a woman is always to blame douchebaggery drama kings evil women grandiosity harassment hypocrisy imaginary oppression men who should not ever be with women ever misogyny MRA oppressed men oppressed white men PUA rape rhymes with roosh taking pleasure in women's pain

Men’s Rights Redditors team with PUA douchebag Roosh V to raise money for alleged victims of feminism


Men! Worried that eveil feminists will destroy your life and your financial future because, apparently, they have that power and love to destroy men’s lives for fun?

Fear no more, because Reddit’s Men’s Rightsers have your back! Mods of Reddit’s RedPill subreddit have started something called the Feminist Victims Fund, which will enable brave freedom fighters to send what will inevitably be a tiny amount of money to that dude who got fired after Adria Richards complained about a sexist joke he made, even though it wasn’t Richards who fired him and indeed she’s said she hopes he gets hired back!

Make sure you donate now, because Reddit’s MRAs will soon grow bored with this bold initiative and it will be completely forgotten, much like the massive Sink Misandry protest in Washington DC last year which actually didn’t even happen, come to think of it.

Here’s the pitch:

Feminism has caused some serious changes to our culture, to our society, and to our lives. We focus on some that are affected more than others, and we give back.

Our goal is to encourage men to speak out, to be men, to not fear oppression and enjoy their freedom of speech. Unfortunately in today’s climate, being a man has become a financial liability. Say the wrong thing in the wrong place and you can find your entire life ruined. Destroyed.

Feminists have fought for equality, but now they’re out for our rights.

They’re destroying us financially. They’re trying to tear apart our families.

We’re saying that enough is enough. No longer should men fear masculinity. No longer should speaking up risk a man his job, career, or family.

It’s time to rise up against the tyranny. It’s time to tell men it’s ok to speak up. We’re here for you. This is the Feminist Victims Fund.

Did I mention that you can donate using BITCOIN? In case you were worried that this thing wasn’t Reddity enough.

As Buzzfeed notes, one of the “board members” of the new fund is pickup guru and predatory douchebag misogynist Roosh V. On his blog yesterday, Roosh happily celebrated the harassment and vilification of Adria Richards in a post with the lovely title “American Feminist Adria Richards Gets Gang Raped By The Internet.”

Speaking of rape, Roosh is also the author of a booklet titled Bang Iceland, in which he admits that, well, he’s kind of a rapist himself. Buzzfeed quotes this rather revealing passage from the book, in which Roosh recalls a “date” he had in Iceland:

While walking to my place, I realized how drunk she was. In America, having sex with her would have been rape, since she legally couldn’t give her consent. It didn’t help matters that I was relatively sober, but I can’t say I cared or even hesitated. I won’t rationalize my actions, but having sex is what I do.

What a humanitarian.

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Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago


That… pretty much sums up everyone’s reaction to NWOslave. Sometimes he wrote some genuinely if unintentionally funny stuff, and some of the offensive stuff he wrote was too off-the-wall to be genuinely offensive (see: women cry on street corners and men give them money and this is why feminism is bad) but yeah, a significant portion was nasty.

He buggered off after Obama was reelected. Don’t know where he is, but if I’m correct I hope he brought a warm coat. 😛

11 years ago

Oh NWO. We should make a little shrine in your honor. In the kitchen garbage.

Also, shameless plug! I’m doing a writeathon on the subject of the Other! Give me prompts so I can write you shiny things! (And possibly earn a little money? *shiny eyes*)

RE: religion

I tend to avoid gods whenever possible. I have yet to hear of one who seems like they WOULDN’T set me on fire if I entered their domain, and why would I want to hang around a god who barely tolerates my presence?

Which is kinda a shame, because I would quite like to be a monk. There’s just that whole ‘belief in god’ thing that always seems to be a requirement…

(And no, no Buddhism for me. Anything about cleansing oneself of desire + eating disorder history = ten pounds of dynamite in a five pound jar.)

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago

Oh NWO. We should make a little shrine in your honor. In the kitchen garbage.

*looks in rubbish bin*

I think my old milk, soup cans, dead sock, snotty tissues and ‘antidepressant’* wrappers deserve better than that.


11 years ago


I tend to avoid gods whenever possible. I have yet to hear of one who seems like they WOULDN’T set me on fire if I entered their domain, and why would I want to hang around a god who barely tolerates my presence?

yeah, when you look at all the stuff on them :/ I’m just in the process of hoping if there is a god/s zie’s nice. Or at least not a jerk.

@creative writing student

I think my old milk, soup cans, dead sock, snotty tissues and ‘antidepressant’* wrappers deserve better than that.


Chocolate not anti-depressant. :/ Sorry if this is all weird-soundy, I’m just kind of nitpicky about people using depression to describe things that are not depression. Unless you’ve got depression too and it really helps. I’m just strange and nitpicky, like I said.

11 years ago


Perhaps a little bubblegum sculpture of the once-great one?

RE: Marie

Yeah, for now I’ll stay atheist. By definition, it asks nothing of me, and threatens me with nothing. (And that has never frightened me.)

11 years ago


Oh, sorry I didn’t mean to make it sound like I thought you shouldn’t be an atheist (can’t tell if it sounded like that). I was just rambling. :/

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

>>>1) A truly anonymous system of transactions is inherently open to abuse

If it is possible then it will exist, and therefore whether it is open or not to abuse is sort of irrelevant, no? The only solution the state could have is the criminalization of the mere possession of the tools (or even knowledge) of anonymous transactions, and even then the law would be more or less unenforceable without committing gross civil rights violations.

11 years ago

Perhaps a little bubblegum sculpture of the once-great one?

