss Gingerandry to the Holy Handgrenade and the Knights of Ni.

11 years ago

Wait, you know what just occurred to me? You know how MRAs are always going on about how men die on the job at a much greater rate than women?

I wonder if going to work with limbs falling off has anything to do with that? Loose limbs get caught in the machinery, all the blood makes the floor slippery, loss of blood can lead to some nasty falls. Hey butthurt, can you get a memo to all men and suggest that if their limbs are falling off they may want to see a doctor about that?

11 years ago

Kittehs, of course virgins don’t get periods. The hymen prevents it, duh.

Off topic, but I thought y’all might appreciate this:

Poor PUAs just had this influential and persuasive book read to them too much when they were little.