When I was doing high school custodial work we had this bucket that gradually got full of literally thousands of pieces of old gum scraped off tables and chairs and then we’d take it around and show people and go “See, this is why you’re not supposed to chew gum in class.” We were always talking about making a sculpture out of it; now there’s a perfect subject.

11 years ago

If it is possible then it will exist, and therefore whether it is open or not to abuse is sort of irrelevant, no? The only solution the state could have is the criminalization of the mere possession of the tools (or even knowledge) of anonymous transactions, and even then the law would be more or less unenforceable without committing gross civil rights violations.

Not really sure what you’re going for here and particularly unsure what the antecedent of “it” is, and I’m definitely not interested in getting into a discussion of the role of government, which is why I didn’t mention it originally.

But the basic principle is that, in a truly untraceable system, there’s no way to verify that what you say happened is what actually happened. If you claim that you paid a vendor and the vendor claims that zie never got paid, there’s no actual way to determine whether you’re lying and didn’t send the payment, the vendor is lying and actually did receive it, or you’re both right and the payment was lost or intercepted in some manner. If the records exist to prove what happened, then the system is no longer anonymous and untraceable.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

CWS – your description of what Owly would have been up to after the election will live forever. It cracks me up every time I think of it. 😀

Marie – oh no, I didn’t have a nasty Prot upbringing! My mum’s a lapsed Catholic and my father an on-again, off-again Methodist. He was decidedly off when he flitted off when I was eight. Those school RI lessons were the only exposure I had. My thoughts on the Prot God came much later, as an adult, and had as much to do with reading about European history as anything – the French Wars of Religion and Calvinism, a creed that turns my stomach.

LBT – I find Buddhism pretty distasteful too, for various reasons. It’s the antithesis of things I value in many ways.

Whoot! on your writing challenge! Do you want pithy prompts, or would you like to pull ideas from broader sources? Which is a roundabout way of saying, if you feel like prowling my blog for an idea, you’re more than welcome to do so. 🙂

11 years ago

RE: Kittehs

The writing challenge is actually a crowdfunding things: I take prompts from folk, then write for them, and if they want, they can sponsor the stories so I put them online and everyone can enjoy them. Ideally, I get money, people get stories they like to read, and everybody wins.

11 years ago


I didn’t have a nasty Prot upbringing!

Oh *whew* Well that’s good news 😀 (nothing against protestant (that’s what it stands for, right?) in theory that I’ve heard, just practice (from what I’ve heard)).

Creative Writing Student
Creative Writing Student
11 years ago


Myself and a lot of my friends have either depression or mental illness with depression-like symptoms (sitting around feeling like a worthless piece of crap who doesn’t deserve to live because there isn’t any butter in the fridge, for instance) and mine wasn’t diagnosed for ages (I’m not getting any functional treatment, I’m just having pills thrown at me) and many of us (myself included) use comfort-eating as a coping strategy. It’s a joke/reference about that. And yeah, that pretty much is my contribution to the kitchen bin right now.

11 years ago

@creative writing student

That makes sense :/ for some reason it’s just a pet peeve of mine, idk why. (not asking you to stop if you like it, I’m just super duper rambly today. Sorry)

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Given that chocolate sparks up the endorphins in the brain, it is, if not an actual anti-depressant, certainly a cheer-me-up food for those who like it.

Now if they’d make chocolate-flavoured antidepressants, there’d be even more incentive to take them if one was a) reluctant or b) forgetful*


11 years ago


Clearly I should eat more chocolate XD

I always have my anti depressants (as well as other meds) w/ coffee, just cuz it’s the first thing I get in the morning. Just helps me remember.

BlackBloc (@XBlackBlocX)

If you claim that you paid a vendor and the vendor claims that zie never got paid, there’s no actual way to determine whether you’re lying and didn’t send the payment, the vendor is lying and actually did receive it, or you’re both right and the payment was lost or intercepted in some manner.

Yes, that’s why there’s a market for reliable escrow services on sites like Silk Road. And that issue comes up with pretty much any online transaction for goods or services, as anyone who uses eBay knows.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

I take mine at night, and mostly remember. My morning cocoa is laden with vitamin and fish-oil pills already, so I’m sort of reluctant to add yet another, lol.

11 years ago


That makes sense. I”m just already horrible at getting myself to bed. Especially when my depression’s really acting up, then it’s trouble enough to try to go to sleep XD

It seems like we started comparing med-taking times… 😉

(Apologizing on this thread if I’m being really strange today. I’m feeling all moody and ick. Not sure why.)

11 years ago

@marinerachel: That’s NWO. Sorry you had to witness that.

Oh, and the Manboobz stylebook says it’s “laughage” because one of our other trolls used the phrase “So much laughage” at us, and that’s real.

11 years ago

Now if they’d make chocolate-flavoured antidepressants, there’d be even more incentive to take them if one was a) reluctant or b) forgetful*


The chocolate would also make up for the sex that you’ll cease to have upon starting antidepressants! *shakes fist at libedo-suppressing side effects* ;p

11 years ago


Aw man. Those side effects suck 🙁 (imo). Luckily* mine only give me diarrhea.

*Luckily? I mean, it doesn’t seem like a bad one, compared to being, you know, depressed.

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

LBT, I shall have to have a closer look at that link! I rather fancy sponsoring you writin’ a story. 🙂

The Kittehs' Unpaid Help

Bagelsan – I’m lucky, my sex life isn’t affected by earthly stuff.

Marie – and if you’ve already got irritiable bowel, you never know the difference with that result! 😛

Join the club on brain-being-elsewhere day. Between cruddy sore knees and a weird head cold, I’ve got a major case of the vagues.

11 years ago


It depends on the antidepressant and the person. Wellbutrin has, uh, rather the opposite effect on me.

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